Magic Moments > 2000 > Bill's Departure: Part 2 Episode 3483
Written by Jason Herbison, Directed by Richard Sarell
Joel tells Carrie and Dione are going to Luna Park with them and that he's interested in Carrie. Toadie, Amy, Lance, Anne and Billy make a pledge to keep in touch and always be friends...
The gang all walk away and Toadie goes to find Joel. He finds him out the front of the park and Joel says there's no sign of Carrie or Dione. Joel reminds Toadie that Carrie is coming for his benefit and Toadie suggests he make a play for Dione, leaving Carrie free for Joel. Carrie then arrives and says Dione is probably just running late, so they go into the park, while Toadie waits outside.
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Susan and Karl are on their way to gatecrash Billy's farewell party and they see Tess in her garden. Susan asks her to join them and she agrees.
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Carrie gets off the phone to Dione, who can't come as she has to work. Libby and Drew are watching Steph and Lance on the dodgems. Billy is surprised when Karl, Susan and Tess arrive and Billy ribs Karl about an incident on a ferris wheel. Toadie asks Tess to join him on the rollercoaster, then fights with Steph about who gets to sit next to her. There is an awkward tension between Joel and Carrie as they watch the others on the ride. Anne and Billy finish their ride with a kiss.
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The gang then head back to number 30 for a pool party. Toadie tells Billy that when he gets out there into the big, wide world, nothing will be able to stop him. Bill thanks Toadie for such a great day, then Toadie throws him in the swimming pool. Anne and Libby are talking on the balcony about how much they're going to miss Bill.
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Susan and Karl are also talking about how much they'll miss him and how it is suddenly hitting home that he's leaving for good. Tess dives into the pool and Susan says that she's certainly lightened up considering she didn't want to join the party in the first place. Karl thinks that beneath Tess' demure exterior, there lies a party animal.Amy offers Lance a drink, but he declines and she walks away, deflated. Billy is chasing everyone around the garden with a bucket of water, eventually throwing it over Toadie. Anne tells Libby that the thing she'll miss most is Bill's smile. Tess suggests that everyone kicks on to the pub and most of the gang agrees.
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At the pub, Toadie says they can put all the drinks of Lou's tab. Anne asks Amy how she's doing, but Amy says she's fine and that she shouldn't be discussing it - this is a serious-free zone. Steph asks Lance if he's ok and he claims to be fine. Karl then makes a speech about Bill's impending departure, but Susan steps in and takes over, leaving Karl looking stunned. Bill then makes a speech about how much he'll miss everyone. Dione arrives at the pub and sees Toadie, who she was hoping would be getting to know Carrie by now. Toadie explains that Joel and Carrie are back at the house, cleaning up and Dione looks concerned.
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At number 30, Joel tells Carrie he can't believe she's into marine biology aswell and lends her a book. They decide to head down to the pub and she thanks him for the day out, he then kisses her, despite her saying that it's wrong.
They break off, both saying it feels really weird. Lance then walks in, wanting to know why they've not gone to the pub yet because Dione's there. They say they're just heading down there now.
Toadie and Bill tell Susan that she might think she knew everything that went on at the school, but there were one or two things she definitely knew nothing about. Bill asks if there are any more embarrassing stories and Tess asks if this means that the party's over. She suggests moving on somewhere else and suggests the Duke of Essex. Karl points out that it's a biker pub, but Tess says she's known a few bikers in her time. Steph says they can go and see if Libby wants to join them and tells Tess that she's a real surprise package. Billy thanks Amy for coming, because it can't have been easy for her. She says that she keeps trying to convince herself that nothing's changed, but then realises that it has. Joel and Carrie walk in and Dione spots them - she says she should be angry for them being so late, but can't stay angry at his cute face. He explains that he and Carrie were just tidying up and she says she knows and she believes him.
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Anne and Bill get back to number 32 and are glad to have some time alone. They're both feeling miserable and Bill suggests ringing Greg and telling him he's not coming. She tells him he wouldn't be able to go through with it and they just have to look at the long term. He says it was a fun day, she says it was more sad and nostalgic. She says it's funny how they all agreed to stay in touch, because it rarely happens. He promises her it will happen for them.
The next morning at number 28, Bill is trying to close his suitcase, with help from Karl. At this point, they hear Toadie sounding his horn outside and realise it's time to go. Billy says he wants all the mushy scenes now, rather than at the airport. Susan hugs him and Karl says that they really love him. Anne walks in and Karl and Susan take his case out to the car. Bill tells Anne that they never had the chance to say goodbye yesterday. He says he loves her more than anything and that they just need to get through this separation thing.
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Outside the house, Drew is worried that Libby hasn't come back from her night out with Tess. Billy emerges from the house with Anne and Lance says he won't be able to come to the airport, but wishes him luck and Bill asks him to look after Anne. Just then, some motorbikes pull into the street. Joel wishes Bill luck, as Libby gets off one of the bikes and runs up to hug Bill. Everyone is surprised when Tess takes a bike helmet off and starts hugging the driver. Libby tells Bill that she's going to start crying in a second. Tess wishes Bill luck too and he tells her to look after herself. Toadie and Amy tell him it's time to go and he takes one last look at number 28 before getting into the car and driving off shouting "See ya! Don't forget me!" Lance, Joel, Tess and Steph stand in the street, waving him off.
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Inside number 30, Joel tells Lance how lucky Bill is - warm weather, great job, beautiful beaches - he wishes he could escape like that aswell. Lance offers Joel some friendly advice - he says he's noticed how close Joel is to Carrie and that he's been on the receiving end of what's about to happen to Dione, it's not a nice thing.
Anne and Toadie arrive back at number 32, she thanks him for driving them to the airport. She's putting on a brave face, he says maybe they need to talk through their post-Bill trauma. She insists she wants to just tidy up the house and so he goes. As she begins to tidy up, she finds a soft toy from Luna Park and starts to cry...
Summary by Steve. Captures by Karl