Bernie arrives at number 30 with champagne and food for everyone. Joel is delighted, while Dione asks him where he was. He apologises and explains that he got lost and by the time he arrived, the ceremony was over. He then asks to see Joel’s award and hugs his son, saying that he’s extremely proud of him. Dione sits and watches, unimpressed with Bernie’s last-minute show of affection.

At the airport, Harold’s flight from Hobart gets in.
At number 24, Paul and Tad are preparing a nut roast for Harold’s home coming, and arguing over how long it needs to stay in the oven. Just then, Harold walks in and is delighted to find Madge and the boys waiting for him, and even more surprised that they’ve cooked. Paul checks that Harold didn’t eat too much on the plane, but he admits that he hasn’t been able to eat anything.

Back at number 30, Bernie is asking Joel about career opportunities in marine biology, when Toadie comes in and he’s struggling to put together the home brewing kit. As Bernie leaves to help him, Joel confronts Dione about her attitude towards his dad. After Joel pushes her a little, she admits that she thinks his story about getting lost was a little too convenient, but Joel defends his dad, saying that Dione hasn’t liked him since she met him. Joel says that when he met Dione’s father, he was very critical, but he was understanding and Dione has to try and just get used to Bernie’s ways.
In their tent, Libby finally gets round to asking Steph to be bridesmaid at her wedding. Steph is very surprised, but is delighted to accept and the two girls hug.

The next morning at number 24, Harold is on the phone to Lindsay Hall from the Salvation Army. Harold then tells Madge that it looks like he’ll be asked to stand down from the organisation and Madge is furious, saying that she’ll help him fight. Harold points out that it was the only solution, reminding her that the organisation must come before the individual.
At the campsite, Libby and Steph are packing up to leave, and Steph is asking about the dress and whether it’ll fit her. Libby assures her that it will, with a few alterations. Steph then asks what her duties will be, and Libby jokingly explains that she’ll need to make sure the dress, hair and make up are perfect and that she’s always on hand with some tissues. The girls then get on the bike and head for home.

At number 30, Joel is on the phone to his mum, telling her about the awards ceremony and realises that Bernie lied about having attended. Joel hangs up, and Toadie says Bernie’s a bit of a sneak, but Joel is no better as he lied himself, to cover for his dad.
At the allotments, Paul and Tad find some of their BMX mates already there using the jumps. Paul starts bragging about what he can do and tells Tad that he’s been practising lately.

Lindsay Hall arrives at number 24 to see Harold. Harold is ready to hear that he’s been sacked, while Madge is sitting next to him saying how terrible it is. Harold then offers his uniform back to Lindsay, who is surprised and explains that he came to offer his support and tell him that everyone is there to support him. Harold is delighted and Madge admits that they should never have doubted him in the first place.
At the BMX track, Paul completes his jump perfectly and is very pleased with himself, with Tad and a female spectator also very impressed. Paul decides that he might try entering a professional competition now.

Libby and Steph arrive at a junction on the bike and Steph tells Libby that there are some caves she’s always wanted to see and they have time to do it. Libby isn’t sure, but agrees to go along with Steph, despite the weather looking like it might turn bad.
Dione arrives at number 30, to apologise to Joel about what she said the previous night. Joel tells her that he should be apologising, as he’s only been seeing what he wanted to see. He explains about phoning his mum, and Bernie’s lies. Dione advises him to talk to his dad about it, or he’ll always wonder…

Toadie arrives at the Coffee Shop to find Tess and Daniel there, talking about Brendan. Tess admits she’s looking forward to him coming back, but she isn’t ready for the big decisions she’ll have to make. They tell Toadie they’re going to a club that night, but he says he has to study and can’t come.
At number 30, Bernie is telling Joel about a meeting he has and he’ll be away, while Joel tries to bring up the issues he has. Just then, Toadie walks in and interrupts, complaining about the study he has to do. Joel chickens out of telling his dad everything and Bernie leaves, while Toadie realises he’s put his foot in it. Joel explains that he’s just worried about something Dione said and Toadie mentions that it was weird for Bernie to hit on Dione like that… Toadie suddenly realises he’s put his foot in it once again and Joel is horrified to hear that all this has been kept from him.

Steph realises that the weather’s changed and apologises to Libby. Libby suggests that they set up camp and leave the next morning, but Steph says that she really has to get back for work, so they prepare to leave.
Joel finds Dione in the pub and asks her if Bernie tried to come on to her when they first met. Dione tries to play it down, saying that she might have completely misread the signals, but Joel isn’t convinced and tells Dione that she should have trusted him enough to tell him.

At number 30, Toadie answers the door to find Brendan standing there. Brendan comes in and explains that he’s looking for Tess – he was hoping that she might have moved back home while he was away, but he noticed her car was still outside number 32. Toadie explains that she’s gone to Foxy’s with Daniel and Brendan starts to become agitated and runs out of the house, with a worried Toadie following him…
Out in the street, Brendan throws down the flowers he’s brought for Tess, while Toadie tries to get his attention, telling him that it’s not what he thinks. Brendan screeches out of Ramsay Street, while a worried Toadie looks on.

Libby and Steph are driving through the rain on the motorbike…
Tess and Daniel are dancing…

Brendan is maniacally driving through the streets…
At Foxy’s, Tess and Daniel are chatting when they notice that he seems to have an admirer. He goes off to dance with her, while Tess says that she can catch a cab home…



Brendan is driving to quickly as he comes around a bend and has to stop for some roadworks. As he starts moving again, he pulls out from behind a bus to see Steph’s motorbike coming towards him. Neither vehicle is able to stop and they crash, leaving Libby and Steph lying in the middle of the road…