Steph says that this was bound to happen sooner or later and that she’s never been a bridesmaid before. Libby says she’s never been a bride either, before realising how stupid it sounds. She says that she understands how Steph feels, but Steph says that she feels like she’s acting under false pretences. Libby wishes that everything could go back to being how it was before. Just then, Lyn arrives home and interrupts them, talking about her new stock from Beauty Tree. Libby is fighting back the tears and quickly leaves, with Steph seeing her out. Back in the kitchen, Steph tells Lyn that she’s got out of the wedding and feels better. Lyn thinks that it means she’s made the right decision.


At the Coffee Shop, Dione and Tess are complaining about the amount of work Tess has to do as a teacher and, as Tess begins a long rant about it, Dione is completely distracted by a man who walks into the shop. She tells Tess that she’s just seen the man she’s going to marry. Tess isn’t convinced but when she’s finally allowed to look over at him, she says he looks nice and symmetrical.
At number 26, Joe is telling Lyn and Steph that he’s going to enter the Great Aussie Barbeque Bash, with his new tools, apron and special sauces. He then asks Steph if she’s all set for the big day and she shares an awkward look with Lyn.


Back at the Coffee Shop, Dee finally decides to approach the guy at the counter, as his order arrives. He’s leaving with his cake and she tells him that he couldn’t possibly eat all that and look so good. He tells her it’s for his aunt and she follows him to the door, asking what he’s doing in town. He explains that his name’s Darcy Tyler and he’s working in casualty at the hospital and she’s thrilled, telling him she works there as a nurse. He quickly leaves, while Dee shouts “Yes!” and Tess and Drew pretend they weren’t watching the whole thing.
At number 32, Dee is on the phone to a friend at the hospital, trying to find out more about the mysterious Darcy Tyler. She tells her friend that she might apply for a transfer to casualty, and is then accused of being desperate. After she hangs up, Tess agrees that Dee is desperate, but Dee says that it’s fate. Tess mentions doing some housework, but Dee is already back on the phone to another friend, trying to find out about Darcy, so Tess gets up and walks out.

At number 28, Libby opens the door and is confused as Darcy comes in with the cake, but Susan immediately recognises, as, moments later, does Libby. Libby claims not to recognise him because he has a new haircut and no beard. Susan hugs her nephew and they discuss the last time Libby and Darcy saw each other. Mick then appears from the bedroom to introduce himself, and Susan remembers that she and Karl last went to visit Darcy and Alice back in 1997.
Later on, Darcy is telling Libby how Susan always used to make a chocolate whenever he visited as a child, but Susan then reveals that it was actually out of a packet. Darcy asks Libby about the wedding and, as they’re chatting about it, Mick has an accident with the drill and Darcy has a look at it and says that he’ll probably need a tetanus shot. As Darcy heads out to get his medical bag, Mick begins to worry about having an injection.

At number 32, Tess is finishing the vacuuming encourages Dee to do a little tidying, but Dee is too busy reading her stars and is pleased to find that meeting a handsome man was written in them. Tess tells Dee that, although Darcy was handsome, she can’t rely on him to lift her out her boredom. Tess is about to take some books over to Susan, but Dee offers to do it as she wanted to speak to Libby. Tess thinks that it’s more likely that she’ll be trying to find out more info about the new boy from Karl.
At number 28, Susan introduces Darcy to Drew, who remembers him from earlier at the Coffee Shop. Darcy congratulates Drew on the wedding, then suggests that he take Susan out to dinner, what with all the noise Mick is making. Mick then appears to show Susan what he’s done so far, whilst, in the kitchen, Libby tells Drew about Steph pulling out as bridesmaid. There’s a knock at the door, which Susan goes to answer and it’s Dee with the books. She’s very surprised to find Darcy there and realises that Susan is the aunt that he mentioned earlier. Libby invites Dee to join them all for dinner, but Dee isn’t sure, until Darcy asks her. She then rushes off to get changed and Drew suggests to Libby that Dee would make a good bridesmaid, but Libby says that she’d prefer to go solo.

At number 26, Joe is reading out stuff from his cookbook to Steph and Lyn, who complain that it’s boring, so Steph decides to go and start peeling potatoes for dinner. Joe then suggests that they go down to the pub for a meal instead. Steph goes to take Harvey outside, while Lyn tells Joe it was a good idea to cheer Steph up.
At number 32, Dee is getting ready for her night out, while Tess does some marking. She asks for Tess’ opinion on her outfit, then asks to borrow something of Tess’ and comments that ever since she had her elephant mended, her luck’s changed.

At number 28, Mick is drilling when he comes right through the wall into the lounge and straight through Dee’s painting on the wall.
At the pub, Dee is asking Darcy about his work when Tess calls her and says that two of her friends have turned up, expecting her to be there. Dee apologises and says she’ll be home soon. At the bar, Drew and Libby are talking about their surprise wedding gifts for each other, when Steph, Lyn and Joe come in and everyone looks awkward. Dee sits back down and Susan is chatting to Darcy about Alice. Dee is upset to find out that not only is Alice Darcy’s partner in their medical practice, but also his long-term girlfriend.

Moments later, Dee decides that she should probably be going home to see her friends. She apologises and tells Darcy that it would be better if the hospital registrar showed him around. As she goes, Mick comes in and tells Joe that there’s a problem…
Dee arrives home to find that Tess has sent her friends away. Dee then sits down and starts complaining that Darcy has a partner, so she was wrong about the married vibes. Tess then tells Dee not to come home and start taking out her problems on her, but Dee accuses Tess of being in a permanently bad mood and behaving like a nun.

At number 28, Joe has finished patching up the hole in the wall and is about to hang the picture back up when he notices the hole in that too. They’re trying to decide what to do when Susan, Libby, Drew and Darcy get back, surprised to find Joe there. There are an awkward few moments before Libby notices the hole in the painting. She and Susan are thrilled as they now have an excuse to throw it away, but Joe is surprised, as he thought Dee’s painting was good.

At number 32, Dee is asking Tess if her renovations and wonderful meals haven’t improved Tess’ life, but Tess says that all she sees is mess and a pile of dirty dishes. Dee apologises, saying that she just wanted to make Tess’ life more exciting, but Tess says that they’re not working out as housemates and it’s time to do something about it.