Magic Moments > 2001 > Lance's Departure Episode 3734
Written by Lois Booton, Directed by Richard Sarell
Lance and Allana both realise that they’ve lost the tickets for their flight. The police arrive to question Toadie about a theft. Libby suggests she and Drew visit an adoption support group...
Libby tells Drew that it’s not like they’re going to be given a baby straight away, but it’ll help them to understand the procedures. Drew seems reluctant and Libby picks up on it, but he says he’ll be fine. She says she’s not going to tell her parents yet, until they’ve been to a meeting and asked plenty of questions.
At the pub, Karl is about to leave when Lou starts questioning him about the beer, saying that Matt has given him a new recipe for flushing through the pipes. Lou is worried about Susan and says he knows there’s nothing in the claims against Susan. As Susan and Karl leave, they bump into Dee and Tess, who ask them to dinner, but they decline.

Toadie explains that some kids heard his radio show and went out and robbed a supermarket, so he’s being sued for inciting the crime. Joel and Lance think it’s bizarre and Toadie says he could lose his whole law career if he’s convicted.
Harold is telling Madge about his day at the Coffee Shop and she explains that Karl’s arranged for her medication while she’s in Paris. She can’t finish her meal and she says she’s not doing enough to make her hungry these days. Harold says he bumped into Allana at the travel agents and they’re planning their trip to America. He then presents Madge with business class tickets to Paris and says that Lou paid for the upgrade. She’s very touched by his genorosity.

At the pub, Steph asks Lou what he’s done to the beer, as it tastes weird. He goes to get her a bottle. Steph then tells Dee and Tess about having to sack someone at work and feeling awkward about it. Dee suggests going to Lou for advice. The girls then plan their night out.
Harold is watching a film on the couch, when he notices that Madge has fallen asleep and he watches her.

Toadie is on the phone, trying to convince Tony not to sue him, but he hangs up. Toadie is trying to find a way around the charges. Joel says they should plan something great for Lance’s last day and he comes in and asks what they’ve got planned.
Steph is chatting to Lou about who she should sack and presents a case for each of them. Lou says the books are perfect, so one of them will have to go. He tells her to put business first, or the whole business could go under. He says she has to work out who does the most deliveries each day, and sack the other one.
David Walsh from the education department arrives to see Susan and he explains that he has bad news regarding Jess’ claims. He gives her a letter from the board asking for an explanation and tells her she has three days to lodge a response with the board and with Jess’ parents.
The lads are trying to work out what to do with Lance’s final day. Toadie suggests going to Luna Park again, but Joel suggests hiring a boat. In the end, Lance decides to stay home and cook a farewell meal.


Susan explains the incident with Jess to David and he says it’s a pity she has no injuries as she could easily claim self-defence. He says she really needs a witness and if she can’t get one, things could get difficult.
At the Coffee Shop, Libby tells Drew that they could always adopt from overseas. Karl comes in and Drew accidentally lets slip what they’re talking about, so Libby is forced to explain. Drew asks how Susan is and Karl says it’s a difficult situation for her. Karl then explains how expensive adoption can be and Libby has to leave for work. Karl tells Drew that he shouldn’t be railroaded into doing something he doesn’t want to.

Joel, Toadie and Lance have shaken up one of their beers and Lance ends up opening it and getting soaked. Madge comes to visit and say goodbye to Lance. She tells him she hopes he has a great trip and they hug, with her getting wet in the process. She leaves and the boys discuss how well Madge is holding up with all that’s happening.

Susan is at home reading her letter and Karl gets home. She says she’s worried that this is going to spell the end of her career and he says that it’s just the spiteful accusations of a student. He drags her to number 30 for Lance’s farewell drinks.
At number 30, Susan and Karl arrive, and Lance is worried that Allana isn’t there yet. Karl gets paged and has to leave, just as Allana arrives, explaining that her mum tried to hold her up. Everyone forces Lance to make a speech, so he stands up on the table and says how hard it’ll be to leave Ramsay Street where he had his first kiss and first kiss. He says he’ll find it hard to leave his best mates behind, then the cab arrives and everyone goes outside.

Lance and Allana are holding hands as they go outside. Joel and Toadie say they’ll miss him, until they find a new flatmate. They all have a group hug and Lance shakes Toadie and Joel’s hands before getting into the cab. He waves from the window, calling out ‘Ning-wa’ as he goes and Toadie looks upset to have lost his best mate.



Summary by Steve. Captures by Karl