At number 28, Karl is busy packing for his trip to Mal and Cath’s wedding, when Lou arrives. Karl admits that he’s worried about how Harold is dealing with Madge’s death, then he asks Lou how he’s coping with his back pain. Lou quickly asks Karl if he could have another painkiller prescription and Karl is surprised. Lou explains that the pharmacy stuff doesn’t even begin to touch the pain, so Karl asks exactly how many pills Lou has been taking. Lou says that he takes four a day, although he’s tempted to take more sometimes. Karl tells Lou that he’ll give a prescription the next morning, but a slightly flustered Lou says that he’s in pain now. Karl then wonders what happened to all of the pills he gave Lou…

At number 24, Susan has called ‘round to check on Paul and Tad, and asks if Tad has a shirt for the funeral tomorrow, offering to iron some clothes for them. She thanks Tad for managing to get the truth out of Jess about the assault claims and Tad is delighted that Susan has now been cleared. He isn’t sure that he really did anything, but Susan tells him that he’s underestimating the way he influences Jess.
Back at number 28, an increasingly defensive Lou has explained that he put his prescription through the washing machine and lost some pills when he dropped them on the floor at the pub. Karl is suspicious, noting that the physiotherapist thinks that Lou is making excellent progress and should have cut back on the painkillers by now – he then broaches the subject of painkiller addiction. Lou is annoyed as Karl tells him to stick to over-the-counter medication. As Susan returns home, a furious Lou storms out of the house.

Back at number 24, Dee and Tess have brought over a cake for Harold, who is grateful but not really registering properly. He tells the girls that Lou is going to be doing refreshments and everything is organised for the funeral and wake. Tess asks after Tad and Paul and Harold insists that they’re coping fine. Lou turns up just as the girls are leaving and he asks Harold if he has any painkillers, as he’s run out and can’t get a new prescription until the following day. Harold says that he only has over-the-counter stuff, no prescription, and suggests trying Karl.
At number 30, Dee and Tess visit Toadie, who’s worried about his looming court case. Tess announces that she’s decided to move into number 30 as she can’t find anywhere else to live. Toadie explains that Joel won’t be moving out now and Dee is furious as she really doesn’t want to live under the same roof as her ex. Toadie laughs, saying that Joel said exactly the same thing and, as they discuss the situation, Toadie notices an envelope on the table and opens it.

Later, Toadie has read Joel’s letter and tells the girls that he’s gone to London for Mal’s wedding. Toadie is quite shocked and suspects that it’s all because of his problems with Flick. Meanwhile, Dee is annoyed that Joel will be living there and tells Tess that they’ll have to go house-hunting together. A desperate Toadie asks them to reconsider as he really needs help with the rent, and he suggests that they stay at least until Joel gets back and then decide.
At number 24 the next day, Susan is helping Tad and Paul to fix their ties and tells them that Madge would be very proud of both of them. Paul starts to cry and Tad tells him to stop, as it’ll just make things harder for Harold. Susan tells him that it’s better not to keep it bottled up inside and says that plenty of people will be crying at the funeral. Karl arrives and asks after Harold, who is spending some time alone in the garden. Susan gets Tad alone and asks how he is. He doesn’t think everyone should start crying as one person has to remain strong. Susan tells him that he must let his grief out and he insists that he’ll do it in private. He mentions Coral and says that he’s lucky as he still has one mother left.


Out in the street, everyone is preparing to leave for the church. Lolly gives Harold a rose and he smiles and puts it in his top pocket. Karl, Lou and Lolly get into one of the cars and Karl asks Lou whether he’s been taking more painkillers than are prescribed. Lou admits that he might have on one or two occasions, but he’s stopped doing that now, as he didn’t have any at all last night and he feels fine. Karl says he’ll continue to check on Lou.
Outside the church, Harold is moved by the sheer volume of people who have come to the funeral and Lou reminds him how many people loved Madge. Nathan arrives and Paul is surprised to see him, but Nathan explains that Madge was always really nice to everyone at the Coffee Shop. They begin to enter the church and Harold walks over the Paul and Tad. The three of them decide that they will get through the day together, with Madge watching over them.


Inside, Harold gives Madge’s eulogy:
I fell in love with Madge back in high school. She was feisty, self-assured and very, very beautiful. She was the most popular girl at school. I was the fat, foolish awkward boy she hardly ever noticed. See, the hero in those days was the school football captain, Lou Carpenter. So I had to worship her from afar. Oh how I worshipped her. I felt so privileged that she had chosen me; that wonderful, strong woman. Madge was a very strong personality - she was nobody's fool. And yes, I know her tongue could... but at heart, she was the most loving, caring person I’ve ever known and all those here would agree with that. And would also agree that we're better people for having known her.



Harold starts to cry, as do most of the people listening, and Tad and Paul help him back to his seat.
Tad, Susan, Paul and Harold are standing by Madge's grave. Harold takes the flower that Lolly gave him from his pocket and he lays it on Madge's memorial plaque. The four of them then slowly walk away.



At number 24, the wake is in progress and Susan is passing around some food. The Grey Growlers are remembering Madge and even Harold is smiling as he thinks about the good times. He says that Madge would have loved seeing the house full of people like this. Paul quietly asks Tad if they should mention to Harold what they’ve done. Tad decides that they should.
At number 30, Toadie, Tess and Dee are preparing to go over to number 24 for the wake. Toadie comments that he’s never so Tad so drained, and Paul seemed to be even worse. As they’re about to go out the door, he spots a message on the answerphone, but decides to ignore it as he doesn’t want to interview prospective housemates after the funeral. Dee tells him that it won’t be necessary anyway, as she’s decided to take the room herself.

Back at number 24, Paul and Tad explain to Harold that they’ve spoken to the travel agent and it would be simple to change Madge’s ticket into Paul’s name. Harold tries to dismiss their idea, but they remind him that Madge wanted him to go and Paul wants to go. Harold claims that there are too many things to arrange, but Tad tells him that he’ll do anything that needs to be done. Harold still isn’t convinced – he doesn’t want to go without Madge, but would love to see all the things that Madge spoke about in her final days. Tad tells Harold that all he has to do is to say ‘yes’.