Magic Moments > 2001 > Woody's Car Crash Episode 3853
Written by Ben Marshall, Directed by Gary Conway
Lou can’t get his mind off of the letter he’s received. Steph and Woody find out that Kev Kelly has escaped from prison and they realise that they’ll have to leave straight away.
On Ramsay Street, Joe and Lyn watch as Steph and Woody leave. Lyn wishes that things had been different and worries about Kev Kelly, but Joe says that he’ll be too busy avoiding arrest to worry about Woody. Lyn is then worried that Kev might come after them, but Joe points out the unmarked police car at the end of the street. Emily then comes over and asks if she can play with Harvey. Joe sends her inside and asks if she can brush him. Joe reminds Lyn that they’ve got lots of holidays in the Kimberleys to look forward to and that it would make a great place to raise kids. Lyn thinks that he’s getting a bit ahead of himself, but he seems to have calmed her down a bit.

At the Coffee Shop, Lou and Lolly arrive to find Harold quite distracted. He explains that Tad is in hospital and Lou tries to make light of it, but Harold snaps at him and says that hopefully he won’t be quite so flippant when Lolly’s a teenager. Lou isn’t impressed and takes his anger out on Drew, who comes in asking why he isn’t at work yet. Lou says that he’s looking after Lolly and she comes first.
At the garage, Lou is doing the accounts, as Drew tries to keep an eye on Lolly around all of the machinery. Leo then arrives, clearly bored and with no friends, and quickly leaves again. Drew has to stop Lolly from playing with a knife and becomes infuriated with having the young girl around at work.

At number 26, Emily is brushing Harvey, as Lyn wonders what punishment Flick is going to get over what happened at camp. Lyn is concerned that she’s be excluded, and hopes that Susan can see that it was just a prank. Leo then arrives, looking for Emily and explains that their parents are busy.
At the Coffee Shop, Leo and Emily come in and order some doughnuts from Harold. As they go to sit down, Leo starts getting hassle from Adam Stevens for hanging around with his younger sister. Leo simply brushes them off and Harold is impressed, so he gives the kids a couple of free drinks.

At the garage, Lolly is still getting in the way and starts the engine as Drew is working on it, narrowly missing taking his hand off. Drew is furious and shouts at her, at which point Lou tells Drew not to shout. Drew suggests taking Lolly somewhere less dangerous and Lou angrily leaves, saying that he was just doing Drew a favour by doing the accounts.
At the Coffee Shop, Leo is still sitting with Emily, but admits to Harold that he’d rather be out doing something else. Drew then comes in and asks what’s going on outside – Harold explains that they’re a group of break-dancers. Leo gets Harold to watch Emily so that he can go outside and watch.

Outside, Leo joins the crowd and is very impressed as he watches a couple of guys doing break dancing.
At the Coffee Shop, Harold and Drew are sitting doing drawings with Emily. Drew is beginning to wonder if Lou’s old painkiller addiction is back, but Harold doesn’t think so. Emily asks what ‘addict’ means and Drew claims that it’s an animal, but Harold tells her, simply, exactly what it is.


As they drive in the middle of nowhere, Steph and Woody discuss their new life and Steph worries about the snakes and spiders. They stop to get petrol and Steph decides to go and call her mum. Woody then proposes out of the blue and she happily accepts, before going to make the call. She laughs as Woody jokes around by the petrol pump, then tries to tell her parents that she’s engaged, but they won’t let her talk for too long, so she gives up and just tells them that she loves them..
In the rotunda by the lake, Leo is practising the moves he saw the break-dancers doing earlier.




Woody is waiting for Steph to return with food when Barry Burke gets into the car and threatens Woody with a gun, telling him to just start driving. Woody speeds off as Steph comes out of the service station. She laughs, thinking he’s messing around and runs along as the car goes over a hill. Her expression changes to one of horror and she hears the car crash and explode. She drops the food and runs over the hill screaming Woody’s name. A passing motorist pulls in and grabs Steph to stop her from getting too close to the burning car.
At the pub, Lolly is sitting in the office drawing when Harold comes in to speak to Lou. Lou suddenly explains that he isn’t going to the reunion and Harold comes straight out and asks him if he’s back on the painkillers. Lou isn’t impressed and empties out his pockets to prove that he has no pills on him before telling Harold to get out.

Steph collapses as the car burns in front of her and the motorist who stopped to help clings on to her.

At number 24, Harold is surprised as Lou calls round to apologise. He says that he needs Harold’s help and shows him the letter that he’s received. Harold starts reading it, then looks shocked and says that it simply can’t be true.
by Steve