Magic Moments > 2001 > Paul's Departure Episode 3917
Written by Jason Herbison, Directed by Robert Meillon
Toadie refuses to take the fall for Tim over some company mistakes, in return for Tim staying silent over Toadie telling Joe and Harold about Reinholt going bust. Paul is disappointed when he isn’t picked for Collingwood in the AFL drafts.
At number 30, Dee and Joel are tidying up the house, following their babysitting session with Emily and they think back to their own childhoods. She admits that she was probably even more inquisitive than Emily, but it’s the only way that children learn. Dee announces that she has to leave for work. Joel calls out to her as she goes, but stops himself from whatever he was going to say, instead thanking her for the shoulder rub she was giving him.

At the pub, Paul has given up hope that he’s going to be picked for a team, as Collingwood was the only team who even looked at him. Harold tells him not to give up, as the Bombers and the Crows still have to make their picks. Lou sits down with them and is about to turn off the television, to stop Paul from becoming any more depressed, when they notice Paul’s picture come up – he’s been selected for the Adelaide Crows and everyone is thrilled.

At number 26, Lyn and Joe are concerned about Steph, who is out seeing Mitch. Michelle finds it amusing to watch them worry, as Flick comes in, dressed up for her interview at the cinema. Lyn reminds her that, although it’s not the best job, it could lead to something better. Flick is worried about leaving her mum in the lurch at the salon, but Lyn is secretly relieved to be getting rid of her. Joe then gets off the phone and tells Flick about Paul’s news, but reminds her to get to her interview before she goes off to celebrate.
Outside the pub, Toadie is worried about taking the rap for Tim’s mistake at work, as, although he didn’t make it, it could cost him his job if he doesn’t. Joel thinks that he shouldn’t let Tim use him like that. Harold then comes outside and tells them about Paul being selected and starts telling everyone who’s passing. Joel is more concerned about Dee and asks Toadie if he knows what’s going on. Toadie tells him to drop the subject.

Back at number 26, Joe and Lyn are making dinner as Flick returns from her interview. She was successful, but it’s not as good a job as she had hoped for, as she’s just handing out leaflets. Joe reminds her that it could still get her into PR and she’ll be making more money than she was getting at the salon.
At number 24, Paul is on the phone to his dad, Leo, telling him the good news. Flick then turns up to congratulate him too and asks when he’ll be leaving for Adelaide. Paul awkwardly says that he has to leave the next day to start training and Harold is upset. He goes off to pack and Tad sees Flick out. She reminds him that they’re all going to miss Paul, but they need to be happy for him at the moment.

At number 30, Joel is waiting for Dee to get back from work, and he gives her a shoulder rub when she comes in. She asks why he bothered to stay up and he explains that he really wanted to talk to her. He explains that he’s still in love with her and wants them to give their relationship another try. He reminds her of how close they once were, and how well they know each other. She agrees with this, and says that they’ve both changed and matured a lot since then.
At Lassiter’s the next morning, Toadie is surprised to learn of Joel and Dee’s reunion. She’s not quite convinced that it’s going to work, but is willing to try. Joel sends Dee an SMS asking if she still wants to go shopping and Toadie teases her about it, so she changes the subject to his work worries. He admits that Tim is blackmailing and he really isn’t sure what to do about it. Dee tells him that if he has any self-respect, he’ll be honest.


At number 24, Paul brings a box of stuff to donate to the Salvation Army and Harold is grateful. Paul admits that it feels weird to be cleaning out his room, as he keeps finding things and dragging up old memories. Tad comes in and encourages Paul to go on one last BMX ride together. Tad also apologises to Harold for the way he’s been acting, and, as Paul is in the bedroom, gives Harold of list of things to pick up and arranges to meet at the pub in an hour. Paul then comes back and Tad goes outside to get the bikes. Paul and Harold have a heart to heart, with Paul thanking him for giving him a home. Tad calls Paul, as Harold says that he, and Madge, are both so proud of him. Paul goes to leave, but admits that it was him who painted over the Ramsbottom Street sign. Harold tells him not to worry about it, and sends him off to a waiting Tad.
In the Lassiter’s car park, Matt and Flick pull in, just as Joel and Dee do. Joel is furious with Matt for cutting in front of him out on the road, but Matt isn’t bothered and heads off to work. Flick follows. Joel and Dee then see Toadie, who is looking unhappy and he says he won’t be going to Paul’s party, as he’s made his decision and isn’t sure whether he still has a job.

At the pub, Paul arrives and everyone shouts ‘surprise’. Dee and Joel offer him luck, before quickly making themselves scarce. Toadie then turns up, having decided that he couldn’t miss out on a party. Michelle makes Paul smile when she comes over and asks for his autograph.
At number 30, Joel and Dee return from their shopping trip and Joel offers another massage, but she isn’t keen. She announces that she’s not ready to start another relationship, especially not with him, and he needs to be patient. He asks what he’s waiting for, but Dee doesn’t know what to say.


At the pub, Tad quietens everyone down and makes a toast to Paul. Harold then makes a speech about how wonderful it’s been having Paul live with him and they’ve stuck together, despite the good and bad times they’ve shared. He thanks Paul and then everyone starts to chat amongst themselves again. Flick explains to her mum that she won’t be taking the cinema job and has decided to apply for the apprenticeship at the salon instead. Lyn is stunned into silence.
In the pub office, Tad is trying to get Paul’s gift ready, when he’s interrupted by the man himself. He shows Paul what it is – a framed photo of the two of them, with Flick. Paul is grateful and Tad thinks he should say something about them now being friends for life. Paul isn’t convinced, now that they’re going their separate ways. They share a hug.

At number 30, Joel is sorting through his stuff, when Dee comes in. They don’t speak to each other, and he gets up and walks out, as Dee looks confused.




Back at the pub, Flick tells Paul that she’s jealous of his new life, but he reminds her that it won’t all be pretty girls and swanky parties, he’ll also have a lot of training to do. He tells her that she’s the hottest girl he’s ever known and she raised his standards. She smiles and kisses him. He then makes a quick speech, thanking Tad and Harold for giving him a home. He shares a few hugs with friends as he then leaves, and he turns back and waves as he goes out the door.
by Steve