Magic Moments > 2001 > Ben's Birth / The 2001 Season Finale Episode 3920
Written by Ben Marshall, Directed by Robert Meillon
having just turned up after being presumed dead, fights with
Mitch over what is best for Stephanie. Meanwhile, in Oakey,
Drew wins his rodeo event, unaware that his heavily pregnant
wife Libby has wandered off is locked in a stable. To her
horror, Libby goes into labour, unable to escape...
Ron and Stuart rush to congratulate Drew on his win in the
rodeo. Against the backdrop of a country carnival, they comment
on Drew's friend Scotty losing $3000 on a bet. Drew has something
more important on his mind though - he is wondering where
his wife is.

the stable, Libby leans over a stack of hay, trying to decide
what to do next. She is sweating heavily and is in a lot of
pain. Remembering she has a mobile phone in her pocket, she
calls Karl who unfortunately has his mobile switched off.
Desperate for help, she calls Susan.
answers the phone at home, unaware that anything is wrong.
No sooner has Libby cried 'Mum'!', the line drops out. Susan
puts the phone down and tells Darcy and Elly that Libby is
a long way out in the country. Susan asks Elly if she has
hung her clothes up in the cupboard yet, but Elly, obviously
unaware that her mother has dumped her with Susan, says she'll
just take her clothes out of her suitcase as required. Darcy
realises that Elly has absolutely no idea how long she is
expected to stay in Erinsborough, and Susan tells him that
she expects she will be the one to do the dirty work.

arrives home with a suitcase under her arm from a holiday
at her parents' house. She senses immediately that there is
something very wrong with Steph. Steph doesn't know what to
say, so she bluntly calls Woody into the room. Lyn is shocked
to silence when she sees Woody is standing in her living room,

departs Number 28, leaving Susan to tell Elly the truth. Susan
is put off by the fact that Elly has discovered an old jumper
belonging to Libby in the cupboard - and chopped its arms
off. Elly cheerfully justifies the amputated sleeves by saying
that they could be used as 'new arm warmers'. Susan, horrified,
attempts to be serious with Elly and tell her what is really
happening with her mother.
starts to panic, frantically pounding on the stable doors
with her fists. Giving up, she begins to sob as she tries
phoning Susan again.

conversation with Elly is interrupted by Libby's call. Libby,
unable to hear her mother on the other end of the line, cries
that she is in labour and that Susan should call Ron. Susan
follows these instructions, calling Ron on Elly's mobile phone;
Ron passes his phone to Karl. Susan, beginning to panic, tells
Karl what has happened with a shaky voice. Karl asks where
to find Libby. Susan asks Libby to give her some directions
but Libby is only able to say 'It's'near the'eastern'' before
a heavy contraction forces her to drop the phone. Susan tells
Karl the information and he rushes off with Drew, Ron and
Stuart to find Libby.

is trying to explain to a quiet Lyn why he hid from Steph
for so long. He says it was to protect Steph because Kev Kelly
was still on the loose. Lyn, very unimpressed, asks why he
didn't even try to contact Steph. Woody says he was too scared
but he tried to tell Steph he was alive by depositing a lump
sum in her bank account equalling the year of his birth. He
says that maybe he should have just 'stayed dead'.

followed closely by Karl, Ron and Stuart, breaks into the
stable. Libby tells Karl that her contractions are becoming
strong and Karl says they will need to get to a hospital in
an air ambulance because she must have a caesarean section
birth. He tells Susan, who is still on the phone, that Libby
is okay. Libby herself is relieved now that help has arrived.
With Drew by her side, she is wheeled into an emergency helicopter
with an oxygen mask attached to her face. The chopper lifts
off, taking her and Drew and Karl to hospital.
receives a call from Ron in Oakey, telling her that Libby
is on her way to Erinsborough Hospital. Susan tells Elly that
she might not be home that night and that Darcy will have
to look after her.

and Woody are sitting in the kitchen, silent. Lyn rushes in
and tells them that Joe has just arrived home. Lyn doesn't
have a chance to warn Joe before he walks into the kitchen,
seeing Woody. 'Bloody hell!' he exclaims, and demands an explanation.
Woody says that the body found in the burnt-out car wasn't
his - it belonged to Barry Burke. Lyn and Joe decide to give
Steph and Woody some time alone.
waits nervously in Erinsborough Hospital as Darcy and Elly
turn up. She hasn't got any news because Libby hasn't arrived
yet. Darcy sends Elly away to get food, but they hardly get
a chance to discuss Elly's problem before Libby is wheeled
into the corridor. Libby is taken into a separate room, followed
by her obstetrician Jeanette Lewin, while Karl assures Susan
that they made it on time.

still doubts whether or not he should have come back. He doesn't
think Steph is even happy that he is alive. Obviously still
hurt, she says she's been through a lot. Woody offers to go
out and get a take-away meal for dinner. On his way out he
asks Steph what she wants him to do. She replies, 'I don't
know Woody - make it all better?'
is pacing up and down the hospital corridor, wondering what
is happening to his daughter. Jeanette Lewin appears, inviting
Drew into the room. Karl and Susan are left on their own.

the room, doctors and nurses surround Libby, who is panting
and sweating. Drew asks why they aren't going into theatre
to do a caesarian birth and a doctor tells him that there
is no time for that. Jeanette encourages Libby to keep pushing.
Libby tries her hardest as Drew watched on. Finally, with
one last push, the baby is born. As the baby starts crying,
Drew excitedly tells Libby she is the mother of a boy. Libby
is exhausted and overjoyed, and she only gets to see her baby
for a second before it is whisked away into intensive care.


at Number 28, Darcy pours himself a glass for wine but refuses
to pour Elly one. Elly can tell Darcy is worried about Libby
- she knows about Libby's motorbike accident. Darcy quickly
changes the subject and approaches the topic of Elly's mother.
Elly will not listen at first when Darcy tells her that she'll
be staying with Karl and Susan for at least six months. He
says the reason her mother hasn't called is because she feels
guilty about dumping Elly in Erinsborough. Elly can't accept
this and tells Darcy he is lying.
arrives back at Number 26 without any take-away, and Lyn leaves
him on his own with Steph. He has been thinking and believes
he knows a way to make things better: he will go back to the
country. He describes how beautiful the town he has been living
in is. He asks Steph if she remembers how much she loved him.
Steph says she hasn't forgotten how it felt. Encouraged by
this, Woody produces an engagement ring and says, 'Then marry
me, and I promise to you Steph, I'll make all our dreams come

the hospital, Libby, who is still exhausted, asks for Karl
and Susan. Drew invites them in and they crowd around her
bed. Libby happily tells them that the baby is a boy. Suddenly,
Libby goes into a seizure and Karl knows something is wrong...

heart monitor begins to wail and Jeanette Lewin yells at Karl
and Susan to leave so they can transfer Libby to theatre.
After Karl and Susan have left the room, Jeanette utters 'We're
losing her'' and tells a distraught Drew to leave as well.
She picks up the defibrillator paddles. Outside the room,
Karl runs up to Drew and demands to know what has happened...

can't stop crying. Back inside the room, a doctor orders the
nurses to stand clear as she applies the paddles to Libby,
shocking her. It doesn't work; the heart monitor is still
flat lining...

in the corridor, Karl, Susan and Drew stand, helpless and
A boom microphone shadow can be spotted as Karl and Susan
enter Libby's hospital room. For the BBC broadcast of this
episode, the sequence of images seen in the closing titles
was changed, moving Libby and Drew's image from the start,
presumably to avoid detracting from such a major cliffhanger.
Ten 2001 Finale Trailer Realvideo: 472k
2001 Finale Trailer Realvideo: 840k
To read the next episode in this sequence, click here.
Summary by Aaron. Captures by Karl