Magic Moments > 2002 > Joel's Departure Episode 3927
Written by Louise Le Nay, Directed by Nicholas Bufalo
Dee says that Libby is doing fine after Ben’s birth, and things will gradually get easier. Flick isn’t convinced that she’ll talk her way onto a PR course. Dee tells Joel that Darcy was there and he knew about the baby – Joel then admits that it was him who blabbed…
At number 30, Joel admits that he didn’t think it was that important, since they’re leaving anyway, but Dee tells him that she doesn’t appreciate such privates matters being shared with anyone, regardless of the circumstances. Joel tries to apologise, but Dee isn’t sure that she wants to listen. Toadie then interrupts their conversation and tells them about the party food he’s bought and argues over a CD that Joel is trying to pack as his own, but Dee makes herself scarce saying that she has to go to work. Toadie asks Joel what’s happened.

At Drew and Libby’s flat, Drew is telling Chooka that Libby will soon be back from hospital, politely hinting that he needs to give them some space. He then mentions that Chooka needs to think about finding somewhere else to live, and is asked to call him Stuart, rather than Chooka, which he hates. Drew then goes into the bedroom and happily looks at the cot that he’s made.
At number 26, Matt turns up with a bottle of Populare Grappa. Steph isn’t very impressed, thinking it’s a gift, and she tells him that it tastes like lighter fuel. Flick is even less impressed with the present, until he explains that it’s his idea for Flick’s project, to convince the dean to let her into the uni PR course. He tells her that it tastes so disgusting that it would be a PR miracle if she managed to sell it to people.

Back at number 30, Toadie tells Joel that it was really stupid to tell Darcy about the baby, as she had mentioned many times that she wanted it to stay a secret. Joel realises that he was in the wrong, but isn’t sure how to repair the damage – Toadie tells him just to apologise, and soon.
In Libby’s hospital room, Karl is filming mother and child, and Susan is relieved that he’s making use of the camera instead of keeping surveillance on the wheelie bins. Libby admits that she’s going to miss being around the baby, but Karl says that it’s just for a while, and she can spend time at the hospital with him during the day. Susan offers to accompany Libby home if it’s going to be difficult for her. Dee then arrives and asks Libby how she feels about going home at last. Libby admits to having mixed feelings, but Dee assures her that there’s nothing to worry about. Karl mentions Dee’s farewell party and offers to film her final shift, but she says that she needs to go, reassuring Libby again before she leaves.

At the flat, Drew, Libby, Karl and Susan return, with Susan fussing and worrying over her daughter. Stuart then walks in and Drew drops more hints about him moving out. He introduces himself to Libby and asks about the baby, before making himself scarce. Drew assures Libby that Stu will be moving out very soon, and Karl then mentions to Susan that they should be going. Susan offers to bring some food over later and finds it difficult to leave Libby. Once her parents are gone, Libby admits to Drew that she feels very strange not having her baby with her.
At number 30, Dee arrives home to find a large bunch of flowers, followed by Joel who apologises once again. She tells him that flowers aren’t going to fix things and he says that he wishes he could go back and change things, but it’s done now. Dee tells him that it was never a good idea for them to leave together, and she’s changed her mind. He’s shocked and tries to get her to change her mind, reminding her of how much they care for each other, but she tells him that everything’s changed now.

At the flat, Drew surprises Libby with the cot he’s made. She tells him that it’s perfect and that she’s impressed to learn that he’s not just a pretty face. He tells her that she’s quite a catch herself.
In the backyard of number 30, the next morning, Toadie is hanging up a big sign that says ‘Bon Voyage Dee & Joe’ with an ‘L’ plate on the end. Joel comes outside and tells him to turn down the music, as it’s still early, but Toadie says that he has a lot of preparations to do for the farewell party. Joel apologises, claiming that he hardly got any sleep and Toadie asks him what he thinks of the sign. Joel points out two big problems – firstly the ‘L’ plate on the end, and secondly, the fact that Dee isn’t coming.

At number 26, Matt has arrived to see the work Flick has done on her Populare Grappa campaign. She’s excited about the campaign, showing it as a drink associated with extreme sports, and she tells him that it doesn’t taste so bad when used as a mixer with fruit juices. He declines to taste it, but is impressed with what she’s achieved. He says that he has to work, so he’ll miss Joel and Dee’s party, but asks Flick how upset she is. She assures him that she’s fine with the situation.
In number 30’s backyard, Toadie offers Joel a drink and asks if they should be cancelling the party. Although Dee is still there and it looks like she hasn’t completely made up her mind, Joel says that the party can go ahead, as he has to say his goodbyes.


At the flat, Drew is cooking when Libby gets home and asks if Stuart is around. She admits that she feels like it’s all going wrong at the moment. She says that the baby had an early feed and she just got there for the end of it, but it went wrong as he was unsettled. She says that she expressed some milk for him before coming home and is just tired. He tells her that it’s not always going to be so difficult and asks her what she wants to do. She says that she just wants to sleep. He tells her that he’s got a surprise for her.
Back at number 30, Joel explains to Susan and Karl that Dee won’t be leaving with him now. Joel then goes over to Toadie and admits that he isn’t coping very well, but Toadie points out that Dee’s friends are all there, so maybe she’s having second thoughts. Flick asks Joel if he’s all ready for the big move, and he says that he is before quickly excusing himself from a perturbed Flick. He goes up to the veranda to speak to Dee and points out to her that all of her friends are there, so she obviously didn’t tell them about changing her mind. She says that she was just too upset to tell them yesterday. He asks her if she’s not sure about staying or leaving, and whether she realises how much they mean to each other. He asks her to meet him at the marina at 5pm if she still wants to come.



Later, Toadie can’t find Joel or Dee anywhere. Karl explains that Joel said that Dee wasn’t going with him, then he vanished. Joel then phones Toadie and says that it’s easier to say goodbye like this. He says that he’s just waiting for his taxi, so Toadie sneaks around the house as Joel thanks him for everything. Toadie then walks up behind Joel and the two share a hug.
At the flat, Drew walks in and finds Libby dozing. He kisses her and she wakes up, asking how long she’s been asleep. He says she’s been like that for a couple of hours. He then puts on a video for her, which he made at the hospital, of the baby. He tells her that she can play it as much as she wants until he comes home. Stuart then walks in and asks what they’re watching, hoping it’s not one of those reality shows.



At the docks, Joel looks up and is relieved to see that Dee has turned up. He runs towards her before noticing that she doesn’t have any bags with her. She explains that their time might still come, and she’ll see him again. He apologises again and tells her that he loves her. They share a kiss and she begins to cry as Joel turns around and walks away to begin his new life – without her.
by Steve