Magic Moments > 2002 > Matt and Leo's Car Crash: Part Two Episode 3974
Written by Christopher Gist, Directed by Gary Conway
Maggie says that she has something to tell Toadie. Matt and Leo crash the car during the drag race, knocking Harold down as they veer into a tree…
At number 30, Maggie explains to Toadie that she stopped seeing herself as an available woman a long time ago and is struggling to find the words. Toadie wishes that he’d never said anything and he feels weird now, but Maggie says that she understands and she knows how he feels. They lean in and kiss each other, but are suddenly interrupted by Evan bursting in to tell her about the car crash. She races out after him, leaving Toadie alone.



At the hospital, Darcy is preparing for the arrival of the victims of the accident and is shocked when Matt is wheeled in, with Leo walking along by the trolley, seemingly with only minor injuries. Darcy quickly assesses that Matt’s injuries are serious and sends him up to ICU.
At number 26, Michelle and Lyn are having a clear out as Joe sits and reads the newspaper. They’re discussing the dinner party that they’re throwing to meet Marc’s parents and they start joking about a trick with an oyster that Joe does as his party piece. A stressed Lyn then angrily tells Michelle to go and clean up her room.

Back at the hospital, Maggie and Evan rush in and ask Darcy where Matt and Leo are. He explains that Leo is fine, apart from some bruising from the seat belt, but Matt is up in intensive care, as he has a head injury and possible fractures. Darcy leaves them alone with Leo, who they’ve managed to track down, and they try to find out exactly what happened. Leo clams up, just as Rosie and Lou come in, looking for Harold. Maggie and Evan are shocked to hear that Harold is involved, and ask Leo again to tell them what happened, but he runs off.
At number 26, Lyn is looking through an old photo album and Michelle shows her the wedding dress she found while tidying up. Michelle asks Lyn if she wore it to her wedding, and Lyn admits that she did, and it was very fashionable for the time. Michelle then tries to convince her mum to go and try it on.

At the hospital, Evan and Maggie can’t find Leo, but Evan lets Maggie know that Matt’s condition is now stable. Rosie tries to calm them down and Lou wants to know exactly what happened. Maggie explains that the boys ran over something, but they’re not sure exactly what or how. Evan leaves to search for Leo outside, as Lou goes to find Darcy. Rosie tells him to sit down, and says that Darcy will come and find them when there’s any news.
At number 26, Lyn emerges from the bedroom, wearing her old wedding dress, and Joe thinks she looks beautiful. They laugh about the 70s fashion, before Michelle and Lyn try to convince Joe to put on his wedding suit.

At the hospital, Harold is in a bed with patches over his eyes, and Darcy explains that his knee cap is going to take a while to heal. Lou and Rosie come in to visit him and ask how he’s feeling. Harold explains that he must have hit his head very hard as he went down as he’s damaged the retinas and has gone blind. Outside, Maggie and Evan ask Darcy about Matt, and he takes them to his room. Matt immediately asks them how Leo is, but they’re interrupted by the police, who have a few questions about illegal drag races. Maggie and Evan are horrified and Matt looks guilty.

At number 26, Michelle and Lyn are now both dressed up in comical 70s gear and are looking at some more old photographs. Michelle asks about the wedding and Lyn says that it made her feel special. Michelle sadly realises that all the special things seem to happen to Steph and Flick, but Lyn assures her that she’s perfect the way she is. Joe then appears from the bedroom in a powder blue suit and Lyn and Michelle burst out laughing.
Back at the hospital, Matt is telling Terri Hall everything that he can remember about the events from earlier, just as Leo comes in. Maggie and Evan are relieved to see him and Evan asks if the police really need to be doing their questioning now, as Matt clearly isn’t up to it. Leo mentions that the crash was his fault, as he caused Matt to lose his concentration, but Matt insists that’s not true. Terri agrees to come back later for some more questioning after Maggie asks them again and Matt then asks how Glen is. He’s shocked to be informed that Glen hasn’t regained consciousness yet.

At number 26, Lyn and Joe are reminiscing about the 70s and their wedding before deciding that they should all get changed. Michelle then suggests that, since they’re all dressed up, why don’t they go through the wedding ceremony again. Joe starts laughing, but is shocked when Lyn thinks it’s a lovely idea.
At the hospital, Darcy asks Terri out for a coffee and she accepts, before he has to run off to deal with an emergency.

Later on, Maggie tells Leo to go home with Evan and get some rest, and look after Emily. Leo doesn’t want to leave Matt, but Evan says that they can come back later. Toadie then turns up, just as Evan and Leo are leaving. He finds Maggie and puts a hand on her shoulder, asking if she’s ok.
At number 26, Michelle makes up some vows as she goes along, asking Joe to repeat after her, and making him call Lyn, Lynnie. Lyn then smiles and remembers the vows they used back then. She starts to recite them and Joe joins in. Michelle smiles as they share a kiss.

At the hospital, Toadie brings Maggie a coffee and asks how she is. She asks him if he’s going to be able to manage on his own, and he, thinking she’s talking about work, says that he’ll be fine, before realising that she means that she can’t be with him, as there’s too much to worry about within the family. They both sit, looking upset as they realise that they can’t be together.
At number 32, Leo sits in the kitchen looking depressed as Evan asks him if he knew about the drag races all along. Leo nods and Evan says that this is exactly what he was afraid of all along.

Back at the hospital, Lou and Rosie sit by Harold’s bed, eating his chocolates, and he says that they can go home. Lou asks him if he needs anything, and Harold says that some food from the Coffee Shop would be nice, as the hospital stuff isn’t very good. Thinking that Lou has gone, Harold tells Rosie that Lou’s taken a bit of a shine to her and says that she’s a wonderful woman and he’s grateful for her being there.

In Matt’s room, Maggie asks him why he needed money so badly that he had to break the law, and why he couldn’t just have asked Evan for a loan. He says that he wouldn’t have given him the money, and it’s not really that important now anyway. Terri then returns and Evan asks if there’s any news about Glen. Terri explains that he hasn’t made any improvement and she then tells Matt that he’s going to be charged with culpable driving and recklessly endangering lives. She goes on to say that if Glen doesn’t make it, the charge will be manslaughter.
by Steve