Magic Moments > 2002 > Connor's Arrival/Mal's Return Episode 3985
Written by Margaret Wilson, Directed by Helen Gaynor
Harold falls over in the kitchen, but as Lou goes to help him, his back goes, and they both end up on the kitchen floor, laughing. Susan tells Elly that her mum is coming to visit.
At number 28, Elly is looking out the window, waiting for Liz to turn up. Susan reminds her that the plane only just left Sweden, so she’s going to be waiting by the window for quite a while yet. Karl is preparing to go over and see Harold, as Lou phoned him, when someone knocks at the door. Elly answers and, as Susan and Karl stand at the table bickering, Mal sneaks in and surprises them. They’re both thrilled to have him back and the three of them share a hug.


At the Extreme Sports event, Tad is approached by Renton Millar and Steve McCann. He’s amazed to be meeting them and says he was thrilled to watch them performing so close up. They also compliment him on his DJing skills and mention that they might have an offer to make him.
At number 30, Tad is explaining to Toadie that he’s been made an offer to join the Extreme Sports tour for three months, and he’ll be paid for it. Toadie thinks he should jump at the chance, but Tad is worried about leaving Harold on his own, especially so soon after Paul moving out and with him only just coming out of hospital. He thinks that, if he mentions it to him, Harold will just tell him to go, so it’s not worth trying, but Toadie says that if he goes, he’ll feel guilty and if he stays, he’ll be disappointed. Toadie thinks that it’s worth talking it through with Harold.

At number 28, Mal is on the phone to the airport, trying to trace his missing bag. He’s not very pleased with their lack of assistance, but Karl tells him that it’s bound to be returned sooner or later. Mal is concerned about what he’ll be wearing in the meantime and Susan is just annoyed that she didn’t have a chance to make a grand welcome home meal, but her son reminds her that surprises tend to rely on people not knowing in advance. She tries to get him to eat something, but he tells her he’s been eating on planes for the past 24 hours. Karl asks about Catherine and Mal sadly says that they’ve decided to separate before grinning and telling them he’s joking and she’s just busy with work.
At Lassiter’s, Darcy and Terri bump into each other and he asks her about her plans for that evening. She says that she’d planned to stay in and watch tv, and he asks if that means the same as “I’m washing my hair”. She tells him that it means no.

At number 24, Tad decides to take some advice from Karl, but he can’t just leave Harold on his own for the next three months. Toadie thinks that it’s a pity, but Tad remains positive, and says that another offer is bound to come along. Although he doesn’t seem convinced, he says that at least he’ll be able to complete the sound engineering course at uni now.
At the Coffee Shop, Darcy is still trying to convince Terri to go out on a date with him, but she insists that she would rather be at home watching tv. As he persists, she says that she has to go out and catch speeding motorists. Meanwhile, Mal comes in with his parents and Susan goes to order. Mal apologises for not having kept in touch better, but he tells Karl that he has a great new job with an international coffee shop chain called Cuppa Diem.


At the Scully house, Michelle is in a bad mood after making a fool of herself on the skateboard at the Extreme Sports event. Joe is trying to cheer her up when there’s a knock at the door and Michelle answers. A young man asks her if she’s the beautiful Felicity and Michelle slams the door in his face. Lyn tells her off, so she opens it again and he tries again, asking if she’s the very beautiful and also very clever Michelle. She lets him in this time and he explains that he’s Connor, a friend of Jack’s. Joe and Lyn wonder why Jack has never mentioned him. He says that Jack stayed with him and his family when he was in Ireland and said that if he was ever in Australia, he could stay with the Scullys. Joe tells him to go out and have a look at the local area, before pushing him back out of the front door.


At the Kennedy house, Tad has explained the situation with Harold to Susan and Karl. Karl says that Harold really can’t be left on his own right now and Susan admits that it’s a shame Rosie’s plan isn’t happening – before explaining that she was going to try and convince Lou to move into number 24, but would have to make it seem like he came up with the idea himself. Toadie offers to talk to Lou, and Tad thanks him for his help. Mal then comes in wearing a pair of Karl’s trousers and is not amused as Susan completes ironing one of Karl’s shirts and hands it over.
At the pub, Darcy is on the phone to a radio show, telling them where the speed cameras will be located today in the local area. Meanwhile, Terri hears the show in the Coffee Shop and is furious. Back in the pub, Toadie and Mal come in as Darcy tells the barman to put it on his tab and quickly makes his way out. Mal is still worried about the whereabouts of his bag, and the fact that he has to wear Karl’s clothes.


At the hospital, Karl bumps into Darcy, who asks after Mal. Karl explains that he’s in the coffee industry now and Darcy assumes that he means as a waiter. Karl defends Mal, but admits that he doesn’t actually know what the job entails. He asks Darcy if he can cover for him, but a smug Darcy says that he can’t as he has a date.
At the pub, Toadie tells Lou that, if he moves in with Harold, Tad can go on the tour. Lou agrees to it, but isn’t sure what Harold will think. Terri comes in and Lou quickly points out that there’s nothing dodgy happening in the pub. Darcy then comes in and complains to Terri about a parking ticket he received, but she tells him to read it properly. He’s amused as she’s added her own little comment to the bottom of it and assumes that she’ll go out with him now, but she tells him that she’s still going home to watch tv.

At the Scully house, Joe finishes a phone call to Jack, who has approved Connor’s story and mentioned that Connor has done some labouring in the past and thought he might be able to help out. Lyn agrees that Joe will need some help on the sites and he thinks that it would be good to have another man around the house. He then suggests to Michelle that Connor might even make her think twice about her belief that all men are evil. As Lyn goes to make up the sewing room for Connor, she notices the label on his bag reads ‘Malcolm Kennedy’.
At the pub, Darcy leaves as Mal suggests getting some food. As he goes over to the bar, he runs into Connor and they realise that they sat next to each other on the plane. Mal offers to buy him a beer, pointing out that their chatting to each other was the only thing that kept him sane on the long flight.

At number 24, Lou appears from the bedroom and admits that it doesn’t seem that Harold is keen on him coming to stay. Toadie points out that this could be the chance of a lifetime for Tad, and neither Lou nor Harold would want to be responsible for him losing out on it. Lou goes back into the bedroom and Toadie tells Tad that this will also be good for Lou and Harold. Tad is also worried about leaving Harold when they’re not getting on so well, so Toadie tells him to make his peace before he goes. Lou then comes out of the bedroom and Harold has finally agreed to the plan, so a delighted Tad decides that he should start packing.
At number 28, Mal, Connor and Toadie are sitting at the dining table as Karl pours some wine for them, but Connor doesn’t want to impose, so he decides to leave them to it. Just as Connor goes, Mal gets a call and is surprised when Connor O’Neill is mentioned.

Back at number 24, Harold is calling out instructions from his bed, telling Tad what he needs to take with him – and reminding him not to forget his records. Tad tells Harold to get some sleep and Lou tells Tad that he always knew he’d go a long way, if he really tried. Tad says that if he makes it to Adelaide, he can visit Paul and rub his nose in it. Lou tells Tad to take care, and reminds him to call Harold just to let him know how things are going. Tad thanks Lou for everything he’s done to help.

At number 26, Michelle is on her way out to say goodbye to Tad, and Connor asks her not to be long, as she needs to tell him about all the places to be seen in Erinsborough. Joe then comes in and drops the name tag from Connor’s bag on the table, which reads Malcolm Kennedy. Joe wants him to explain him, and fast.
by Steve