. Magic Moments > 2002 > Marc and Stephanie's Wedding: Part 2 Episode 4008
Written by Katrina Foster, Directed by Richard Sarell Susan relays to Flick how her sister changed when she married but that she at least got a new brother. She asks if Flick likes Marc and is told that he's okay but a bit of a tyrant as a boss. Before Flick leaves Susan says that she knows she's had difficulty with relationships in the past but it will happen for her. At the wedding, Marc is unable to recite his vows as Flick watches guiltily from the sidelines. Marc announces that he can't do it prompting a horrified Joe to cry out "No" as his voice returns... The wedding has been paused and as Lyn comforts Stephanie in the background, Joe jovially tells a silent Marc that it's natural to get cold feet but he's paid a small fortune for the wedding and his son-in-law to be should take a few minutes to get himself together. Lyn intervenes suggesting that they give the couple a bit of space but Joe rebuffs her stating that he knows what he's doing and weddings are hard on blokes because of the big emotions. Impatiently Steph pushes her way in to the group demanding that Marc look at her and tell her what's going on. All he can do is glance at a shaky Flick and Steph follows his eyes realizing what has happened. Flick runs off chased by Stuart but Lyn stops Joe from following her. Marc tells Steph he's sorry leaving her and Joe in disbelief. Karl comes into the wedding late and asks Susan about Flick's departure. Clearly rattled, she offers to tell him later but asks him to come quickly because Chloe's not well. Stephanie runs from Marc and Joe follows as the crowd murmur about the events unfolding. .. 
Meanwhile Flick is in her bedroom at number 26 undressing from the wedding. She pulls piles of clothes out of a dresser and places them in the bag before storming into the kitchen, followed closely by Tad and Stuart who asks her where she's going to go. She replies anywhere away from Erinsborough as she goes into the laundry room but when Stuart seems sceptical she decides to stay with Gump. Stuart doesn't understand and Tad informs him that she's talking about her grandfather. Flick changes her mind as he won't want her around when he knows everything but a confused Tad asks her what he will know. Stuart invites Flick to come over to number 30 because he understands what's happened and warns Tad to stay out of it who retorts that Flick doesn't want his help. Telling her that she just needs some quiet time, Stuart leads her out of number 26. Later in the living room of number 30, Flick says that she didn't want any of this to happen and how Steph knew straight away what was wrong. Lyn knew too but she didn't want to admit it, more willing to play happy families with the dirt being shoved under the carpet. Stuart tells her it will be alright but Flick angrily states that it won't and if only she could get the last few weeks back, she'd change everything. She's got to go. Stuart asks where and she thinks about meeting Tad in America allowing things to settle down at home. Stuart is dubious about the plan as it will only make things worse and asks her to stay at number 30 for a while. Flick replies that she's already done that one -- another disaster. There's a knock at the front door and Flick thinks it's Steph but Marc bursts in despite Stuart telling him that Flick doesn't want to see him. Stuart leaves the pair alone. .. 
Stuart has arrived at number 24 and Tad gives him a piece of paper that states he owes money for a car which is pretty weird considering he doesn't even have one. Ignoring it, Stuart tells Tad he needs to talk to Flick because running away to the States with him is the last thing she needs. Tad is unsure because she's his best mate but Stuart thinks that means he should be looking out for her. Tad angrily insinuates that Stuart has got no place to make a judgment as he's only known Flick for all of ten minutes. Stuart is adamant that she needs to sort things out with Steph or seriously risk stuffing things up for herself. Tad denies that there is anything between Flick and Marc because with something that huge, she would definitely have told him about it. Stuart asks Tad to just talk her out of running away but Tad replies that it would suit Stuart just fine having Flick stay in Erinsborough because he's got it bad for her. As they arrive at a seemingly empty number 26, Lyn remains silent whilst Joe babbles about the wedding photographer who's seen it happen a million times before and nine out of ten times the couple heads straight back to the altar. Joe follows a still silent Lyn into the bedroom informing her that he's enlisted Rosie, Connor and Michelle to deal with the caterers. Still in her wedding dress, Stephanie bursts through the front door causing Joe and Lyn to rush back into the living room. Joe asks where she's been and she tells him she was walking. Lyn wants her to come and sit down but she asks if Flick is there. Lyn doesn't think so and Steph heads back out the front door to look for her sister. .. 
Back at number 30, Flick and Marc are talking. Flick asks if he knows what he's done but he tells her he couldn't go through with the wedding because he loves her. Despite Marc's protestations, Flick tells him that Steph loves and trusts him and all he needed to do was say a few words. Flick reminds Marc that what they had was nothing, he said so himself. He replies that he doesn't love Steph and when he touches her she pulls away. Tad is on the phone denying that he has a car loan because he doesn't even have a car and asks what sort it is. When told he declares that he would never spend that much money on a car but yes he is 18 and yes he does have his driving licence. Again he says that all the details are correct but he does not have a car loan when there is a knock at the door and he opens it, allowing Steph to burst in and start searching the house for Flick. Flustered, Tad angrily confirms that he does not have a car loan but tired of waiting, Steph grabs the phone and asks where Flick is. Returning to number 28, Karl theorises that he perhaps jinxes weddings especially after the Tess and Darcy debacle. Susan laughs it off and asks why he thinks Flick ran away. When he replies that she was probably upset for his sister, Susan is doubtful and suspects something else is going on because she was so upset after tearing her dress. Karl brushes it aside with the cliché that people get nervous before weddings but Susan asks if he saw the way Flick was looking at Marc. Karl is aghast at the suggestion but Susan tells him to keep up and stop being so male. He apologises and they mention how awful Lyn looked. Joe was also ready to tear Marc apart. Susan decides that they should go over to number 26 and see if they can help but Karl is reluctant because it might look like they're being vultures feeding off a disaster. Susan doesn't care. It's about the Scullys not them. Karl replies that is exactly his point and edging towards the door Susan states that they can either argue about it or see if they can help. Karl tries to stall her with the idea that they may be jumping to conclusions but Susan decides if they're wrong, they're wrong. Putting his foot down, Karl tells her there is no way they are barging in on those people. .. 
Karl and Susan arrive at number 26 to be greeted by Joe as Lyn sits silently and stony faced at the kitchen table. Susan offers to make tea but Joe tells her he will do it and she sits down to comfort Lyn. Karl asks how Joe is but he's fine and apologises for what has happened. Confessing that he'd want to kill in the same position, Joe just plays it down as a storm in a teacup. Susan asks where Steph is. Lyn struggles to reply and Joe offers that she's stepped out for a bit of fresh air, dropping a carton of milk from the fridge as he does so. Joe stops Karl from helping clear it up as the phone rings and Susan goes to answer it. She tells the Scullys it's John Lambert but when Lyn refuses to take the call, Joe speaks to him and tells him a lie down will do Chloe the world of good. He hopes Marc sorts himself out and the wedding is still on. Ending the call he tells Lyn that John is just as much in the dark as they are. Steph scoffs when Tad tells her he finds it hard to believe Flick would do this to her because he heard her talking about the wedding and she was looking forward to it for her sister. Steph wonders why she didn't confide in him as they're supposed to be best friends. Tad says they are but this must be a big misunderstanding. Disbelieving, Steph rushes for the door and tells Tad to get out of her way but he warns her she needs to calm down. .. 
Stuart is sat on the curb outside number 30 as a taxi pulls up in Ramsay Street. A colourfully dressed woman steps out and asks him if he can point her in the direction of the Scully house. He shows her and she thanks him asking if he knows anything about the wedding. Stuart thinks they're all inside. The woman is relieved as she thought she'd missed it. She's just come from the country and launches into a tirade about her travelling difficulties. Joe says that he had nerves at his wedding and when pressed, Karl admits to the same thing. Joe recounts how his nerves caused him to forget Lyn's name when he introduced her to his cousin. As he tries to play down what has happened and say how Marc and Steph are made for each other, he notices how upset Lyn is. He tells her everything will be alright and that she should look on the bright side. Karl agrees as Joe got his voice back inviting bemused stares. At that moment, there is a knock at the front door and Joe answers it to be greeted by the colourfully dressed woman. When he doesn't recognise her, she introduces herself as Auntie Valda and kisses him on the cheek before forcing her way into the kitchen to give Lyn a hug. She knows she's given them a shock turning up unexpectedly after declining her invitation to the wedding but her gastric condition turned a corner. Rambling about her deceased sister Beverly, she sits down and is embarrassed that she's lost her details of the wedding. She should be better with correspondence as a former post mistress. Valda shakes Karl's hand who introduces himself and Susan. Noticing Lyn's expression, Valda sympathises that weddings are emotional and asks where the party is. .. 
Flick is devastated that Marc humiliated Steph at the wedding and then came over there, asking what he wants her to do. Marc tells her it happened because it had to and places his suit jacket over shoulders just as Steph steps in. Disgusted, she runs out into Ramsay Street followed by Marc and Flick. Calling her fiancé a liar, she starts hitting him hysterically and Flick pushes her away asking her to listen. Steph screams that she was an idiot and should have known because this is exactly the kind of thing that Princess Flick does. She always has to have what she wants. As Stuart steps out, Flick tries to explain but Steph tells her she just couldn't bear to see her happy. She yells at a crying Flick to save her tears only to be told that what happened with Marc just happened. Furiously, Steph shoves her sister asking if he held a gun to her head. She states that Flick was too low and too selfish to stop it and her sister admits it. Steph tells her she shouldn't be crying because she hasn't lost anything and asks her why when she knew how much she loved Marc. .. 
Flick says she was going to go away to the States with Tad and leave her alone. She never wanted to hurt Steph and what happened with Marc was nothing. As Tad begins to approach, Steph runs into the house and Flick falls to the curb sobbing. She screams at Marc to stay away from her and Stuart steps between them, pushing him away. They start to fight and Tad tries to break it up. .. 
As Steph runs through the house, Joe follows her and Susan asks Lyn if she'd like a brandy. She says no and sits back down as Valda tactlessly mentions Flick and suggests going to have a word with Steph. Karl stops her, telling her it's not a good idea. Lyn says it's just a bit much and leaves the kitchen prompting Susan to invite Valda to stay at number 28 as the Scullys have so much on their plates. Karl agrees and Valda accepts when Susan informs her that they've been told so much about her. Valda jokes that she always wanted to shack up with a doctor. .. 
In the bathroom, Steph faces the mirror, sobbing. Joe is outside assuring her it will be alright. He suggests having a bit of a 'yakkedy yak' to sort things out but when she doesn't reply he walks away. Letting out a frustrated cry, Steph throws the hair pin that Flick gave her into the bath. .. 
Outside in the street, Marc attempts to talk to Flick again and when Stuart tells him to leave her alone Marc attacks him. Tad again attempts to break it up. As Joe and Lyn walk down the driveway of number 26, Flick jumps into Valda's taxi and is driven away. They plead with her not to go but it's too late as she speeds off. Joe hugs Lyn with a sigh and the episode ends with a shot of Steph in the bathroom, devastated. .. 
Summary by Jay. Captures by Karl Back |