Magic Moments > 2002 > Boyd's Arrival Episode 4018
Written by Sarah Mayberry, Directed by Tony Osicka
Steph accuses Flick of stealing Marc because she was jealous and says she’ll never return to number 26, as long as Flick is there. She then gives Flick the ring and tells her to wear it and think about the sister she lost because of it…
At number 22, Susan is having coffee with Libby, as Drew leaves for work. Libby is nervous about giving a talk at the school, but Susan and Drew encourage her. Steph comes downstairs and apologises for the mess she left in the lounge room last night. Steph and Drew leave, and Susan asks how Steph is going. Libby admits that she’s worried, but it’s going to take time for her to get over it. Libby then asks Susan to read through the speech again and asks if she has any brats in the class. Susan tells her that there are no brats, but there is Boyd Hoyland, Rosie’s grandson, who’s on an accelerated learning programme.

At number 30, Dee is knocking on Toadie’s door. She tells him he has one more minute or he’s on his own. He appears and she tells him he needs to change, as he should be wearing loose clothing for the first aid course. He goes off to get changed, and she stands at the mirror, putting her lipstick on. She calls out to Toadie that she’ll need his help today, as Denise played some tricks on her last week and she intends to get her own back.
At the Coffee Shop, Penny appears from the kitchen as Darcy comes in. He asks her for a coffee and she sits down, saying she has just finished her shift. Darcy’s phone rings and then he breaks the news to Penny that he’s been roped in to do a first aid course at the hospital, as someone’s dropped out. He asks if she’d like to join him, and surprisingly, she says yes. She explains that she’s so clumsy, she should have done the course years ago.


At the school, Boyd is trying to impress Adam Stevens and some of the other kids with his knowledge of science fiction. Adam points out that Boyd’s wearing an Eden Hills uniform and asks if all the nerds come from there, before stamping on his foot. Michelle and Bianca are watching, and Bianca starts telling Boyd that he should be making more of an effort. Michelle tells Bianca to leave him alone, and she does, just as Susan walks past.
At the hospital, Darcy goes off to get some more supplies, and leaves Penny to take Bob, the resuscitation doll to the carpet. As she’s putting it down, Darcy comes in and mistakes Penny for Denise, the instructor. He grabs the doll, then pretends that his tongue’s stuck to it. Darcy walks in and Toadie is surprised, and not very happy, to see him.

Boyd is setting up a practical joke in the classroom, when Susan and Libby come in. Susan asks how Boyd’s first day is going and says they’ll catch up for a proper chat later in the week. The rest of the class come in and Libby says she feels sick. Susan tells her she’ll stay in the classroom, so Libby begins her talk. She makes a joke about how the chairs and tables haven’t changed since she was there, but the graffiti has, which doesn’t go down very well. She then asks if any of the class would like to be writers, and Adam puts his hand up and says he’d like to write for Playboy. Libby then drops her notes, meanwhile, Adam is putting stuff in Boyd’s hair.

Drew and Steph meet in the Lassiter’s carpark, on their way to the pub for lunch. She thanks him and Libby for putting up with her over the past few weeks, then she is silenced when she sees Marc’s car parked outside the reception. She says that she doesn’t want to give in, but she hasn’t seen him since the wedding and isn’t sure she wants to see him now. She decides to turn around and go for a burger at Grease Monkeys.
At the Coffee Shop, Lyn and Dee are having coffee. Lyn thanks Dee for the chat and Dee talks about how difficult it was for her to convince Toadie to get rid of the couch. They’re joking about it when Marc walks in. Dee tells Lyn to just ignore him or she’ll give him a piece of her mind. Lyn quickly walks out, followed by Dee, who asks a dejected Marc if he’s lost something.

At the first aid class, Darcy is bandaging Penny’s foot, and they’re flirting so he asks her out for lunch at the pub. They join the rest of the class, and Darcy announces an hour’s break for lunch. They all leave, and Toadie is left on the table, all bandaged up, struggling to move and calling Darcy's name...
Libby continues her talk and Susan realises it’s going well, so she leaves. Adam is still messing with Boyd’s hair and Boyd suddenly jumps up and turns round. Libby asks what’s going on and asks for Adam’s name. She asks him if they’re going to have a problem, then Michelle asks Libby to repeat the name of a book she mentioned earlier. Libby opens the drawer to get some chalk, so she can write it down, when loads of streamers burst from the drawer. Libby is about to send Adam out, when Boyd stands up and admits to the prank. She asks him what he did it, and he says it’s obvious. She tells both boys to sit down and they’ll try to get back on track. Adam then taps Boyd on the shoulder and thanks him.
At the pub, Drew, Darcy and Penny are having lunch together, when Toadie comes in, saying that it took him 15 minutes to get out of all of those bandages. Darcy accuses him of wasting their time earlier, and that he takes his job very seriously. He wants to know why Toadie is taking the course, and Toadie explains that it was because he couldn’t help when Dee was choking on a peanut. Marc walks in and asks Toadie if he’s seen Flick. Everyone tries to avoid Marc, and Drew warns him to just get out of the pub. When Marc refuses to leave, Toadie goes instead.

At the school, Libby is running through some writing careers, but nobody seems to be interested. Boyd starts to cough, which starts everyone off, except Michelle, who looks very unimpressed. Susan walks in and tells them that she’s heard enough, and that she might have to rethink the whole vocational programme.
At the pub, Drew is playing darts, trying to ignore Marc, when he asks him why he’s so interested in helping Steph anyway. Drew realises what Marc is insinuating, and tells him to be careful what he says. Marc says that it was certainly the impression that he got from Steph, and tells him that things aren’t always that black and white.

At the school, the class is leaving and Boyd asks Michelle to wait up. She asks him if he’s got rid of that frog in his throat, and wants to know why he’s behaving like a moron if he’s so smart. She tells him to grow up, as it’s not that hard to impress the “try-hard bogans” in the class.
Penny and Toadie are practising resuscitating the doll, and they’re talking about Darcy. Penny admits that she really likes him, despite what he did to Dee and Tess. Darcy then brings the group over, to show that Toadie is giving a perfect example of how to do heart massage. He leaves Toadie to demonstrate, while he talks to Penny. She tells him that she likes him, despite what Toadie’s been saying.

At the coffee shop, Libby is complaining about the class and says she won’t be doing another talk in a long time, thanks to Boyd Hoyland. Susan says that she’ll be having a word with Boyd about his behaviour, and Libby admits she’s relieved that the only precocious young men she has to deal with are Ben and Drew.
Back at the hospital, the first aid class is leaving. Penny starts trying to convince Darcy that they should be seeing each other, suggesting that she stops being his patient, to avoid any ethical dilemmas. He says that it’s not always that simple, but they are about to kiss, when Dee walks in and interrupts them. She asks after Toadie and they tell her that he just left.

In Ramsay Street, Steph arrives home in the Moco van, when she sees Marc’s car parked outside number 26. She hesitates, then gets out and starts walking towards the house…


Inside, Marc is asking Lyn where Flick is. He says that Flick wants to be with him. Lyn is disgusted and tells him that there is no mother on earth who would hand her daughter over to the likes of him. Just then, Steph bursts in and slaps Marc around the face. She grabs Flick’s new address from the fridge and gives it to Marc. She then tells him to go and never come back.
by Steve