Magic Moments > 2002 > Tad's Departure Episode 4027
Written by Christopher Gist, Directed by Nicholas Bufalo
Harold gets a call to say that Tad’s been involved in an accident and has been taken to intensive care. Connor and Michelle break the news about their relationship to a stunned Lyn and Joe.
At the hospital, Harold, Susan and Drew rush in and find Dee behind the nurses station. They tell her about the call, but she’s confused as she hasn’t seen Tad brought in. She says that she’ll go and see what she can find out.

At the Scully house, Michelle and Connor are sitting outside the front door. Michelle isn’t sure that they did the right thing by telling her parents and Connor agrees, and is surprised that Joe didn’t get violent. They realise that the timing was poor, and Michelle thinks that this might be even worse than Flick and Joel, as at least Joel wasn’t living under the same roof. She asks Connor if he meant what he said about her and he says that he did.
Back at the hospital, Drew and Susan are trying to convince Harold that everything will be fine. Dee then returns and explains that Tad was in the operating theatre but he lost too much blood and didn’t survive. Harold is in shock as the news sinks in.


A few minutes later, Dee is showing Harold through to Tad’s body. He tells Dee that there was so much he still wanted to tell Tad before he went to America and now he’ll never have the chance. She explains that nobody has contacted Barry and Coral yet and offers to give him some privacy. Harold looks down as the sheets are pulled back and is shocked as he realises that it isn’t Tad. Outside in the corridor, he tells Susan and Drew that it’s not Tad, but the boy who stole his identity. Susan hugs Harold and they’re unable to contain their relief as Tad then walks up behind Harold, wondering what all of the fuss is about.
At number 26, Joe is trying to tell Connor that perhaps he’s just formed an attachment to Michelle because he’s away from home, but Connor says that in all the time he’s been travelling, she’s the only person he’s cared about like this. He says that he’s sorry but he didn’t enjoy sneaking around and promises that he’ll never hurt her. In the kitchen, Michelle is telling her mum that she truly believes that Connor cares for her. Just then, Joe comes in and announces that, instead of overreacting like he did with Flick, he’s going to trust Michelle and Connor. He tells them that he hopes they won’t let him down.

At the pub, Drew finds Stuart sitting at the bar, looking unhappy. He says that he’s had quite a night and Stuart is standoffish as Drew tries to be friendly towards him. Drew apologises for what happened at the garage and decides that it’s not worth losing their friendship, so offers him his job back. Stu says that he’s going to Sydney soon, but thanks him for the offer.
At number 26, Joe tells Connor not to worry about his labouring job and says that it’ll be easier to keep an eye on him that way. Michelle comes in as she’s about to leave for school, and Joe tells Connor to go and walk with her. Stuart then arrives and asks what’s going on with Michelle and Connor. Joe tells him to mind his own business, and besides, Michelle could do worse – perhaps ending up with someone like Stu.

Outside number 32, Boyd and Summer are looking through the windows and wonder if maybe Rosie could buy the house. Summer then starts telling her brother about everyone who lives in the street, but Boyd isn’t impressed. Summer teases him about his crush on Michelle, and then they spot her with Connor and Summer calls her a two-timer. Boyd tells his sister to quieten down and they head off to school.
At number 24, Harold brings a large case for Tad to pack his records, but Tad explains that he’s told the organisers that he might not be able to go now, due to the legal problems. Harold says that he’ll make a few calls and see if he can help out, and tells Tad to get packing. Tad tells Harold how nervous he is and says that sometimes he wonders what life would be like if he started it again elsewhere. Harold tells him that he doesn’t want him to leave, but he must as if he doesn’t at least try, he’ll have failed before he’s started.

At number 30, Stuart is asking Dee about her massage lessons, and she says that it didn’t go well, but she can’t help it if people keep complaining about her giving them bruises. She says that it wasn’t her fault that everyone was so skinny. She then asks if Stu would mind being her guinea pig and critiquing her technique and he has little time to respond before she’s sitting massaging his hands.
At the Coffee Shop, Michelle sits with Boyd and Summer and she apologises to him for the mix-up about her having a boyfriend. Boyd says that he wasn’t too sure and anyway, he’s already seeing a girl. They agree to just be friends and, as Michelle leaves, Summer steals his cake and says that it’s payment for her silence over the imaginary girlfriend.

At number 30, Stu manages to get Dee to stop the painful massage on his hands and she offers to do his feet instead. She reminds him of the few kisses they shared, and the massage can be payment. Stuart begins to wince as she starts the massage.
At number 26, Tad is saying his goodbyes to the Scullys. He says that it’s all a bit sudden and there’s no time for a proper farewell party, but he has to be in San Francisco as soon as possible. Lyn gives him a letter to pass on to Flick and tells him that it’s like losing a member of her own family, with Michelle saying that they’ll send on a bill for all the food he ate. Joe asks him when he’s coming back and Tad isn’t sure. Connor tells Tad to drop in on his parents if he’s ever in Ireland. They offer to come and wave him off and Joe says that it reminds him of losing Jack, and that Connor had better stick around.

At number 30, Stu is soaking his feet and discusses with Dee how strange it is that she finds massage so difficult, since she’s a nurse, but Stu, a building labourer, finds it easy. She asks him to show her, and offers up her feet.
At number 24, Tad is looking at one of his records and he decides to leave it with Harold, so he has an excuse to come back. Harold then thanks Tad for staying with him, even after they lost Madge and Paul left. Tad says that he’ll never be able to repay the kindness that Harold and Madge showed him and they hug.

Outside, Tad is saying his goodbyes to Susan. She thinks he’s travelling light, but Tad points out that Harold is going to be sending on the rest of his stuff. He says that the street is going to be quiet without him and Susan agrees that it’s the end of an era. They remember all the mucking around at school and he says that if it hadn’t been for Susan, he wouldn’t have stuck it out. After they hug, Joe and Lyn come over and they both give him a hug too. Tad and Harold then get into the car and Harold is surprised when the music comes on and it’s Tuba Electrica.



At number 30, Dee isn’t very impressed with Stu’s massage technique, but he just tells her to stop complaining. He then starts to tickle her and she returns the favour and before long, they’re kissing. They quickly stop, and Stuart feels stupid for doing it. Dee tries to find out what’s wrong with him and he finally admits that he’s in love with Flick. He says that he knows it’s a hopeless cause, but he can’t help the way he feels, so Dee wishes him luck.
by Steve