. Magic Moments > 2002 > Susan's Accident Episode 4029
Written by Lyn Ogilvy, Directed by Nicholas Bufalo Felicity enters the pub to here Steph thanking her mates for getting her through recent times. Karl witnesses Darcy and Penny in a close encounter at the hospital… At number 28 Susan is astounded to hear of Darcy’s clinch with Penny and is surprised he doesn’t know better. Karl rants about him reaching new lows but concedes that he can’t help himself where women are concerned. Susan wonders whether Penny started it but Karl says it doesn’t make any difference. As Darcy arrives at the door outside, he overhears Karl add that he should report him to the medical practioner. Susan doesn’t want him to go that far but her husband is adamant and before they can discuss it further, Darcy walks in wanting to explain. .. 
Rosie meets Harold at the end of his shift at The Coffee Shop and they bump into Flick on their way out. She wants to grab Tad’s contact details which Harold duly gives her, reminding her of what a loyal friend he is. Flick agrees and mentions that nobody cares about her causing Harold to snap that feeling sorry for herself won’t rectify that. Humbly, Flick leaves and Rosie berates him for not showing compassion. .. 
Karl reminds his nephew that he warned him not to get involved with Penny but Darcy insists that she’s different. He thinks he loves her and tries to persuade Karl not to take action with Susan seeming to take his side. He knows that he could be disciplined by having a minder present when he has consultations with women and that patients would be put off. However, Karl is unperturbed and furiously defends his decision to report Darcy. .. 
Lou finds a copy of the hunks’ calendar in Harold’s kitchen and flicks through it but quickly hides it when Harold arrives home with Rosie in tow. Harold goes to the kitchen and cottons on to why Lou is behaving strangely but they deny they are hiding anything to Rosie. They are saved by a knock at the door which Rosie answers to Joe. Harold whispers to Lou that the calendars were supposed to be delivered to the pub and they talk their way round the fact they invited Joe to move some boxes for them. Rosie knows they’re keeping a secret and Joe smugly offers to come back a little later when the coast is clear. ..  At the pub, Darcy is sat alone drowning his sorrows when Susan comes in and joins him. He admits he should have heeded Karl’s warnings and Susan lays into him. He makes excuses about low self esteem but can’t come up with a decent explanation for having a relationship with a patient. Susan hopes it’s not just a game to Penny but Karl is insistent that it’s different and he’s in love. The next morning, Flick is at the Coffee Shop telling Harold that she caught up with Tad. She goes on to mention her miserable flat, miserable job and the fact that she’s got no friends. Quickly, she cuts herself off after his lecture yesterday about feeling sorry for herself. Harold apologises for his outburst and tells her to take care before she leaves. .. 
At number 28, Penny is imploring Karl not to report Darcy as Susan watches but he continues the same reasoning he gave his nephew. Doctors are placed in a position of trust and can easily take advantage of their patients. Penny thinks it’s crazy and states that losing his job will kill Darcy. Karl however is unmoved and replies that his hands are tied. Later, Penny drops drink bottles from the refrigerator whilst at work at The Coffee Shop and emotionally apologises to Harold. He wonders if she wants to talk about something but she turns the offer down and warns him not to be too nice to her in case it makes her cry. She goes off as Rosie turns up wanting to know what was going on last night with Lou and the boxes. He is saved by Penny dropping something in the kitchen and Rosie warns him to tell her everything at lunchtime or else there’ll be hell to pay. .. 
Rosie begins to do a bit of weeding in Harold’s front garden, insisting that Harold won’t mind when Lou comments on it. Karl and Susan walk past and mention this afternoon immediately putting Lou on edge because Rosie doesn’t know about the calendar launch. Susan asks if Karl should wear his toga because he looks so regal in it leading Lou to cover by pretending that it’s for the Royal Erinsborough Roman Society. They dress up and re-enact stuff. Rosie jokingly asks if they have Roman orgies as the Kennedys watch in bemusement. They begin to realise the situation and Karl adds that it’s actually the Royal Erinsborough Roman Historical Re-enactment Society. Or as Susan mentions they like to call it…RERHERS. Not convinced Rosie thinks this performance might have something to do with boxes. .. 
Harold is horrified when Flick arrives at the Coffee Shop on a half hour lunch break. He tells her about an e-mail from Tad offering Flick a job on the tour but she has decided that running away from her problems isn’t the answer. At number 28, Karl is dressed in his toga which he jokes about with Susan. Joe and Lyn arrive and attempt to be tactful about his attire but Karl ignores Joe’s attempt at humour. The phone rings which Susan answers. One of her staff is sick and she needs to see to it so she tells the others to go on without her. Penny tells Harold how she used to work where Flick does, recounting several horror stories. Out the window she sees Darcy walking past Lassiter’s and goes out to have a word with him. She mentions seeing Karl this morning but Darcy tells her he took advantage of her. He was in a position of trust and should have abided by the rules. It was a mistake getting together. He tells her they have to split up before going into the surgery. .. 
Everybody is gathering for the calendar launch at the pub when Rosie arrives and puts everything together. She is ecstatic that Lou and Harold have organised the fundraiser for the church independently of the bishop. She picks up a calendar and supposes she should buy one…or even three. One for home, one for the office and one for emergencies. At the Kennedy house, Susan puts the phone down and in her rush to leave, knocks a carton of milk on the floor. She puts it back in the fridge when the phone rings and she goes to answer it. In her haste, she spills over the milk and falls backwards banging her head on the floor. .. 
Back at the calendar launch, Karl feels a fool that he was the only model to turn up. Rosie tries to placate him as Lyn buys calendars for the girls. Lou introduces Karl aka Mr January to the crowd and he signs a calendar for Rosie. She asks where Susan he is and he replies that she’ll be there soon. Flick is once again at the Coffee Shop and Harold collars her about her job. He offers her a job there but she thinks it might be too soon. He refuses to take no for an answer and she agrees to accept. .. 
Meanwhile, Susan is lying unconscious, sprawled on the kitchen floor. Comment:This episode sparked one of the most controversial Neighbours stories. Although no one could dispute that Susan’s accident was a classic Neighbours peril moment, the amnesia story that followed deeply divided fans of the show. Summary by Jay Back |