Magic Moments > 2002 > Max's Arrival Episode 4074
Written by Ray Kolle, Directed by Tony Osicka
is told that based on Penny’s testimony, he’s been charged
with inappropriate conduct and will require a female chaperone
for the next three months. Karl asks Harold about his feelings
towards Rosie…
is trying to iron out the letter, when Dee knocks out the
door. She explains that the ‘for sale’ sign has been taken
down from number 30 and Lou has decided not to sell, so she
came to thank him. Harold explains that Lou isn’t back yet,
and he had no idea that it was going ahead. She tells Lou
to drop by when he gets back. Harold goes back to the ironing
board and finds that he knocked the iron over in his rush
and the letter is ruined.
Rosie and Summer are in the Coffee Shop, waiting for Libby
and Boyd. Summer goes to chat to Nina, who is talking about
famous singers and wishes she could be one. Ray comes in and
asks what they’re up to. Summer says they’re having a girly
chat, so he leaves them to it and Nina smiles as she watches
him walk away.

At the surgery, Karl comes in to find Darcy packing away files
in his office. He says he’s not prepared to practice with
a chaperone and it will ruin his reputation. Karl tells him
he’s making a huge mistake, but Darcy doesn’t want to ruin
the practice. He insists that he’s made up his mind and he
has stuff to do.
Back at the Coffee Shop, Summer is claiming that she’s going
to be famous and Rosie is pleased, as it’ll mean she’ll be
able to be kept in style when she’s older. Libby and Boyd
arrive and Libby says that Boyd’s doing really well. She says
that she has to get going. As Libby leaves, Summer is about
to go and order drinks, when their father, Max, suddenly walks
in. The kids are thrilled to see him and he hugs them both,
but Rosie looks completely shocked.


Outside the Coffee Shop, Karl and Dee are discussing the situation
with Darcy. Karl suggests that Dee would make a great chaperone,
but she isn’t so keen on the idea. Karl begs her to reconsider,
and she admits that she does admire Darcy professionally and
the extra money would come in useful. She wonders if she'll
have the time and asks for some time to think about.
At number 22, Drew arrives home with some paperwork for Libby
to do. He asks if she wants to take a trip out, but she claims
that she has too much to do. Drew reminds her how much Steph
needs her support right now, but Libby doesn’t seem keen to
go. He says that he should be getting back and Libby looks
concerned about the situation with Steph.

Max explains that he popped into the shop to grab a cake and
didn’t expect to find them all there. Rosie says that he should
have let her know that he’d be visiting. Max explains that
he wanted it to be a surprise. Max gives gifts to the kids
– Rosie seems unimpressed. He gives some chocolates to Rosie,
and suggests that they all go out together for dinner. Rosie
reminds Summer of her doctor’s appointment, but Max says he
wants to take her, as he wants to speak to the doctor. Harold
comes over and Max introduces himself, before mistaking Harold
for Lou, “Rosie’s boyfriend.” Summer corrects her father,
while Harold looks awkward.
At the surgery, Dee tells Darcy about Karl’s offer for her
to be chaperone. Darcy is furious, but Dee says that she’s
professional enough to put the past behind her. He says that
it doesn’t matter, as he wouldn’t want to work with her watching
him. Dee tells him that it would be a terrible shame to waste
all of his training. He claims that he’ll lose all of his
female patients, but Dee tells him that there are plenty of
women who admire and trust him and wouldn’t let something
like this ruin it. She reminds him that it’s his decision,
before leaving.

At the garage, Libby and Ben arrive to visit Drew and drop
off the paperwork. She tells him that things have been fairly
crazy for a few weeks, but she wants it all to get back to
normal now. He agrees, and she says she’ll pick up a video
for later. He says he might be home late. They kiss and Libby
At the surgery, Karl gives Summer a couple of lollies and
Max asks her to wait outside while he chats to Karl. Karl
explains that his colleague at the hospital diagnosed Summer
with Long QT syndrome, after testing her for epilepsy and
narcolepsy. Max says that his wife died of a suspected heart
attack, but Karl says it’s not possible if they had the same
thing. Max says he just wishes he could have done something,
but Karl tells him that it’s not his fault. They talk about
Max’s work on the oil rigs and Max admits that it’s great
to see the kids. Karl asks Max how long he’ll be around, and
Max says it’ll be a while, probably.

The Hoylands are at the pub, and Summer and Boyd are playing
pool, trying to get Max to watch them play. Rosie comments
that Boyd is exactly like Max was at the age, and Max comments
that he’s surprised his mother can remember, as she was always
working then she went off “soul-searching”. She asks him about
his plans and he says that he might have to go back to the
rigs. Rosie tells him he might fit in in Erinsborough and
he thanks her for looking after the kids. She tells him that
the kids need him now, and he should stay. Max goes over to
talk to the kids, while a worried Rosie watches them.
At the surgery, Karl is recording some case notes, when Libby
and Ben come in. Libby has brought Karl some food for dinner
and he explains that he’s meeting a lawyer tomorrow. Libby
is worried that it’s going to come to divorce and they hope
that she’ll eventually remember how much she loved him. Karl
hugs Libby, then Darcy walks in and apologises. Libby leaves,
and Darcy thanks Karl for all of his recent support. He says
that he’s decided to give Dee a try as his chaperone.

Ray is at the Coffee Shop, chatting to Harold and waiting
for Nina to arrive to do the cleaning. She walks in and Ray
explains that he was waiting for her. He tells her that she’s
the most beautiful girl in Erinsborough and is worth waiting
for. He gives her his number and asks her for a date.
At number 24, Harold and Rosie walk in and she explains that
Max has taken the kids to the movies, so she wanted some company.
She admits that she’s worried that they’re going to be disappointed
if Max takes off again. She admits that she hates seeing him
make the same mistakes that she did. He tells her that she’s
more than made up for her past mistakes, by looking after
Summer and Boyd, and Rosie thanks him, telling him that he’s
a very good friend to her. He asks if she’s heard from Lou,
but she hasn’t. Harold wonders if Lou might have been in touch,
via a letter, that might have gotten lost in the mail…

Nina is standing on the bridge outside Lassiter’s looking
at Ray’s number, and she says to herself, “You’re the most
beautiful girl in Erinsborough, did you know that?”. She then
looks at her reflection and screws the piece of paper up.
At number 22, Drew arrives home from work. He apologises for
being so late and she says it’s fine, but she was so hungry
she had to eat her dinner. She tells him to sit down and she’ll
heat his up. The phone rings and Drew answers; it’s Steph.
He tells her to come over in about half an hour, and Libby
looks annoyed. She tells Drew that she doesn’t want Steph
in the house, as she was the one who got her arrested and
she feels terrible. Drew goes to call Steph back.

Max arrives at number 24 to pick up Rosie, and apologises
for being late, but he took the kids for a milkshake after
the movie. He says that they’re asleep in the car now and
he thought they could have the next day off school to spend
with him. Rosie isn’t impressed, but then Max says that he’s
thinking of coming back permanently, but he needs to make
more money. She tells him that she doesn’t want him to make
the same mistakes she did – the children need him right now.

by Steve