Libby and Drew discuss the possibility of moving to Oakey. While
out riding, Drew's horse bucks and he is escorted to hospital
in an ambulance with Libby...
Erinsborough, it is raining and Darcy, Stuart, Karl, Susan,
and Harold are questioning Lou about the advertised "one
dollar lunch". Harold thinks Lou should have told him
if it was his intention to shut down The Coffee Shop, but
Lou insists it was a ten dollar lunch and someone had rubbed
off one of the zeros. Karl gets a call from Libby in Oakey.
Libby tells Karl of Drew's accident and asks him to come up
to Oakey and to ask Susan to come too. Karl assures her he'll
be there, and Libby asks him to hurry.

and Susan have caught a plane up, and at the Oakey hospital
they find a Ron and a teary and shaken Libby. Libby spots
Drew's doctor so Karl asks how Drew is doing - he's still
in surgery; he had a haemorrhage and severe liver damage.
Karl adds that they're doing everything they can and are flying
in a top surgeon from Toowoomba.

Lassiter's, Chloe tells Felicity to fix up an early tour group
who are cluttering the foyer. Toadie arrives, late, and Flick
asks for help in her task. Darcy turns up and tells the two
that Drew has had a serious accident in Oakey. When Flick
asks if Drew will die, Darcy pauses and says that he's being
operated on. When he leaves, Toadie realizes they didn't even
ask what happened.

is comforting Libby at the Oakey hospital, where Stuart has
also arrived. Karl sees the doctor and asks for any news,
but is told that they've lost Drew. Karl is devastated and
tells Ron he's sorry. Making his way down the hall to Libby,
as Susan, Steph, and Stuart look on, speechless, with tears
in their eyes. When he reaches Libby, she gets up. He tells
her he's sorry, and at she repeatedly cries 'no no no' before
breaking down in to Karl's arms.


next morning at Number 24, Rosie and Harold are waiting as
Lou finishes packing for their trip up to Oakey. Rosie is
very agitated, and dreading conducting the funeral tomorrow
even though she's done hundreds, even of young people. Harold
suggests that it is possibly because she thinks that the family
has been through enough already.

at Lassiter's Hotel, Chloe complains to Flick and Toadie about
bus tours lowering the feel of the hotel. She apologises,
recognising that she knows it's a difficult time for them
both as their minds are in Queensland, and if they need a
break all they have to do is ask her. Flick tells Toadie that
Drew's death is the only thing she can think about at the
Ron's house in Oakey, night has fallen and Libby is looking
at the stars through the window. She talks to Steph about
how she and Drew fell in love, while looking at the stars.
Libby says she can't believe that this is happened and that
they're burying Drew tomorrow. Susan is with Ben and nervously
asks Libby if she should put Ben to bed, Libby tells her she
can. When Susan takes Ben to his room, Libby says that it's
not fair to lose both her mother and Drew. Steph tells Libby
that Susan is getting better but Libby says she isn't the
same as she used to be - when Drew died all she wanted was
her mother to hold her and Susan couldn't do it. Ron comes
in and has just been on the phone to Rose, who was on her
way down from Scotland. The traffic controllers in Bangkok
have gone on strike and she won't be able to make it for the
funeral, although she wants them to go ahead. Rosie sits down
and talks to Libby, asking her if she wants anything special
included in Drew's service.

Toadie, and Darcy are at the pub when Lyn comes in. She tells
Darcy he should be In Oakey as he's family, but Darcy says
that he couldn't find a replacement at the surgery for him
and Karl and he couldn't leave his customers. Lyn congratulates
him on being loyal to his customers.
next, rainy, morning in Oakey, the funeral begins with a montage
of Drew's coffin being taken inside as Rosie starts the service...

Lassiter's Hotel, Toadie tells Flick that the funeral service
will be starting soon. The phone rings, answered by Flick.
It's Marc looking for his mother but she isn't there. Flick
hopes he stays in London, and Toadie tells Flick he doesn't
want to be here.

Karl is reading Drew's eulogy, saying that Drew was a man
of utmost integrity. At the end of his speech, Karl adds that
Drew has left his combined families the task of rasing his
baby, Ben, and they will not fail him. Libby is crying in
Rosie's arms, while Steph, Ron, and Susan also are crying.
Ben however remains asleep through the ceremony, unaware of
what is going on around him. Libby walks up to the coffin
and places a flower on it, before engaging in the song Wild
Mountain Thyme, while remembering Drew singing it to her
on their wedding. As she continues, she starts to sob, but
finishes the song after help from Harold.

Ron, Stuart, and Dougal carry the coffin outside. As bagpipes
play the church empties, while Lyn, Toadie, Flick, and Darcy
toast Drew at the pub in Erinsborough. Drew's coffin makes
its way under the ground and Libby is distraught in Karl's


wake is being held at Ron's house. Rosie tells Lou that Libby,
Steph and Dougal are taking it very badly. Stuart tells a
silent Libby that if she or Ben need anything, he hopes she
asks him first.

arrives home at Number 26 opening a parcel and Lyn asks what
it is. Flick opens it and finds a necklace from Godinski Jewellers,
and a note: "To cheer you up!" to which Lyn voices
her annoyance over having another mystery. Flick assures her
mother that there isn't much of a mystery to it, guessing
it's from Marc and so was Steph's bike. When asked why she
angrily says it's because he loves making grand gestures.
is crying with Ben outside the house when Ron approaches her.
They sit down and Ron says the death was his fault as he forced
Drew to move up to Oakey. Although Libby says it was no one's
fault, Ron says it was as he was being stupid and selfish.
Libby talks about how energetic and happy was the morning
of the fall, so happy to start a life up in Oakey with his
father. Ron says the business is over, and that it's all beyond
him now. Libby tells him to not talk like that, "Otherwise
what's the point of any of it?"

Drew was originally to have been featured in the hospital
scenes, but contractual problems with actor Dan Paris meant
that the character's death ended up being dealt with offscreen.
The character was represented with flashback footage from
Drew and Libby's wedding.
Summary by Joe. Captures by Karl