Magic Moments > 2003 > Rosie's Departure Episode 4214
Written by Lyn Ogilvy, Directed by Chris Adshead
a successful day in the pub kitchen, Valda manages to talk Lou into putting her on salary at the pub. Rosie tells Max she's going to Papua New Guinea and he tells her how much
he'll miss her...
the Coffee Shop, Susan is surprised to learn from Harold that
Rosie is leaving tomorrow for Papua New Guinea. Candace Barkham
comes in and mentions to Susan that she isn't sure Karl should
be giving a school talk on drink and drugs awareness, given
his recent court appearance. Susan is quite surprised and
asks if Karl's not good enough, but Candace insists that it's
only because some of the students saw Karl in court and he
may prefer to keep a low profile.

Boyd is trying to convince Rosie to try a new milkshake he's invented,
while Summer is upset that everyone around her seems to be
leaving. Rosie wants to know what's wrong, and Summer explains
that Steph's gone and her Nana's going and that she prefers
to have girls to talk to. Rosie suggests she talks to Dee
or Michelle or Libby, but Summer says that it's not the same
as family, which is what Steph seemed like. Rosie says she
understands, but to remember that Steph will be coming back.

is about to leave the Coffee Shop, when Candace reminds her
to tell Karl that the talk is cancelled. Candace notices Susan's
angry tone and asks what's wrong. Susan explains that she's
had enough of Candace taking things out on her family - first
not giving Libby the job at the school and now cancelling
Karl's talk. Candace explains that this isn't the case at
all, but Susan says that it's how she sees it. Candace tells
her she's got it wrong and promptly leaves.At the pub, Valda tells Lou that the menus need updating. He tells her that they do their job and there's nothing wrong
with them, but she tells him they need to change. Connor brings
in some barbed wire to show Lou, but he says it's obviously
from the sixties and he needs something from around 1935.
Stuart then follows him in with a Japanese garden, completely
confusing Lou. Valda explains it's part of her new menu plan.

Susan tells Karl about her confrontation with Candace, saying that
she just completely snapped and told her what she thought
about the school talk situation. Karl says that he's grateful
to have Susan's support, but doesn't want her to have problems
at school. Susan is also worried about scuppering Libby's
chances of a job, but says she'll just have to face the consequences
of her little outburst. Karl is worried about having to attend
driver education classes and tells Susan he's going to cycle
there - if he sees Candace Barkham, he'll make sure to run
her down.Lou is reading out dishes from Valda's new menu and she insists
that it will rival the new promotions at Lassiter's. He tells
her it's not really right for the pub, but she tells him it'll
be wonderful and then goes on to recruit Stuart and Connor
to be good-looking waiters for the evening. They're not keen,
but she eventually talks him round then leaves to organise
everything. Lou is shocked at how quickly everything seems
to be happening.

Valda finds Michelle in the kitchen of Number 26 and tells her that
her fiance Andreas is coming to visit and is bringing Blanche
and Stella, the poodles. Michelle seems pretty down and tells
Valda that it's Connor. She explains that she's been playing
hard to get, but it doesn't seem to be working, he's just
completely ignoring her. Valda tells her she will hear from
him and that Michelle should always take a hard line with
men, starting off harder than she means to go on. Michelle
says it's manipulative, but Valda says you need to be in life,
or you'll get left behind.Karl arrives at his driver education class and bumps into Candace Barkham while getting a coffee, they begin chatting, neither
realising who the other is. The teacher is trying to begin
the class while Karl and Candace chat and asks them if they
would mind taking their seats so she can begin.

Valda finds Connor at Number 30 and tells him that they need to talk. Valda explains that Michelle is very upset over his
behaviour and that if he goes on behaving like this, he's
going to lose her altogether. Connor tells her that he can
run his own life and Valda tells him he's running it into
the ground. He then asks her to leave and she says she's said
her piece anyway and reminds him to arrive early at the pub
so he can be fitted for his uniform.The driver education class concludes and Karl jokes to Candace that he managed to get through without a detention. She says
that she was only there for educational purposes but has rather
enjoyed his company, and is surprised when he introduces himself
as Karl Kennedy. She explains who she is and tells him she
needs to clear up the misunderstanding about the talk. She
says she simply wanted to spare him the embarrassment of talking
to the teens who saw him in court, and he agrees. Just then,
Susan arrives to give Karl a lift home and is shocked to see
Candace there. She quickly accuses Candace of being a hypocrite
for having to attend the classes herself but Karl drags her
out, telling her he'll explain in the car and apologising
to Candace.

Valda tells Michelle that she never saw eye-to-eye with Rosie, so won't be going to her farewell party. As she goes out the
door, she bumps into Connor and tells him she hopes he's there
to see Michelle. He goes into the lounge room and tells Michelle
he's sorry he hasn't been in touch, but he's been busy. She's
quite offended, but he says he's been thinking and tells her
he loves her. He goes on to say that the next few years at
school will be important for her and she should maybe concentrate
on her studies. She realises he's breaking up with her and
tries to stop him, saying that they've been through a lot,
but he says it's too much. She thinks he doesn't love her,
but he says she needs space to find herself. She tells him
that everytime things get too hard, he just runs away and
this time, she isn't going to stop him.There is a tension between Susan and Karl and she eventually tells him that he should be on her side over the Candace thing.
He says he judged her as he found her and she was very likeable.
Susan says he should still be on her side, no matter what
Candace's reasoning, but Karl explains that Candace's reasoning
was correct and he was glad to escape the talk. Karl explains
to Susan that she's too hung up on disliking Candace and needs
some perspective.

Max tells Rosie how much he'll miss her and she asks if he's missing
Steph that much. Rosie tells him to look on the bright side
- he's capable of loving again after losing Claire. Just then
Boyd bursts in with all of Rosie's friends for a surprise

At the pub, Connor and Stuart are standing by the doors dressed like samurai warriors. They both think they look stupid but
then Valda comes out and tells them how great they look. They're
trying not to laugh at her outfit and claim it's the incense. She announces that they're ready to serve.At Rosie's party, Harold and Rosie promise to keep in touch.
She tells him she's made some great friends, but none as special
as him. He tells her how much he values her friendship and
she tells him she hopes he finds someone who realises how
special he is. Max takes Rosie into the lounge and makes a
speech explaining about how he never used to get on with Rosie,
but has never doubted her love for him, Boyd and Summer. He
says he'll miss her, but looks forward to her safe return.


The next morning, Rosie is confused as she is driven to Lassiter's and finds Lou and Harold waiting. She says she doesn't know what's going on but hopes that it's good and just then Lou
summons the limo to take Rosie to the airport in style. Lou
tells Rosie how much he'll miss her. She says goodbye to Harold
and Max, Boyd and Summer get into the limo. Rosie says she's
never been in one before. She winds down the window and thanks
Lou and Harold for everything as they sadly wave her goodbye.


Valda gets up and tries to cheer up a depressed Michelle, saying things with Connor aren't that bad. Michelle explains that he dumped her, but Valda says it's not that big a problem
and that Michelle is going to have to fight for him. She says
she has many ways of making Connor realise that he still wants
Network Ten Trailer
for Rosie's Departure Realvideo: 230k
Due to recording schedules, Maggie Millar's final performance
as Rosie ironically was seen in the previous episode, 4213,
in the sequence where Rosie reveals to Max her decision to
leave. In Rosie's final scene she and Lou wear their outfits
from the 2003 opening titles.
Summary by Steve. Captures by Karl. Video encoding by Colin Angelino