Magic Moments > 2003 > Toadie and Dee's Wedding Episode 4292
Written by Martin McKenna, Directed by Jeffery Walker and Tony Osicka
Toadie warns Stonie and Connor about his buck's night - he doesn't want any shaving or getting totally trashed. Henry informs Lyn that he is leaving the next day, and asks her to come and say goodbye to him at the bus stop. Lyn closes the door and bursts into tears...
At Number 28, Dee is spending her hen's night sitting through Angie's stories about her own wedding. Angie begins telling a story about her wedding night but before she gets into the gory details, Dee and Susan interrupt her, pretending to hear Ben crying. The phone rings and Susan answers - it's Libby, who asks if Dee is there. Susan says she has been there for hours and Libby tells her to make sure Dee answers the door. She does, and Dee is surprised to see Libby, Steph, and a group of other friends enter, ready to liven up the party.

Meanwhile at the Pub, Toadie is enjoying his buck's night party as Stonie turns up the music even louder than it already is. Joe and Karl, sitting at the bar, decide they were a much more civilized generation than this bunch. Harold and Big Kev enter and Kev gets straight into the party. Harold, Joe and Karl, on the other hand, decide to go home. Kev tells Toadie that he is proud of him.At the hen's night, Libby has painted 'I love Toadie' on Dee's forehead with lip liner. Steph jokes that she knows a tattooist and they could get it done permanently; Dee says she loves Toadie so much that she wouldn't care. Karl comes home and Susan cries out that the stripper has arrived. Karl starts cleaning up the mess created by the women in order to keep the cleaning bill down, and Susan says, "Well if you're going to turn into Scrooge McKennedy, you can shove off then!" Karl continues to tidy up when Angie pulls his trousers down, leaving him looking very embarrassed in front of all the women. Lou is closing the Pub for the night and the boys are not impressed. However Stuart produces a bunch of free passes to a nightclub called Radiation and Toadie - although hesitant at first - agrees to go.


Early the next morning, Henry is sitting at the bus stop with his bags packed. He looks over at someone sitting on the pavement and says, "I could call someone for you if you like, I've got a few minutes before my bus." The person on the pavement sits up - it's Toadie, handcuffed to a signpost and without any clothes on. Toadie says his friends and family should be back any minute with the keys. A car drives past and sounds its horn, and Toadie asks Henry for a spare pair of trousers.Lyn glances at her watch, realising it's almost time for Henry to depart. She grabs her purse and walks towards the door, but hesitates before leaving the house.

Toadie now has a pair of trousers on and is attempting to put one of Henry's shirts on but he can't get it around the handcuffs. Stonie, Stuart and Connor finally turn up with the keys and set Toadie free. Toadie vows that they will pay for it some day. Henry tells Toadie to keep the trousers as a wedding present, as the boys go off to get Toadie married. The bus pulls up and Henry boards it, looking around for Lyn. She hasn't turned up and he leaves Erinsborough without saying a proper goodbye.

The boys run into the girls - Dee, Steph and Libby - as they walk into Ramsay Street. They all leave Dee and Toadie alone for a moment and Dee comments that it looks like he had a good night. She says, "Nice pants," to which he replies, "Nice paint job." They lean in to kiss but Dee pulls away, saying that she'll see him at the altar.Lyn looks depressed when Dee, Steph and Libby come in, but she tries to sound enthusiastic about doing the hair and makeup for the wedding. Dee is starting to get jittery, wondering where Cecile is. Steph wants to crack open a bottle of champagne but Dee seems to have had enough alcohol for now.

Connor is fiddling with a camera while Stonie and Stuart eat bacon for breakfast. Kev comes into the living room dressed up in his suit and Angie exclaims, "Don't you look handsome!" Kev yells for Toadie to come in, joking that he can't back out now. Toadie enters, looking sheepish, and says he has a problem - his zip is busted. Kev asks for a needle and thread but Toadie is worried about what will happen, given that it is his wedding day. Angie offers to do it but Toadie says it's weird enough already. Kev takes the needle and says, "Relax son, you're in safe hands!" He teasingly shakes his hands, as the needle gets closer to the zip...

People are beginning to gather outside the mansion, which has been stunningly decorated, as music from a string quartet plays in the background. Susan comments on how beautiful the place is and Lyn tells her to wait until she sees the bride. Stonie and Stuart ask the celebrant if there is a special time to pull out the ring; the celebrant says to pull it out when she asks for it.Toadie gulps down a glass of water and Kev rushes up to him, telling him not to fill up on water. He says he had to sew the fly shut, so his trousers can't be opened until after the ceremony. Toadie starts to panic, but Kev tells him to calm down, joking that if he gets through this, he won't be needing pants for some time.

A limousine pulls up on the other side of the mansion. Dee sits inside, in her wedding dress, with Cecile, Steph and Libby. Lou is driving and asks if Dee is ready. She is incredibly excited and says it's all happening too quickly. Cecile comments on how nervous she is. Libby says that Dee and Toadie are blessed - nothing can stand in their way now. Dee produces a bag with special gift earrings for each of them - emerald studs. Steph says that the day is going to be perfect, and Dee tells her to stop before she cries and ruins her makeup.

Most of the crowd is already seated as Libby and Lou join the ceremony. The string quartet begins to play the wedding march as Cecile and Steph walk down the ailse, followed by a gorgeous Dee. Everyone watches as she walks past the crowd, grinning. Once Dee has made her way up to Toadie, she smiles at him before breaking into joyful tears. Toadie asks if she thinks she can hold the tears off until the end and she starts crying again, saying, "I'm just so happy."

The celebrant begins the ceremony, welcoming everyone to the beautiful surroundings. Toadie looks into Dee's eyes and says, "These are the hands of your best friend, that are strong and full of love, and they're holding yours on our wedding day, as I promise to love you until the end of my days." Dee says, "These are the hands that will work alongside yours, as together we build our future, as we laugh and cry and share our innermost secrets and dreams." They make their vows and exchange rings in front of their friends and family. The celebrant joyously announces them as Mr and Mrs Jarrod Rebecchi, and the crowd erupts into an applause. Dee and Toadie have their first kiss as husband and wife.


Later, as Dee and Toadie are being congratulated by their friends and family, their speeches from the reception are heard:Dee says, "I um... I wrote this about us yesterday. I fell deep in love with my best friend, and now our days together will never end. Honest, kind, gentle and sweet, you make my heart feel complete. Today I start the rest of my life, proud and honoured to be your wife." Toadie says, "I honestly didn't know that I could be this happy. I'm married to the most beautiful, loyal, and caring woman on earth. And we are surrounded by such loving friends and family too. I know you'll all be part of our lives as we start a home filled with laughter, love, and plenty of 'mini-Dee's and 'mini-me's. I love you so much sweetheart, and you know me better than anyone ever has, and you love me for it - so thank you. I'm looking forward to every second of the rest of my life with you, Dee."

Dee and Toadie are about to leave and are being showered in confetti, but Lou can't start the engine of the limousine. Stuart suggests they take the car Connor is using. Stonie paints 'Just Married' on the back windscreen with lipstick as Connor ties cans to the back of the car. Waving at the crowd, Toadie and Dee leave the mansion in the old car, as everyone watches them drive off.

Later, somewhere on a country road, Dee and Toadie have stopped for a break; Toadie has finally relieved himself. Dee opens the back of the car to get out a fresh pair of trousers for him while Toadie says it would be nice if they could get away for more than just one night. Opening the suitcase, Dee realises what's inside - two airline tickets to the Maldives. Toadie has organised for her to have a week off work so they can have a proper honeymoon. Dee is overcome with love and kisses and hugs Toadie.
Back at the mansion, Stuart is fixing the limousine's engine when Stonie produces two passports - he forgot to give them to Dee and Toadie before they left. Stuart says he and Stonie can find a car and drive to catch up with them.Toadie and Dee are driving down the country road. Dee is still delighted about the Maldives - she can't believe it. Toadie says, "You've got the most beautiful smile." Dee, not able to take her eyes off her new husband, replies with, "I love you." Toadie tells Dee to kiss him and they embrace for a few seconds before Toadie loses control of the car. Dee screams and the car smashes through a roadside railing and veers towards a cliff. It flies off the cliff into the ocean below. Toadie and Dee are stuck in the car as it sinks quickly...



Notes: Special stunt and SFX teams were employed for the car accident sequence in this episode. Dee's full name on her airline ticket was mis-spelt as "Dionne". Likewise Cecile's name on the end credits was wrongly spelled as "Cecille." Reader Tom Dickson also notes another error: a small ramp can be seen just before the car goes over the cliff, presumably to allow the car to go much higher up for better effect. This was even mentioned on the Australian TV show The Panel, one night after the episode aired.
Multimedia BBC Trailer for Dee and Toadie's Wedding - Short Version Realvideo 269kb
BBC Trailer for Dee and Toadie's Wedding - Full Version Realvideo 570kb
Read the next episode in this sequence, Episode 4293.
Summary by Aaron. Captures by Karl