Magic Moments > 2003 > Oscar's Birth Episode 4308
Written by Helen MacWhirter, Directed by Chris Adshead
Lyn complains to Joe about the state of the house but he tells her they should make a break for it to the beach...
Walking across a peaceful beach, Joe tells Lyn he could get used to it as she gets puffed out. Suddenly she realises they haven't thought of a name for their little girl and Joe dismisses ideas which might cause the child trouble such as (Smelly) Kelly and Helen (Melon). Out of nowhere he suggests Natalie and they both agree on Natalie Scully.
Stepping out onto the deck of the beach house they are staying at, Joe finds Lyn sat panting and rushes to ask what's wrong. She's not sure but it's nothing like a contraction. It's some form of pressure that's making it hard to breathe. Joe suggests sitting up but she's comfortable where she is and thinks it will pass. Unmoved, Joe warns her that if something's wrong, he needs to know because Erinsborough is an hour away. Conceding, Lyn agrees he should go and pack.
The couple drive towards home through the country and Lyn asks Joe to pull over. She darts out of the car, almost convulsing in her attempts to breathe and Joe calls Karl at home informing him of the problem. Calmly, Karl points out that the baby may have rotated again and be pressing against the diaphragm. Meanwhile, Lyn's condition worsens and Joe wants to know what to do. Seeing as she's already in a crouching position to take the pressure off, there is nothing more that can be done and Joe should get her in the car and take her to hospital. Joe does just that and driving away, assures Lyn they'll get to the hospital soon.
18:25: Jack and Stephanie rush into Erinsborough Hospital where they find Susan and ask what's happening. They're told that their parents are in the examination room with Karl and Jack wants to know if everything's going to be okay.
Finishing his examination of Lyn, Karl confirms his original diagnosis that the baby has turned and put pressure on Lyn's diaphragm. Joe notes that it didn't happen before when the baby turned but Karl points out she's bigger now and needs more room to move. Her heart rate's fine and there's no sign of distress but the bad news is they could be looking at a breach birth. The only way to get a clear picture is to perform an ultrasound which they'll do now. Lyn thinks they should call Dr. Olenski but Karl assures her it's already done and makes her put her oxygen mask back on.
19:27: The family have gathered round a much calmer Lyn and Steph asks if she wants anything. Lyn comments that a doctor to tell her what's going on might be nice. She says there's really no reason for everyone to be there but Susan jokes that they're all just a bunch of sticky beaks living through the drama. When Dr. Olenski arrives, Jack and Steph kiss their mother goodbye and leave the room with Susan. Joe wonders how everything is and the doctor tells them everything's fine. It's definitely breach and the suggested course of action is a caesarean for which Dr. Olenski can book Lyn in tomorrow morning. Lyn refuses outright because all her other children were born naturally and Karl attempts to make her see that a natural breach birth has potential risks for the baby. She counters that there are also risks with a caesarean. They've got it to turn round before and they can do it again.
21:01: At the Scully house, Joe pulls some ice out of the freezer and brings it to Lyn who is on the floor of the living room doing turning exercises. She asks him to turn the TV off and put some nice music on as Karl arrives at the door to find out how it's going.
In the kitchen, Jack presses Steph to find out when she and Max are going to have kids but she snaps at him as she's sick of everyone making assumptions.
They hear raised voices and go to the living room where Lyn is accusing Joe of siding with Karl. They've made the baby turn before and they can do it again to avoid a caesarean. Karl asks what will happen if she goes into labour and the baby's still in the breach position prompting her to angrily ponder whether he's on some kind of commission. He just thinks it's for the best but Lyn tells Karl and Joe it's not about them, it's about her baby and her body. She turns to resume her exercises.
23:00: In the bathroom, Joe encourages Lyn as she continues to exercise.
00:25: The pair are still in the bathroom but Lyn has changed into her nightclothes to do her exercises. She wants to make sure Joe knows she wouldn't do anything to harm the baby and he does but if Karl and Dr. Olenski think a caesarean is the best option they should trust them.
04:00: Joe is asleep sitting on the toilet whilst Lyn is sat on the floor. Tearfully, she begins to talk to Natalie asking her to please turn round. She knows she can because she's done it before. Time's running out and she wants her to come when she wants to, not when some doctor decides.
The next morning at the hospital, Jack, Steph and Susan are gathered again in the corridor.
In the examination room, Karl tells Lyn that the anaesthetist will be along in a minute to administer the epidural. Panicking, Lyn asserts that she doesn't want one and the baby has turned. Karl scoffs that if the baby was in the breach position an hour ago, it's highly unlikely it would have turned by now. Joe steps in to back Lyn up as Dr. Olenski arrives to hear the news. Joe wants a test performed but Lyn doesn't think it necessary and implores Dr. Olenski to feel who confirms that the baby's turned. Lyn is ecstatic and rubs her abdomen telling the baby she knew she'd come through.
The Scullys return to number 26 and Lyn asks Jack to go and get her some fruit cake from the fridge as Joe talks to Valda on the phone. She then asks for the newspaper but quickly wants Joe to get off the phone because her waters have broken. They help Lyn up from the sofa.
In the kitchen, Joe packs the bags as another contraction starts and Jack wants to go and get Steph. Joe stops him because it's going to be a little while yet. Breathing deeply, Lyn forces her way through the contraction.
16:50: Lyn is in the bath after getting through another contraction and Joe informs her they're now seven minutes apart.
Steph's now arrived as Lyn has a contraction in the doorway of the kitchen. Checking her watch, Steph confirms they are now five and a half minutes apart. Deciding to call the hospital they all rush out the door leaving an exhausted Lyn to slump to the floor and sheepishly Joe returns to collect her.
17:32: Dr. Olenski performs an examination but Lyn's only four centimetres dilated and the baby hasn't even entered the birth canal yet. Lyn doesn't want to go home so Dr. Olenski just wants to hook her up to a heart monitor. Karl stresses the importance of resting between contractions and suggests giving her something mild to calm her. Joe comically thanks him.
20:30: Karl steps into the corridor where Susan's sat on her own. She tells him Lyn's dozing and puts an arm around him, enthusing about what a truly wonderful man he is. She goes to get coffee as the Scullys return and Joe is worried that the contractions have eased off. Karl sits him down and explains that Dr. Olenski is concerned. Lyn's cervix should be more dilated than it is and it would be best to give her something to induce labour and speed things along. Joe is unsure and just wants to know that Lyn and the baby are going to be okay which Karl assures him of.
In Lyn's room, Joe feels Natalie's head through her mother's abdomen before another contraction starts. Dr. Olenski strongly recommends an epidural as does Karl but Lyn emphatically refuses before confusedly saying "Yes."
Steph, Jack and Susan wait nervously outside the room.
Dr. Olenski announces that the baby is crowning. Lyn is pleased until Dr. Olenski wants to use forceps and Karl says that the baby is tiring and needs help.
Susan tries to comfort the kids by recounting how she was in labour with Mal for 23 hours and this is nothing. Their mum's in very good hands.
00:30 Lyn wants Dr. Olenski to stop because she can't feel her baby anymore. Karl thinks it's good because it means the epidural's working but Lyn is scared and the nurse notes the heart rate dropping.
Later, Dr. Olenski advises Lyn that on the next contraction she should take a deep breath in and push. She does just that but the cord is around the baby's neck and is cut quickly. Giving one more little push, Lyn finally produces a baby which is swept away to be examined. They are relieved when after several tense seconds it begins to cry. Lyn and Joe cry with joy as Karl congratulates Dr. Olenski. The nurse brings over a healthy baby boy stunning the Scullys. However they are extremely happy. Karl goes out to tell the others while Lyn and Joe remark on how beautiful the baby is.
The next morning, Karl brings coffee to Joe, commiserating with him on the tough 48 hours. But it's over now. Lyn's fine and he has a beautiful baby boy. Joe jokes about all the pink they have and Karl remarks "You know what they say. You dress a boy in pink, it makes him tough" before admitting with a laugh that he's clutching at straws.
In the examination room, the baby sleeps peacefully under Lyn's watchful eye. However, stony faced she rolls onto her side, turning her back on her newborn baby.
Notes: In an unusual and innovative step for Neighbours, several key scenes begin with abstract shots of clocks. The times displayed in these shots are shown in italics in the summary.
Comment: An outstanding episode proving how an old fashioned Neighbours birth can be done without the suffocating restrictions of previous regimes. The devotion of a whole episode to this one story was a step in the right direction along with the clever but unobtrusive use of clocks. Performances and writing were also top notch with subtle nuances in every scene such as Steph's ongoing cancer concern before the final dark moment when Lyn turns her back on the baby.
Summary by Jay. Captures by Karl