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Magic Moments > 2004 > The 2004 Season Premiere Episode 4396

Written by Martin McKenna, Directed by Tony Osicka

Karl tells Susan that their trip to Adelaide won’t work, and maybe they need time apart. The celebrant asks for any objections at Lou’s wedding, and Valda stands up and asks Lou if he really loves Trixie. Connor and Carmella kiss in the back room of the pub. Chris tells Serena he’s booked a hotel for them. Harold collapses in the car park...

At the pub, Connor and Carmella break off their kiss and he pulls away from her. He says he’s worried about what would happen if her dad found out, then decides it might be worth it and kisses her again. Trixie is looking for Lou and he says he’ll do the speeches once Harold gets back. They wonder where he’s got to and Lou goes out to look, saying he’ll be two minutes.


Harold lies on the ground, while Lou calls out for him at the front of the pub, but can’t see him in the darkness. Lou shows some more guests into the pub and, with no sign of Harold, goes back inside.


Karl is at a café in the city and takes off his wedding ring, looks at it for a few moments, then puts it down in the table.

Sky and Boyd are watching a movie and she’s saying how predictable and boring it is. He says they could do something else, but she says it’s fine. He wants to know what’s wrong and she admits that she’s worried about Serena.


Chris shows Serena to their hotel room and she asks what’s in the bag. He says it’s his camera equipment and she wants to know why he brought it. He says it’s too valuable to leave in the car.

Boyd and Sky wonder what they can do about Serena and Chris. Boyd says he must be a sleaze to try to get schoolgirls. He wonders what Serena sees in him and Sky says that Serena wants to make a big impression, especially with the girls at school, but she’s got nothing to gain from the situation and everything to lose.


Serena is obviously very uncomfortable in the hotel room and keeps making stupid comments. Chris tries to get her to relax, and she suggests that they go out. He says he’d rather stay in and says he’ll make her a gin and tonic.

Liljana and David arrive at the pub car park late for the reception and are arguing about it. He apologises for the car breaking down and him messing everything up, but Lil says that none of it matters. They kiss and then they notice Harold lying on the ground. David leans over him, trying to wake him up…



In the pub, Connor announces the beginning of the speeches. Trixie thanks everyone for coming, but then Liljana bursts in and announces that Harold’s collapsed outside and that they need an ambulance.

Chris asks Serena how her drink is, and leans in towards her, but she jumps up. She avoids his compliments and he tries to kiss her, so she locks herself in the bathroom. Meanwhile, Chris puts the ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door and gets his camera equipment ready.



Harold is taken into an ambulance, while David tells the paramedics about his father’s medical history and tries to work out what’s wrong. The paramedic says it looks like a stroke. Trixie sends Lou off to the hospital while saying that she can take care of everything at the pub. As the ambulance leaves, she picks up Harold’s camera and the ruined film.


Karl is still in the café, and gets a call about Harold. He rushes out, leaving his ring behind.

At the hospital, David is getting frustrated and Lil goes to contact Sky and Serena. Trixie arrives and Lou says they’ve had no news yet. Harold comes through on a trolley and Karl explains to David that his father is going for a CAT scan, and the most likely prognosis is a stroke, although it could be a brain tumour. David is thinking the worst, but Karl assures him that many patients make full recoveries. He goes on to explain that the longer Harold remains unconcious, the worse it could be.



Lil is on the phone to Sky, explaining what’s happened and asks if she can have Alexandra’s number, to contact Serena. Sky says she’ll do it, and she gets Boyd to call a cab. She tries to phone Serena, but has to leave her a message.


Lou tells Karl that none of this makes sense, and Trixie says she thought that people who smoke and drink were more likely to have strokes. Lou feels guilty for having run Harold ragged before the wedding, and Karl mentions that Harold’s kidney operation could have been a contributing factor. Lou feels terrible.

Chris is showing Serena his camera and she starts to get bored with it, suggesting that they go out to a restaurant. He says that he thought she’d like to make the most of the room and tries to kiss her again. She tells him to stop and runs off, saying she has to go. She runs out the front of the hotel and then hears the message from Sky on her phone. Chris is following her, and Serena quickly gets in a cab to the hospital, while Chris calls after her.

Karl is on the phone to the café, asking if they’ve found his wedding ring, but they haven’t. In Harold’s room, Lil and David are sitting looking at him and David is worried about the kids getting to the hospital. David holds Harold’s hand and Lil assures him it’ll all be ok.




Lou tells Trixie that she needn’t stay, but she tells him that he should get some rest too. Trixie says that Harold would understand, but then says that she’ll stay too. Lou insists that she leaves, so she goes and Lou talks to Karl. Karl explains that he tried to talk Harold out of the kidney donation. Sky and Boyd arrive and Sky speaks to Lil and David, who want to know where Serena is. Sky isn’t sure what to say, but then Serena arrives. They all go in to see Harold.


Connor and Carmella are locking up the pub and they kiss again, when suddenly Trixie walks in on them and makes a comment about them making the most of their time alone. Connor asks how Harold is, and Trixie says he’s fine, as everyone’s with him. Trixie asks Carmella if her dad knows where she is, and they quickly get going. Trixie starts crying and looks at the bride and groom from the wedding cake.


Everyone is sitting by Harold’s bed, when he begins to stir and David tells him where he is and gets Karl. Karl asks Harold if he can hear him, but Harold can barely talk and Karl sends them all outside. Karl explains to the specialist what has happened, and Lou and Lil are very positive, trying to keep everyone’s spirits up. Karl says that having everyone around has been what’s helped Harold to pull through this…



Summary by Steve
