Magic Moments > 2004 > Libby's Return Episode 4477
Written by Ben Marshall, Directed by Tony Osicka
Gus is sitting alone in the Hoyland house, and he picks up Max’s credit card. Lyn tells Jack that all she did was show Lori her options, but Jack isn’t happy. Max is confused when a man arrives to install cable tv, claiming that he called by yesterday and spoke to a Max Hoyland…
A locksmith is finishing work at number 32, and Max puts some spare keys in an envelope for Steph and leaves them on the bookcase.
At the Coffee Shop, Izzy seems flustered and Karl asks her if she’s ok. She insists that she’s fine and he asks her to come over to his place that evening. They’re chatting in the kitchen when Libby and Ben come in. Libby spots them chatting intimately and immediately walks out again.


At the pub, Lori is telling Connor about Lorne, and tells him that he can come and visit. She also explains that Jack is probably going to stay in Erinsborough and Connor says that he hopes everything works out and that he’ll miss both her and Maddy. Connor takes the baby over to the pool table to teach her how to play, while Lori happily watches the pair of them.
At number 26, Lyn asks Jack if he’ll be home for dinner, but he’s blunt with her. Jack has a go at his mother, saying that she’s ruined things with Lori. Lyn tells him that this isn’t about him and Lori, it’s about making Lori feel stronger. He claims that she’s making him out to be a creep and that he’s running the business and still she thinks the worst. He then storms off, saying that he can’t work out Lyn’s problem.

At number 32, Max has to let Izzy and Summer in as their keys won’t work. Max tells Summer that she’s going to New Guinea to visit Rosie the next day, and she rushes off to pack. Max takes Izzy and Boyd into the lounge room and explains that Gus has been back, telling them what happened with the cable guy. Boyd asks if they should call the police, but Max says that he’s going to check out Gus’ old room at the pub first. He insists that there’s no way Gus will be able to get in now, with the new locks. As he leaves, he fails to notice that the envelope containing Steph’s keys is missing.
Meanwhile, Gus is getting himself a key cut…


That evening, Susan arrives home and is shocked to find Libby and Ben waiting on the sofa. Susan asks Libby if the promotion fell through, but Libby jokingly claims that Ben simply refused to live in a city with such great weather as Adelaide. She explains that she had a shocking journey up, as Ben got sick and they had to stop off at a hospital, but it’s all fine now. Susan notices that Libby’s bought dinner from a coffee shop in Eden Hills…
Connor and Max are searching Gus’ room, not really sure what they’re searching for. Connor finds a photo of the Hoyland family, and Max realises it’s the one that went missing during the house inspection, and that he has to go to the police now.
Susan is telling Libby about Harold’s stroke, and that Liljana has turned into a good friend. Susan asks if Libby’s seen Karl, but she explains that he was too busy with ‘Jezebel’ so she left the Coffee Shop in a hurry. Susan tells Libby that Karl would be really upset if he thought she was avoiding him. Libby suggests cleaning out Billy’s old room, as it still smells a bit, and Susan realises that she needs to explain about the new houseguests…

Max arrives home and asks Summer how her packing’s going. Izzy and Boyd then appear from the kitchen wanting to know what happened. Max tells them about the photo, and Izzy and Boyd call Gus a freak. Summer suddenly appears asking what clothes she should take, and everyone goes quiet. They say that they’re all so jealous of her going on holiday. Summer runs off, saying she’s going to say goodbye to Lyn and Oscar, but Max tells her that Oscar will be asleep and to go over in the morning. They all agree not to tell Summer as she would only worry. Max insists that all the doors and windows stay locked, and nobody goes out or stays in alone.

Libby explains that she’s met one or two men, but none were interested once they met Ben. Susan tells Libby to make sure she has some fun in her life, and says she’s managed to meet a few men and have fun, apart from one disaster. Libby wants to know the details, and Susan says it was all Lil’s fault. She says she asked a guy out at the supermarket, but he knocked her back. Libby asks if he was married or gay, but Susan says that he was not only a priest, but also Joe’s brother.
Connor takes Maddy to the park and sits down on a bench. He tells her how much he’ll miss her and gives her a tin whistle, so she can keep up the O’Neill family tradition, and a photo of himself so she doesn’t forget what he looks like. He tells her that he’ll always be there whenever she needs something. He then tells her that although she pukes and cries, he still loves her.

Summer is preparing to leave, and wondering if she should phone the airline and claim to be an orphan so that she gets a better seat. Boyd arrives with Shadow, to say goodbye. Max tells her to rush as they need to get to the airport. Summer says she wishes Boyd was coming too, and Izzy tells Summer not to worry as Rosie will be there to pick her up. Izzy and Summer go to get in the car, and Max decides to drop Boyd at school on the way too, just to be safe. Max then tells Shadow that he can go back to Lou’s place.
At number 26, Jack is trying to convince Lori to stay. She says that it might happen one day, but not today. She explains that they need to wait a few months, to be sure. Lori tells Jack to make up with Lyn, as her intentions really were good.



Shadow runs out from number 22, and to the gate of number 32, where Gus sees her and accuses her of blowing his cover. Meanwhile, Lori is preparing to leave. Connor puts Maddy’s hat on and tells her to take care and be happy. Connor hugs Lori, while an unimpressed Jack watches them. Lori then hugs Jack, telling him that it’ll all work out, before getting into the taxi and leaving. Lyn suggests coffee and cake, but Jack says he has to go to work, Connor insists he’s fine too.
Gus sees a group of kids in the park, and lets go of Shadow, telling her to act cute.

At Karl’s flat, Izzy arrives with a video of The Avengers. She’s shocked to see that he’s laid the table with candles and everything. He says he just thought he’d go one better and she says she didn’t come here to be seduced. He says he’s happy for them to be friends, but she says that he’s gone to a lot of effort. She explains that she doesn’t feel the same way about him and he says that he knows she’s attracted to him. He tells her that he admires her, the way she loves her family and even loved someone like Gus. She says they’re beautiful words, but they can’t be together – he’s too old for her.

At number 32 the next morning, Max says he’s not going to leave Izzy alone. She says she’s staying there, as she needs a break from everything. Max leaves, telling her to call if anything happens. Izzy then produces a positive pregnancy test from her pocket and stares at it, while Gus watches her through the window. Izzy looks at the test and bursts into tears.
by Steve