Magic Moments > 2004 > Darren's Return Episode 4498
Written by Philippa Burne, Directed by Tony Osicka
Tom wakes up in bed next to Susan and they both look worried. Lyn tells Susan that Tom once had a crush on her. Izzy tells Steph and Max that she and Karl are having a baby, much to the shock of everyone...
Everyone is stunned, but Summer tells Izzy how great it is, and Max then hugs her. Steph is very quiet, but shakes Karl’s hand and congratulates him. Summer is very excited and wants to babysit, and Steph mentions that Karl already has three kids…


Tom is sitting in the pub reading when Susan comes in for a bottle of wine. He asks her to join him and she asks what he’s reading. They start chatting about the book when Lyn comes in and says she has no time for reading now, what with all her uni work. Susan tells her that she shouldn’t worry about her studies, and says she has to leave to watch her Brazilian soap with Libby. There’s an awkward moment, then Susan leaves and Tom asks Lyn exactly what she’s been saying to Susan.
Summer is suggesting baby names, while Max and Steph chat quietly about the situation, with Max urging Steph to give Izzy more support. Izzy goes into the bedroom where she finds Karl and asks if he’s upset. He explains that the timing was just a bit unexpected.

Lyn is explaining that she simply told Susan how much Tom loves the church and how much the church needs dedicated people like Tom within it. He then asks about whether Susan told Lyn about his crisis of faith and he says he’s disappointed in both of them. He asks why Lyn told Susan to stay away from him, as she seemed very uncomfortable around him. Lyn wonders if Susan and Tom are getting a little too close, and that they’re both at a crossroads in their lives. Tom says that he has plenty of close female friends, and he stops the conversation before Lyn says something she regrets.
At number 28, Susan rushes in, hoping she hasn’t missed the beginning of the soap. Libby tells Susan that she’s got herself a weekly column on the Erinsborough News, about relationships, and she’s going to call it ‘Women’s Libby’. The soap then starts, so they both shut up and watch…

Summer is suggesting names to go with the surnames Hoyland and Kennedy. She shows Steph a list with no boys’ names on it, and says she really wants a sister. Izzy suggests that she and Steph could babysit for each other, but Steph reminds her that she isn’t pregnant yet. Steph asks Izzy how far along she is, and she says that it can’t be any more than a few weeks. Karl then asks them all to keep it quiet until Izzy is a bit further along, just to be on the safe side, but he’s sure that Izzy will breeze through the pregnancy. Summer puts an end to the happy scene when she asks Karl when he’s going to tell Susan…
Libby and Susan are shocked by the plot twists in their soap, when suddenly the lights and tv all go out. Susan tells Libby to phone someone who can tape the show, while she rushes out to check the fuse box.


At number 32, Steph is unsure about Izzy’s pregnancy, reminding Max of Izzy’s sudden change of heart and her relationship with Gus. Max is angry, but Steph continues to list all the things that don’t add up.
Karl and Izzy are washing up, and he tells her to take it easy and sit down. She tells him to join her, but he says he wants everything clean before he relaxes. She tells him that they have to be honest with each other, and asks if he’s mad that she told Max and Steph about the baby. He says he’s just worried and that they should wait 12 weeks, unless something goes wrong. He says he’s thrilled about the baby though, and she hugs him. He then reminds her that this is going to affect a lot of people and he would prefer that Susan hears it from him rather than the local gossips. He then starts talking about Susan being pregnant with Malcolm, before stopping. She says it’s fine, and that they’re all still his kids, but he tells her that their baby is his future, and he wants it to grow up with lots of love and support.

Susan has managed to fix the fuse box and Libby is delighted. They continue to watch the soap and realise that they have missed a lot during the black-out. Suddenly, the lights all go out again and Susan is furious. They start to act dramatically (and badly) trying to find a way to fix the problem.
While Izzy sleeps, Karl sits on the side of the bed, trying to take in the events of the day.

The next morning, Libby and Susan are discussing how Gino couldn’t tape their soap, as he’s not allowed to watch it. Susan explains that Mr Macaulay, the electrician is coming, and Libby says she’s going to go out in that case, as he’s quite creepy. Susan says that Libby needs to stay home as she’s got to go to work. Susan then goes to check on Ben, while Steph, who has been reading Libby’s article, says that it’s a bit obvious that it’s about Izzy. Libby didn’t realise how obvious it was, but Steph tells her not to change a thing about it.
Lyn is in the Coffee Shop, when Susan comes in. Lyn apologises for sticking her nose into things with Tom, and Susan says that it’s fine. Lyn then explains how Tom had a go at her last night, and says that she should have explained things better the first time. She tells Susan that Tom could be heading for a big promotion and must be focused on his work. Susan says that she understands, but Lyn isn’t so sure and reminds her that Tom doesn’t need any distractions at all. Susan assures Lyn that she would only help Tom to make the right decision. Lyn compares it to the situation with Karl, and how Izzy was clouding Karl’s judgement.

At number 32, Summer is talking about the baby, and wonders if Steph will tell Libby. Max says that they’re all going to keep this news to themselves. Summer says she’s not a kid and she understands, so Max asks her to prove that by keeping the information to herself.
At number 28, Libby asks Steph about her dinner with Karl and Izzy. Steph says it was a bit weird, and then says she has to leave. Libby doesn’t want to be left alone, then there’s a knock at the door and Libby runs off out the back, making Steph answer the door.


Izzy is at the church, chatting to Tom and thanking him for listening to her. She says that her partner is going to stand by her and Tom reminds her that she still hasn’t told him the truth. She says that she doesn’t need to tell the truth in this situation, and he warns her that it has a habit of coming out anyway. She goes to leave, and he asks her to stay a while longer, as he doesn’t even know her name, but she goes.
Libby is outside feeding Cassie, when Steph appears and Libby apologises. Steph says that the electrician seemed really nice and he wants to talk to Libby. Libby reluctantly heads inside and is shocked to find Darren Stark on her doorstep.


At the church, Susan arrives to see Tom. She explains that she’s come to apologise and she says that she only spoke to Lyn because she was worried. He explains that he confided in her because he trusts her, and she says that maybe he shouldn’t. She tells him that she doesn’t want to be responsible for steering him towards the wrong decision and she can’t be his friend. She tells him that she isn’t sure she has his best interests at heart, and she has feelings for him. She explains that if he weren’t a priest, she’d want a lot more from him…
by Steve