Magic Moments > 2004 > Max and Stephanie's Wedding Episode 4528
Written by Helen MacWhirter, Directed by Julie Bates
Episode Title: Here Comes The Brides
Valda and Lyn are busy organising everything for the wedding, and Steph drags Max out of the room and apologises to him. Libby and Sindi ask Susan why she’s in such a good mood, when Tom appears from the bedroom. Max gets Steph up at 4am and suggests that they elope…
At number 32, Boyd and Summer are woken, and Steph tells them that they’re going to do the wedding in a simply and relaxed way, by their own rules. Summer is thrilled, and Max says that they have to get ready now. They realise that the wedding dress is still at number 26, but Steph decides that it wouldn’t really fit with the relaxed wedding anyway, and decides she’s going to wear jeans. Boyd then decides that he’s going to wear shorts.

Karl is helping Izzy set up outside the Coffee Shop, and he’s worried about how awkward it’s going to be if Susan and Tom turn up at the wedding. Izzy then brings up the subject of Karl’s 49th birthday, and suggests a big party before he turns 50. He doesn’t want a party, and asks for something low-key, so she suggests a ceremonial changing of the dentures.

At number 28, Libby and Susan are trying to make their wedding gift look like the best wrapped. Tom isn’t convinced that it matters, but Libby says it’s just about making all the others look cheap. Libby leaves to get some ribbon, and Tom admits that he’s worried about how he’ll feel and how they’ll go across as a couple. Susan admits that she’d have liked to have been there for Lyn.
Steph, Max and Boyd are having breakfast at a picnic table, when Summer appears from the car and starts taking official wedding photos.


Lyn appears from her bedroom complaining about the bags under her eyes. Valda tells her about a nightmare where maggots started appearing from the wedding cake. Lyn goes to wake up Steph with breakfast, but is horrified to find that she’s not in her bed. Valda thinks she’s gone for a walk, but Lyn says she’s been awake since 5am and would have heard her. Valda then suggests the bathroom, but Jack appears from there, and says he’s not surprised Steph is missing, as all the wedding madness probably sent her packing. Lyn rushes to the phone…
Still having breakfast, Steph’s mobile starts to ring and everyone tries to ignore it at first. Max says they’ll have to face the music at some point, so Steph answers. She explains to Lyn that there’s been a small change of plans, and Lyn starts ranting down the phone, at which point Steph puts it down on the table…

At number 30, Sindi is going through her wedding outfit with Toadie, and suggests that they co-ordinate, but he’s distracted and says he can’t go. Sindi says that he’s been working on Lou’s case for days, and he needs some time off. He tells her to go alone, but she says it won’t be so much fun.

Back at number 26, Lyn and Valda are in tears, saying that all they wanted was the perfect wedding for Steph. Jack comes in and says that that’s exactly why Steph left. They realise that they went overboard and ruined Steph’s big day. Charlie brings in a cup of tea and says that he could have told them that. Lyn is horrified, but Valda says that Steph’s rejected all the hoopla, not her family. Lyn starts to think about where they were heading, so Valda tells Jack to phone Joe, Charlie to get a map and Lyn to get dressed.
Max and Steph are at the home of a celebrant and explain that they’re just decided to do the wedding here and now. He reminds them that it’s 7.30am and they apologise. Meanwhile, in the car, Summer opens the door to get some flowers, then shuts it again, trapping her dress. She hears her dress rip and realises that that’s her final piece of bad luck. Max and Steph come rushing to the car, saying that the wedding’s on and the celebrant reminds them that they need two witnesses who are over 18.


Sindi starts annoying Toadie about the wedding again, reminding him that he’s been reading the same paragraph for the past half hour. She sits down with him and explains that she knows this is the first wedding he’s been to since his own. He says it’s not about that, it’s about her – he loves her, but he’s not sure how he’ll feel if he goes to the wedding and how it’ll affect her. She tells him it’s the loveliest thing he’s said, but she’s still not happy to go on her own.
The celebrant, along with the local butcher and baker as witnesses, show Max and Steph the gardens for the wedding. Summer gives Steph some flowers, and Boyd pays her back for the madness by saying he thinks he’s seen a redback. The celebrant suggests that they all take up their positions. He asks if they wanted anything in particular in the ceremony, but Steph says that she has everything she needs right here.




Lyn suddenly appears screaming “Stephanie Jo Scully” and she apologises for not listening. Valda, Charlie and Jack arrive too and call the rest of the wedding party. Everyone appears, and Lyn tells Steph that they can have their wedding without all the drama. Lyn explains that Joe wants them to go on without him. Everyone then sits down, and Lyn asks for one small favour…



The ceremony begins with Steph wearing jeans and a veil. They then say their vows…
Max, when my life was dark you brought me light.
Steph, where there was cold you brought me warmth.
Let me be the rock on which you rest.
Let my shoulders be the ones you lean on. I love you Steph Scully.
I love you Max Hoyland.


The celebrant asks if anyone objects – and everyone looks at Valda, but she says it’s all alright with her this time. He asks for the rings, and Summer has them, saying she just wanted to know what it feels like. Max and Steph take each other as husband and wife, and are declared married. They kiss and everyone cheers.

Boyd is giving his best man’s speech, and he says that he was going to begin with a joke, but the only one he could think of was Steph’s outfit. He says that Steph’s a one off, and nobody can make Max as happy as she does, and he’s happy to welcome her to the family. He tells Max that he loves him and he deserves a happy ending.
Everyone is gathered having drinks, while Valda is on the phone trying to cancel the real wedding venue. Charlie tells her that it doesn’t have to be a waste, and he gets down on one knee and asks if she’ll let him make up for all the years when he hurt her. He proposes, and says that second time around, they might get it right.



At the wedding venue, Valda is walking up the aisle, with Lyn and Steph as her bridesmaids. Everyone applauds, and Charlie and Valda say their vows. When it comes to exchanging rings, Lyn offers hers to use. They are pronounced husband and wife.



Valda and Steph throw the bouquet, and all the women tussle to the front of the crowd, with Libby catching it.
Everyone sees Valda and Charlie off in a limo and then Max shows Steph the motorbike that they’re going to leave on. Susan tells Lyn that it’s been a lovely day, then Tom walks up and Lyn turns away. Everyone cheers and waves as the two married couples leave for their honeymoons…


Notes: The song played over the final few scenes of this episode was “Always” by Sam Hawksley. Helen MacWhirter discussed the scripting of this episode in an interview with Perfect Blend, here.
Summary by Steve