Magic Moments > 2004 > Nina's Departure Episode 4567
Written by Judith Colquhoun, Directed by Gary Conway
Episode Title: Coming To Terms
Harold and Svetlanka accidentally kiss, and he apologises. Izzy bursts in on Susan and Karl’s mediation. Jack tells Nina that he can’t go with her to America.
Nina admits to Jack that she’s already cancelled his ticket, as Lyn had spoken to him. Jack admits that it’s annoying when his mother’s right, and Nina tells him that he’s amazing. She tells him that she’s not going to give up on him, because she’s not going to leave. He reminds her that she has an agent in LA, but she says that none of it matters without him. He tells her that she can’t give up on everything for him, but she leans in and kisses him.

Toadie is at number 30, on the phone to Tim, telling him that he can’t do this…

Toadie is then at number 28, explaining to Susan and Libby that Tim has had to rush away to Sydney, and Susan asks where that leaves her. She then realises with horror that Toadie is going to be representing her instead…
At the pub, Karl tells Izzy that he can’t believe the way things turned out, and how unreasonable Susan was being. Izzy tells him that it never works out well in divorce cases, and says that this is all for the best.

Susan asks Toadie how he can be impartial about Karl, but he says that he’s been employed and he’ll do his best. They prepare to discuss things, but Toadie admits that he hasn’t even had his dinner. Susan suggests that they head down to the pub.

At the pub, Svetlanka and Harold have just finished eating, and she comments on what a wonderful meal it was. Harold thinks that the food was a little off, so Svetlanka says it must have been the company that improved things for her. She tells him that she’s glad he’s joining her and the family for dinner the next night. He says that it won’t be that bad, but Svetlanka says that Liljana is hoping she’ll drop dead and the whole event will be cancelled. Susan and Toadie come in and spot Izzy and Karl. Karl asks Toadie for a word, but Toadie says that he can’t really talk about the case, as he’ll be representing Susan. Karl is horrified, and reminds Toadie that he said he was going to be impartial. He says that he was once like a son to him, and Toadie says that he’s trying very hard to do the right thing. Susan suggests that she and Toadie leave, while Izzy tells Karl that Toadie’s feelings are bound to cloud his judgement during the case.
At the courthouse the following day, proceedings begin with Toadie and Rhonda introducing themselves to the magistrate as representing their clients. The magistrate is surprised that this matter couldn’t be settled out-of-court, but Rhonda explains that the Kennedys had irreconcilable differences. As they begin, and Toadie and Rhonda explain why each party should be given the family jewellery, Susan sits and remembers when they renewed their vows, and when she found out about Izzy being pregnant. Karl sits and remembers taking his ring off and losing it at the bar. Toadie starts to list all of the things that Susan did for the family over the years, while Libby becomes teary-eyed. Rhonda argues that Karl also performed all of these roles within the family, but then Toadie says that Susan also managed to stick to her marriage vows, something that Karl failed to do.



At number 24, Serena asks what they’re going to be cooking for dinner when Svetlanka comes over that night, but Lil doesn’t really want to talk about it. She asks what it matters anyway, as she’s going to the Serbian youth night. Serena says she’s not going, and walks out without saying goodbye.
Back in court, they’re now arguing over some money left to Susan by her grandmother. It was given to her so that Susan and Karl could take a round the world trip when they retired, but Toadie argues that it is rightfully Susan’s money. Libby listens to all of this, then stands up and says that her great gran only gave them the money because she’d never seen a couple so in love, and she storms out, saying that she’s glad that her great gran can’t see them all now. Susan asks if she and Karl can have some time alone together, something with horrifies Izzy, and the magistrates agrees.

Susan and Karl are in a conference room, and both admit that they had hoped it wouldn’t come to this. They feel terrible about Libby, and Susan asks if they can sort this out between them. Karl agrees, and suggests that Susan take the house, and he has the business. She says that they can each keep their own cars, and split the savings down the middle. They realise that it’s not so difficult once you get rid of the lawyers.
Libby re-enters the courtroom, and Toadie tells her that they’ve asked to have a word in private. Rhonda tells the magistrate that they’re probably at each other’s throats by now, at which Libby turns to Izzy and says “Wouldn’t you just love that?”

Susan and Karl finish working things out, and realise that it’s 30 years all gone. They both admit that they were 30 good years, and Susan starts to cry as they talk about their children and grandchildren. She tells Karl that she has lots of beautiful memories and he says that he never thought this would happen to them. She touches his face, and his kisses her hand. They lean in to hug each other, and share a passionate kiss…
Svetlanka and Harold are leaving the hotel for a trip to the beach. As they go, a young man walks into the hotel and asks at reception about Svetlanka. He is told that she has just left, and he runs out to look, but there’s no sign…

Susan and Karl re-enter the court room, looking much happier, and they apologise for taking up so much of the court’s time. The magistrate asks what’s going on, and they tell her that they’ve reached an agreement. Libby looks round and grins at Izzy.
Svetlanka arrives for dinner at number 24, and Liljana is immediately defensive toward her. Serena comes out from her room and announces that she’ll be out at the Serbian youth night, and Svetlanka says it’s important for her to acknowledge her heritage. Svetlanka then tastes a chicken salad that Lil has prepared for Serena to take, and grimaces, but tells Lil that it’s wonderful. She tries to get round Lil by talking about a Christmas they all shared, but Lil is unmoved. Serena and David leave, while Harold says it’s nice for them to be together.

David and Serena arrive at the youth night (held at the school) and she tells him he can go now. She puts the salad down and gets chatting to the guy from the hotel earlier, Luka...
Serena and Luka sit down together and he explains that he’s new in town, but saw the flier and thought he’d come along. He explains that he had to escape from some pretty rough family dramas. The traditional music then starts playing, so Luka suggests that they do a runner.

Back at number 24, David and Lil are discussing how awkward things are, whilst Harold and Svetlanka sit in the lounge and he tells her that things are going fine.
Serena and Luka run into a corridor and “share a moment” with each other…

Everyone sits down for dinner at number 24, and Svetlanka comments on what a wonderful cook Lil is. Lil then asks if she can talk for a moment, about the shame she put on her family back when she was a teenager…


At the pub, Nina finishes up a set and everyone cheers and she signs a few autographs. Toadie and Lou both hug and kiss her as she comes off the stage, then she goes into the office with Jack. She starts to write out the tickets to Lyn, saying that she’ll love the trip and being able to see Flick and Michelle. Jack tries to tell her that she can’t give it all up, and he assures her that they’ll be together one day. She says that she’ll always have a reason to return, as long as he is there. They then agree to share one final night together before she goes to America the next morning, and they share a kiss…
Notes: Because Delta Goodrem had to leave suddenly in 2003, this episode provides a proper farewell for the character. It also features the debut performance of Keelan O’Hehir as guest character Luka Dokich.
by Steve