Magic Moments > 2004 > Libby's Departure Episode 4605
Written by Nova Weetman, Directed by Chris Adshead and Julie Bates
Episode Title: Love Is A Battlefield
Stingray is cheering Serena up by taking her out to a club. Boyd lies on his bed and looks at a photo of Sky. Libby receives a bunch of flowers, and Sindi announces that the card says they’re from Darren.
At number 30, Toadie leads a blindfolded Sindi inside, where a group of her friends are waiting. Toadie removes the blindfold and they all shout “Surprise!”. Sindi is shocked, while Toadie makes a speech about what a wonderful person she is and everyone makes a toast to her for her birthday. Lyn sees Steph for the first time since she got back from Bendigo, and checks with her that everything’s ok. Stuart makes an attempt to leave, but then a woman walks in and he changes his mind.



Serena and Stingray are dancing at the club, and he’s doing some ‘different’ dance moves, while a group of girls watch and laugh at him. Stingray notices them and apologises to Serena for embarrassing her in front of her friends, but she tells him that they’re just snobs and joins in with the wacky dancing.
Libby is sitting on her own in the garden of number 28, when Susan comes outside for a chat. Libby explains that she got some flowers from Darren, then she called him and he wants her and Ben to move to Shepparton and be with him. Susan asks what the problem is, and Libby admits that she isn’t quite sure. Susan asks Libby is she loves Darren, and she admits that she does, but she says that she can’t leave right now. Susan reminds her that this is her third chance and she should grab it. She reminds Libby that this is her decision.
Back at the party, Lyn is checking that Joe is coping, and Steph says that he’s coping fine. She admits that it’s been difficult having her parents split up, but seeing Joe on the farm made her realise that he’s happy. Max comes over and reminds Steph of their appointment with the doctor in the morning. Stingray and Sindi arrive at the party. Jack and Stu are chatting and he’s distracted looking over at Sindi’s friend, Jacinta. Jacinta asks Sindi to introduce them, which she does. Stu says that he’s a cop, and she starts flirting with him, asking all sorts of questions.


Later on, Stingray is maniacally dancing around the lounge room, while Sindi and Toadie watch Stu and Jacinta getting to know each other. Toadie gives Sindi her present – a romantic weekend away. Lyn leaves, saying that she needs to get back for the babysitter. Toadie then notices Stu and Jacinta kissing on the couch and Sindi suddenly feels unwell and wants to leave, so Toadie goes back to number 30 with her.
At number 30, Serena and Stingray get back and she thanks him for helping to take her mind off things. They’re about to kiss when Sindi and Toadie walk in. Serena quickly leaves and Sindi comes back out from the bedroom to apologise, but Stingray thinks he’s made an idiot of himself anyway.
The next morning, Karl arrives at number 28 to see loads of boxes and asks Susan what’s going on. She explains that Libby is leaving to be with Darren in Shepparton. She warns him to be supportive, because she’s going to go no matter what he thinks. He gives Susan some flowers to thank her for talking him out of his depression. He says that he has to accept that his kids are living their own lives.

At the Coffee Shop, Libby is apologising to Sky for having to break up their partnership at the newspaper, and gives Sky some paintbrushes. Sky hugs her and admits that Libby’s been like an older sister to her. Libby asks her to come visit, and Sky admits that she wishes she could go now, but Libby tells her that everything will work itself out. Sky says that things will get better when Lana leaves, but she thinks that things are well and truly over with Boyd.
Sindi and Toadie arrive at number 30 to find the place in a mess. Stu is sitting on the couch eating breakfast when Jacinta comes in wearing his cop cap. Sindi makes another excuse to leave and Toadie joins her. Jacinta starts asking Stu what he wants to do that evening, and he quickly puts her off, saying that he thought he made it clear he isn’t looking for anything long-term. She says that he didn’t, and walks out.

At number 32, Lyn is teaching Summer to knit, when Steph and Max get back from the hospital. They explain that Steph isn’t pregnant, but it wasn’t likely to happen the first time anyway. Max tells Summer to get going to school, whilst Lyn tries to offer support to Steph, but she insists that she’s fine. Lyn leaves, and Max tells Steph to stop putting a brave face on her disappointment. She admits that she’s really disappointed, but she can’t talk about it after everything Izzy’s just gone through with the miscarriage.
At the Coffee Shop, Lyn announces that she’s buying into the salon with the proceeds from the house sale. Just then, Harold and Lou come in and Lyn asks them to be guinea pigs for her new life coaching venture.

In the pub office, Lyn is telling Lou that he needs to find a balance between his love life and his work life. She then tells Harold that Lil and Svetlanka will repair their bond because it’s between a mother and daughter.
In the pub, Susan is wondering who she’ll watch Lust Na Vila with now. Libby prepares to leave, but Karl asks to have a word with her. Susan leaves, and Karl says that he doesn’t feel that he’ll be able to say farewell back in Ramsay Street. He tells her how amazing she is, and that if she ever needs anything, he’ll be there for her. They tell each other how much they love the other, then they hug.


Lyn appears from the office and tells Max that he should come and see her soon for some life coaching. She hugs Jack, as her new career has gotten off to a great start.
Libby and Susan are putting boxes into a van. She says she’ll leave Ben’s old cot in the garage incase Steph needs it. Susan says that she can’t believe that all of her kids have finally left home, but Libby reminds her how much she’s always wanted to have a quiet Sunday morning. Susan admits that she’s just grown used to having Libby around, and that she’s been her rock for the past year. Libby tells Susan that she’s a strong woman, and that she really loves her – she’s the best mum a girl could have. Both in tears, they share a hug.


Sindi is vacuuming at number 30 and complains about the mess. Stuart reminds her that it was her party in the first place, and they start arguing again. He reminds her that she wants nothing to do with him, and that he can see whoever he wants.



On Ramsay Street, Susan is putting Ben into the van. Lou hugs Libby and tells her to take care of Ben. Harold then hugs her and says that something will definitely be missing in the street with Libby gone. Toadie tells her that he deserves a hug too after all these years. Summer gives her a photo of the Hoyland family, then Libby hugs Steph, and wishes her luck with everything. Libby goes to get into the van, stopping to give Stuart a kiss on the way. She tells her mum that this is the worst best day of her life. Susan tells her how proud she is and Libby drives away, waving as she goes. Everyone waves back and the crowd begins to disperse. Lyn asks Susan if she’s ok, and Susan says she’ll come over later. Lyn walks away, and Susan is left standing on her own in the middle of the street..



Notes: The song played over the final scene of this episode was ‘Raincloud’ by Charlton Hill. Karl’s absence from the final scene was due to Alan Fletcher being ill in real-life. The scenes with Karl and Libby saying goodbye in the pub meant that Kym Valentine had to return for a day’s filming after leaving the show.
Comment: Despite the hurried feeling to it all, this was still a wonderful episode to mark Libby’s final scene after ten years as a Ramsay Street resident. It was made all the more poignant as she left to be reunited with Darren, her first love and a relationship dating all the way back to 1996.
by Steve