Magic Moments > 2004 > Jack's Departure Episode 4628
Written by Anthony Morris, Directed by Tony Osicka
Episode Title: Choose Life
Toadie is telling Stu that he’s just been pulled from the case, so he doesn’t want any more bad news. Doreen thinks that they should listen to Charlie’s wishes, and Lyn is furious. Dorothy asks Stu if he has a special ladyfriend, but he says that he doesn’t.
At number 26, Lyn is thinking about freezing some of the leftovers, but Doreen says that they should indulge themselves on Christmas Day, as she doesn’t believe in frozen foods. Jack gets off the phone to Nina, and Lyn is upset that her boy is leaving tomorrow. She admits that it’s good excuse for her not to go to Karl and Izzy’s wedding. Steph says that they won’t be breaking any attendance records anyway, and Lyn comments that she’d be surprised if many people show up. Jack then says that he’d be surprised if the bride even shows up. Everyone looks at him, shocked, and he says that he was just joking.

At number 28, Toadie arrives to give Sindi a Christmas present – a bottle of her favourite perfume. He explains that he bought it for her when they were still together. She’s very grateful, but says that she doesn’t deserve it. She says that she heard about the case, letting it slip that she’s been talking to Stuart. She manages to cover, and Toadie leaves, with Sindi looking relieved.
At number 26, Lyn is trying to find out why Jack thinks Izzy won’t show up. She says that she doesn’t want to see Karl hurt like that, and Jack admits that Izzy isn’t really in love with Karl. He says that Karl loves her and gives her security so it’s beneficial to both of them. Steph suddenly bursts in and says that Charlie is having trouble breathing, following his physio session…

Stuart arrives at number 28, and he and Sindi are pleased to have the house to themselves. She shows Stuart the gift that Toadie gave her and says that she can’t cope with this for much longer. They both just want it to be out in the open. She hugs him, and they agree to wait, knowing that they’re doing the right thing.
At number 26, Karl is checking over Charlie and Lyn takes him into the kitchen for a cuppa. She says that it’s really scary seeing Charlie like that and Karl says that most families wouldn’t have the strength to cope with this. Lyn asks about the wedding plans and Karl says that he’s hardly seen Izzy, as they’re both so busy. Karl admits that he’d like to see Lyn there and he’d like them to be friends. He gives Lyn a food voucher as a Christmas present, and she’s very touched. He tells her that his wedding is a new start and he hopes people will see it like that, eventually. She looks concerned as he says that Izzy is his future.

At number 28, Susan and Lyn are having a drink, admitting that Christmas never seems to get any less hectic. Susan admits that Libby, Darren and Ben make a lovely family and Lyn admits that she saw Karl earlier when Charlie had a bit of a scare. Susan explains that she’s off to a day spa tomorrow and is arranging things with the decorators. Lyn says that she might be better off being as far away as possible and Susan asks what she’s talking about. Lyn feels bad and says that she’s made a resolution not to gossip. Susan wants to know, so Lyn tells her what Jack said.
Susan is astonished, but admits that she shouldn’t care whether Izzy loves Karl or not. Lyn says that Karl doesn’t deserve to be hurt like that, but Susan says that she doesn’t know what she can do to stop the whole thing. Lyn encourages Susan to talk to Karl about it, but Susan says that it would just make her look like a bitter ex-wife. She says that Karl’s life is no longer her responsibility.

At number 26, Doreen and Steph are looking after Charlie, when Lyn gets home. They all agree that they should write up a chart of when to give medication and how much, as they’re struggling to get it all right.
At the pub, Karl is on the phone to Izzy, and they’re worried that the venue will look very sparse, as so many people can’t make it. Toadie goes over to chat to him, and Stu and Sindi come in. Stu apologises for having to work, but Sindi isn’t so lucky and ends up being roped in. David and Lil phone Karl to say that they can come too.

Lyn, Doreen and Steph are trying to work out the right balance for Charlie’s medication. Doreen suggests giving him maximum pain relief before his physio sessions. Steph wonders what will happen when the pain relief stops working altogether and she admits that it makes her very sad watching him suffer.
At number 28, the next morning, Sindi is trying to sneak Stu out of the house. They are just having a kiss goodbye when Susan walks in and catches them together.

Sindi is trying to explain how things got started between her and Stu, and Susan wants to know when Toadie is going to find out. Susan tells her that she doesn’t need to tell her what’s right and wrong, but friendships are going to be severely damaged by all of this.
Lyn is trying to wake up Charlie, as they need him to give them a hand outside. Doreen and Steph come in and help him up…

Outside, Jack is waiting with Charlie’s boat, Sheergold Scandal. Charlie is shocked to see it there and Jack asks him if he’s ready to come aboard. Steph and Jack then help Charlie over to the boat, and Jack says that he’s snuck a few beers in. Lyn is pleased to see Charlie still has some life left in him.
Charlie, Steph and Jack are sitting on the boat and he’s telling them stories from his sea-faring days. Doreen says that she hasn’t seen him so active for weeks and it might just be what he needs to keep him going physically for a while longer.

Toadie finds Karl going over some last-minute wedding details in the Coffee Shop. Toadie says that he should get some time to de-stress and offers to give him a hand with everything. Karl is delighted and very grateful to Toadie for being so loyal to both him and Susan. Karl admits that none of the kids can be there, as they all have ‘prior engagements’.
Jack is preparing to go, putting his bags in the car, while Lyn nags him. He goes to say goodbye to Charlie, who tells him to stick to his dreams and be good to Nina. He hugs Doreen, who tells him not to ruin his body with American junk food. Jack then hugs Steph, who tells him to take care and he says that he won’t let her down. She tells him that he can always come back if it all goes pear-shaped. Lyn hurries him along, and he says goodbye and sweet dreams to Oscar down the baby intercom. Jack gets in the car and waves back to everyone as Lyn drives him out of Ramsay Street.




Susan walks into the Coffee Shop and sees Karl getting a coffee. She explains that she’s on her way to a day spa and he says that he has things to do. Just as he’s leaving she stops him and says that she has something to tell him – about Isabelle…
by Steve