Magic Moments > 2005 > Nina and Jack's Reunion Episode 4632
Written by John Davies, Directed by Gary Conway
Episode Title: Love Is Blind
Detective Skinner questions Steph again about her actions surrounding Charlie’s death and she tries, and fails, to explain herself. Toadie gets a call from Sindi and tells everyone they’re alive. Sindi tells Stu, but he fails to respond…
Sindi continues to call Stuart’s name, until he finally moves his head and starts coughing. She asks if he’s alright, and he isn’t sure.

At the hospital, Steph is lying with Max on his bed. She tells him that the police and her own mother think she killed Charlie. She makes sure that he believes her, and he admits that he’s just stunned that nobody else does. Steph justifies Lyn’s beliefs, saying that she’s just confused right now, and Max agrees, saying that she’ll come to her senses. Summer and Boyd arrive, and Max tells them that it’s going to be ok.
Sindi starts screaming as more debris falls on her, then she notices a shaft of light and Toadie and Steiger appear. He tells them that it’s going to be alright, and Steiger tells Stu to hang in there.


At number 24, David is trying to think of fundraising ideas, and Serena suggests a charity fashion parade. Harold gets off the phone and announces that Sindi and Stuart are ok, but they think the fire was deliberately lit. Serena looks worried and asks if they’ve found Luka yet – as she thinks he may have started the fire…
Outside the burnt out pub, Sindi and Stuart are brought out on stretchers. Toadie tells them both that they’re going to be ok, but Stuart is worried that he can’t see.


Lil asks Serena why she thinks Luka might have started the fire. Serena explains about seeing him with matches, and that Luka set fire to David’s briefcase. She tells them that’s why he left. They’re not convinced, so Serena tells them about the school fire that Luka started. Liljana doesn’t believe her and decides to try ringing the Dokiches again.
At the hospital, Toadie is ribbing Stu about always having to be the hero and tells him that the press are already waiting to talk to him. Stu thinks he should get Bob trained as a seeing-eye dog if he’s never going to see again. Toadie thanks Stu for going in and saving Sindi, and Stu says that she’s special and he’d never have forgiven himself if anything had happened. Toadie says that Sindi is just in for observation overnight, and Stu is about to tell him the truth about his relationship with Sindi, but Toadie quickly realises and leaves.
At the Coffee Shop, Harold is looking over the damage and says that he’s glad Madge isn’t there to see it, and he never thought he’d ever wish her gone for a second. He says that she loved working there and being amongst her friends. David says that they should work on getting the community hall set up and leave the mess to the insurance people.

Sindi is with Stu in his hospital room and asks how he’s feeling. She tells him that the specialist is happy, and he says that they just have to wait and see how the burns heal. She starts to cry and he holds her hand, telling her that they’ll get through it together. She tells him that she loves him, while Toadie watches through the glass in the door.
At the community hall, David is impressed with the new coffee machine, which has been anonymously donated. Steph and Max arrive with some more chairs, and he says he’s feeling fine. Harold offers Steph his sympathies about Charlie. They discuss Valda not making it down and tell Steph that the family will pull through.

Sindi leaves Stu’s room and finds Toadie waiting outside. He gives her some flowers and she thanks him for not giving up on finding her. He reminds her that she didn’t give up on him when he was in a coma, and she suggests that they try to live less dramatic lives.
The next morning, at number 24, David is on the phone, trying to trace Luka, when Lil comes up behind him. As he hangs up, Lil asks him if he thinks Luka’s guilty and he tells her that they have to face the possibility. Lil is furious and says that she understands Serena’s opinion, but not David’s, she storms out.

At number 32, Summer is planning on visiting Lyn, but Steph asks her not to, for the moment. Summer becomes upset that nobody ever tells her what’s going on, so Max and Steph sit Summer and Boyd on the couch and tell them that it looks like Steph is pregnant. The whole family is delighted.
In Los Angeles, Jack checks into his hotel room, where he finds the maid still finishing off the room. He notices something fishy about the maid’s accent, then she turns around and he realises it’s Nina, who wasn’t supposed to be arriving until the following day. She explains that filming doesn’t start yet, so she has three days off. She then tells him that her next movie is set in a suburban cul-de-sac in Australia, so he won’t be getting rid of her very easily. He tells her he loves her, and they fall onto the bed.


At the community hall, Harold hugs Sindi and tells her how worried that all were. She gives Harold some magazines, candles and pot pourri for the temporary coffee shop. David says that it must have been a love thing that made Toadie know that Sindi was still alive. David asks how Sindi can ever repay Stu for saving her. Sindi quickly changes the subject, wanting to help out, but Toadie realises she’s still not well and takes her off home.

At number 32, Summer is still excited about the baby, then she goes off to make a card for Lyn. Max suggests calling the baby Charlie. He asks how much they’re going to tell the kids about the investigation, but Steph is sure that it’ll be over soon and they won’t even need a lawyer. Steph admits that Michael isn’t very nice, but he did return to Australia just after his dad died, so she can understand.
Sindi and Toadie are at the accident site and Sindi thanks Toadie again for not giving up. She says that it’s weird seeing everything burnt out, as so many of their memories are tied into the pub and the Coffee Shop. She asks him to sit down with her and is about to tell him about Stu, but Toadie beats her to it, telling her that he knows. He says he’s known for a while, but tried to deny it. She tells him how sorry she is, but he tells her that she shouldn’t be, as she deserves to be with someone who’ll treat her right.

Max gets off the phone and is furious that the insurance company is refusing to pay out at the moment, and Max is now a suspect for the fire. Steph hugs him and wonders who the fire starter could have been – suggesting Gus, as it all makes sense. Max realises that she’s right, and Steph suggests that they mention it to the police.
by Steve