As Karl waits for the ambulance and starts to run out of breath, he phones Susan. He tells her that he loves her and that their time together was more than he ever deserved. Susan realises what’s going on and starts to cry, telling him to save his breath. He then hangs up and calls Izzy, who’s busy painting her toenails. When she sees who’s calling, she ignores it. He leaves a message telling her he’s having a heart attack and he wants her to be happy and to find somebody who will love her. He then collapses onto the side of the road.



At number 26, Dylan and Stingray are playing a flicking game and begin to remember back to when their dad used to play with them, and he stole a jaffa from Bree’s ice cream to use as a ball. Janelle quickly corrects him, insisting that it was Scotty’s idea, not Kim’s. Dylan quickly changes the subject, asking what they’ll be doing for Janelle’s birthday the next day. Janelle says that if she were rich, she’d want a nice piece of jewellery. As Janelle leaves, Dylan then announces his plan to impress his mum by buying her something sparkly and he’ll sell his car if he has to. Stingray isn’t impressed.
The ambulance arrives and finds Karl lying by the side of the road.

At number 30, Connor gets off the phone from Toadie and explains to Carmella that Frank got bail and nothing can be done about it. Carmella’s worried that a restraining order won’t keep him away from them and Connor suggests that they leave for a while. He remembers that Toadie’s Uncle Barry has a cottage outside Colac where they could go.
In the back of the ambulance, the paramedics are trying to revive Karl and they begin giving heart massage as Karl starts dreaming… at number 28, Karl and Susan are preparing a roast dinner as all of the kids are on their way over. She mentions the lamb roast and he tells her not to say anything in front of Cassie, who just happens to be in the middle of the kitchen. The lights then start flickering and Karl decides to go outside to check. As he opens the front door, he’s enveloped by a white light… the paramedics finally manage to get a pulse.



At number 26, Dylan is disappointed that his car is going to raise so little money and Stingray suggests buying a cheaper ring. He then agrees with Dylan that Janelle deserves a decent birthday gift this year, which Janelle overhears. She runs in and hugs her son, who points out that it was Dylan’s idea to get her a nice gift. Janelle is quickly suspicious when she finds this out, but Dylan’s phone rings and he has to leave to do a job for Paul.
At the cottage, Carmella is still worrying, thinking that they might have been followed there and she jumps at every little noise she hears. Connor assures her that they’re alone and the cottage is just a temporary solution. As they mess around in the kitchen, they both stop as they notice a shotgun propped up in the corner.


At the hospital, Susan runs in, closely followed by Izzy, trying to find out if Karl’s been admitted. They are informed that he’s in a serious condition. She asks which of them is his wife and Susan says that she is, but Izzy butts in, explaining that she’s his de facto wife. Susan glares at her and the doctor promptly reminds them where they are and explains that one of them needs to sort out the insurance details. Izzy goes to do it, as Susan points out that she has just as much right to be there.
At the cottage, Connor is chopping wood for the fire and Carmella comes outside to tell him that she’s found some real coffee. She flinches as he tries to kiss her and she says that Frank should be the one having to run away, not her. Connor assures her that he’ll get what he deserves, but Carmella isn’t quite so sure. Connor vows to protect her and continues chopping wood as she goes back into the kitchen and spots the gun again.

At number 26, Janelle and Serena are baking a cake – from scratch, not from a packet – although Janelle isn’t sure. In the lounge, Dylan is preparing to leave for a job that Paul’s asked him to do. Stingray’s worried about the involvement of a baseball bat in it all, but Dylan explains that a friend of Paul’s gran wants to buy a house and Dylan has to get the squatters out of it first. Stingray asks if he can tag along, but Dylan says that he doesn’t want to split his earnings.
At the hospital, the doctor informs Susan and Izzy that Karl is stable and one of them can go in. They’re reminded that he’s in quite a fragile state, so Izzy goes in alone, as Susan is just happy that he’s going to be ok. Izzy tells Karl that she was glad that he called her and now she knows that it’s her he wants to be with, she’s happy. She puts her head on his chest, as Susan watches them from the door.

Later on, Susan finishes up a call to Libby, and asks her if she can let Billy and Mal know what’s happened. Susan then sits down next to Izzy, who apologises for her behaviour earlier. Izzy says that she feels bad for the things she said and for hurting her and Karl. Susan accepts the apology and Izzy explains that her anger came from her insecurities about competing with Susan and Karl’s history together. Susan says that it was never a competition. The doctor then tells them that Karl has regained consciousness and Izzy allows Susan to go in and see him. Susan puts her hand on Karl’s forehead and strokes it, as he wakes up and smiles at her. He says that he tried to call her… she tells him that none of that matters now.
At number 26, Janelle is amazed with the chocolate cake they made, without even using a packet. Dylan returns and shows Stingray the ring he got with his earnings from today. Janelle and Serena then come in so Stingray hides the ring, but Janelle tells him to hand it over. She’s thrilled when she realises what it is, but Stingray says that it was all Dylan, who got the money from doing an honest job. Janelle tries the ring on and Dylan asks if he even gets a thank you. Janelle asks like she has no idea what he’s talking about, so Dylan gets angry with her, asking why she can’t tell him that she loves him and treats him so badly compared to the others. A furious Janelle says that it’s because he reminds her of Kim and she can’t stand the sight of him.

At the cottage, Connor comes in, having been chopping wood, but Carmella is nowhere to be seen. He calls out for her, then notices the gun has gone. He runs outside where Carmella is starting the car and he’s unable to stop her as she drives away…