
Magic Moments
> 2005
> Annalise's Return
Episode 4769
by Judith Colquhoun, Directed
by Gary Conway
Title: Criminal Record
Karl and Janae discuss her getting a man by having a baby and he calls it entrapment. Janelle decides that she’s going to write a book. Susan is about to say something to Karl, when Izzy comes in and tells her to just say whatever it is…
At the school, Susan stops herself from telling Karl the truth and instead complains that she’s been left by the kids to clean up all the mess, as usual. Karl says that he’ll stay and help her, but Izzy quickly butts in, saying that she’s made breakfast reservations for them and they need to get going. Susan tells them to go and that she’ll manage and she’s stunned as Izzy glares back at her as she leaves.


At the General Store, Lou has just served some drinks to Stingray, Dylan and Sky when he spots a woman walking in the door and runs off to hide in the kitchen, telling Harold to tell her that he’s backpacking in Patagonia. Dylan and Stingray spot Annalise walking in and start drooling, but Sky quickly shuts them up. Annalise then approaches Harold and explains that she’s looking for Lou – he’s an old friend – and Harold is left speechless as Lou hides in the kitchen, shaking his head.
At number 26, Janelle is continuing to write her book, all about her first day at the salon, when someone knocks at the door. She has a quick look out of the window and notices that it’s the repo man, so she runs and hides with Janae, who’s come out of her bedroom to get some breakfast. Janae seems impatient with the whole thing and Janelle thinks he’s gone so she opens the door, only to find the man still standing there, telling her that he’s come to take the tv.

Back at the store, Harold is trying to make conversation with Annalise as Lou hides in the kitchen. Annalise mentions that she was very sorry to hear about Madge’s death. Harold then asks her what she’s doing back in Erinsborough and she explains that she now works for the BBC and is making a documentary about small communities and how they shape people’s lives. She says that she’ll be concentrating on Ramsay Street and that people in the UK will go mad over the sunshine and barbies. She says that she’d like to interview Harold, as well as Lou, for the documentary and will be in touch. Dylan is trying to get back into Sky’s good books by telling her how smart and hot she is, whilst Stingray asks Harold who the blonde woman was. Harold explains that she’s making a documentary about them and then Lou comes back in and Harold accuses him of being childish. Lou believes that Annalise has come back to find him, as younger women seem to be drawn to him.
Back at number 26, Janelle is pleading with the repo men, telling them that they’re being very unfair and that she has tried to send them the money. Stingray comes home as they’re leaving with the tv set and also tells them how evil they are, but Janae says that they’re just doing their job. Janelle isn’t impressed and tells Janae that she needs to start earning money like the other kids. Stingray realises that they’re going to miss their favourite show, Stupid Aussies, because they have no tv.
Sky is leaving Grease Monkeys when she starts getting hassle from a guy named Shaun and his mates. Dylan follows Sky out of the building and tells them to leave his girlfriend alone. He then grabs Shaun and warns him more firmly, so the three guys leave them alone and a shocked Sky follows Dylan offer to the car.
At the hospital, Susan spots Izzy leaving a consulting room and is about to follow her when Dr. Beth Carter comes out and spots her. She calls after Susan, saying that it’s been a while and that Susan missed her last appointment. Susan apologises, saying that she’s been very busy, but Beth points out that she has a cancellation and could give her a check-up now. At first, Susan isn’t keen, but then she changes her mind and accepts.

In his car, Dylan is trying to explain to Sky that he was defending her, but she isn’t impressed with him showing his violent side yet again, warning him that he could easily end up back in jail. He tells her that he’s trying to control his temper, but she says that it’s not enough and says that she’s worried that he might turn on her one day. He assures her that he’d never hit her, or any girl, but she says that it’s not ok to hit a guy either. She then questions whether he’s the sort of person she wants to go out with.
Still in Dylan’s car, Dylan tries to apologise for messing things up once again. She wonders if it’s her fault, as she constantly picks guys who are the complete opposite of her and then tries to change them. Dylan assures her that opposites attract, but she thinks that she’s just bossy. He tells her that he wants to change so that he can make her happy. She says that although they’re different, they can’t seem to stay away from each other.

Back at the General Store, Annalise is interviewing Harold and mentions that it must have been quite a couple of years, with the big fire and Ramsay Street almost being demolished. She asks him about Paul Robinson’s involvement in it all, mentioning that she met him once or twice. Harold explains that Paul is in hospital and that she should go there if she wants to get the details from him. Just then, Lou comes in with a big box and is forced to hide behind it and scuttle into the kitchen to avoid being spotted by Annalise, as Harold starts coughing to distract her.
At number 26, Stingray has been reading his mum’s book and tells that she needs to use spellcheck, but it’s really good and will sell millions. Stingray then mentions the documentary that Annalise is making, whilst Janae brings out the Scrabble to give them something to do without the tv. Janelle tells Stingray to get the old tv from the garage rather than resort to that, but as he’s going out the door, Dylan comes in, sending Stingray flying across the room. Janelle ignores him lying on the floor and tells Janae to get the video camera, saying that she’s had an idea…

Out in the backyard, Stingray is setting things up as Janelle’s had the idea to make a video for Stupid Aussies and win the top prize of $20,000. Janae tells them that they can’t set it up, but Janelle tells Stingray to go ahead, as Janae retreats inside the house. Stingray then completes his stunt – losing his footing on a ladder, then putting his foot in a bucket, stepping on a rake before falling into a wheelbarrow. Janelle wants to do a retake, but Stingray says that it would be more agonising that Janae’s singing – which then gives them another idea.
Janelle, Stingray and Dylan sneak in and watch Janae dancing around the lounge room, singing Stop Callin’ Me into a hairbrush. They video her and laugh as she falls over. Janae is horrified and tries to get the tape, before storming out the house.

At the hospital, Beth’s pager starts bleeping and she says that it’s quite urgent and she’ll have to take it, so she leaves Susan to finish dressing and see herself out. Once she’s alone, Susan decides to check the computer for Izzy’s records and finally find out the truth. Susan is shocked when she sees that the father of Izzy’s baby was unknown.
At the General Store, Janae comes in and apologises to Karl for interrupting his lunch and he asks why she missed her last appointment. She says that she listened to what he said last time, about entrapment, and confronted Kayla and so didn’t need to talk about anything else. Karl is shocked, saying that he thought they were discussing her situation, and asks if she wants to talk about whatever is upsetting her. Just then, Dylan comes in and mocks Janae about her singing and she tells Karl that if she wants him, she’ll make an appointment, before storming out. In the kitchen, Dylan sneaks up on Sky and asks her where Harold is. She explains that he’s doing his Salvo rounds and he mysteriously leaves.

In the backyard of number 24, Dylan is clearing up when Harold comes in. Dylan says that he thought Harold would be out, but he explains that he’s postponed his Salvo work until the evening, so that David can join him. He asks Dylan what he’s doing in the garden and Dylan explains that he just wanted to help. Harold thinks that this is very kind, until Dylan says that it isn’t, because he owes him…
At the hospital, Annalise isn’t very impressed with the answers Paul is giving and decides to turn off the camera, actually leaving it running. She says that the locals seem to have made up their mind about him, before asking about Affirmacon and what kind of company they were. Paul still refuses to talk and tells Annalise to turn the camera off properly this time.


Harold is astonished by the revelation that Dylan was behind the trashing of his house, and that he thought that a little bit of gardening was going to make everything better. Dylan tries to justify what he did, saying that David was treating his family badly, but Harold refuses to listen. He says that he shared the house with Madge and his family and Dylan has destroyed it. Harold asks how long Sky has known about this, and he says that she’s known for a couple of weeks. Harold then becomes angry again, saying that Dylan shared meals with them in that house, and tells him to get out.


At the Scarlet Bar, Annalise is interviewing Izzy about Erinsborough. Izzy says that she loves living there because everyone is always there for each other. Lou comes in and quickly leaves again, whilst Izzy mentions that she met the man of her dreams in Erinsborough – Karl Kennedy. Annalise is surprised to hear this, then Susan comes in and hugs Annalise, before asking for a word with Izzy. Susan says that they can do it in front of Annalise and her camera if she’d prefer, but Izzy says that they can go into the office. Inside, Izzy asks Susan why she was so rude. Susan says that she knows that the baby wasn’t Karl’s and she has 24 hours to own up.
by Steve