
Magic Moments
> 2005
> Anniversary Week: Part Five
Episode 4775
by Jeff Truman, Directed
by Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Title: Anglers Fear To Tread
Paul announces that he’s moving back into Ramsay Street and will be Lou’s new housemate. Go-Go is harassing Stingray at work. Joe tells Harold and Sky that he might be sticking around in Erinsborough for good.
At number 24, Sky is trying to find out from Joe why he doesn’t want to go back, as he washes his undies. Harold then starts asking too, so Joe finally relents. He says that he’s had a bust-up with Celia and it’s for real this time as Celia’s gone mad. He says that the final straw was when she put a lock on the fridge and says that he’s grateful to have his family in Erinsborough there for him.


At number 26, Janae is on the phone to Stupid Aussies, trying to get back the tape of her dancing, but it seems that her family has already signed the release form, so she hasn’t got a leg to stand on. Janae is furious, but everyone else realises that this means Janae might be on tv and win them the money. Janae says that they shouldn’t have to humiliate themselves to make money, as Stingray walks in wearing his tight pink uniform. As Stingray heads off, Janae notices Bree mocking her dancing and chases her out of the room.
At Go Go Boys, Stingray notices that he’s only got one shift, whereas all the other guys have a full workload. Go-Go doesn’t see what the fuss is and tells him that there isn’t so much work, so Stingray, as the most recent arrival, bears the brunt. She warns him that if he wants her to be loyal to him, he has to be loyal to her.


At number 30, Lance brings Toadie a burger he’d made, but Connor quickly stops him, warning Lance that Toadie doesn’t eat beetroot any more. They argue over this until Connor feeds the burger to Bob. Connor then asks Lance, deliberately getting his name wrong, how long he’s planning to stick around for. Lance returns the insults, then explains that Allana has everything under control, so he’ll probably stay with his best mate, Toadie, for a while. Toadie and Lance then recite their favourite sci-fi greeting, Ning-Wa, as Connor looks annoyed.
In Paul’s hospital room, he’s trying out walking with his new leg as Rosemary comes in. She tells him that she’s glad he didn’t accept her offer for Lassiter’s and hopefully he’ll be a bit more sensible about who he deals with in the future. She tells him that it’s about time he gave something back to the community, but Paul isn’t impressed. She tells him that she’s there as family, not a business associate, but he says that Lucy’s staying on for a few days and that’s enough. He then wishes Rosemary a nice trip back to New York.
At number 24, Harold is trying to clean the house as Joe sits on the couch watching the footy and making a mess. As Joe tells Harold to quieten down, Harold turns the tv off and warns him that he gets very little opportunity to do housework these days. Joe then asks if it’s ok if he stays for a while, since he won’t be going back to Celia, but Harold isn’t sure, especially with the fragile state of David and Lil’s marriage. Sky walks in and agrees with her grandad and Joe is annoyed that everyone apparently wants rid of him. He then storms off, telling them both that he’ll be fine, as he’s a survivor.
At the bikini shop, Connor tells Serena, who’s sweeping up, that they’re $5.60 short in the till and it’ll have to come out of her pocket, since she was on the till all day. She says that she checked the balance before her last break and it was fine, so it must have been one of Connor’s sales that was wrong. He apologises, claiming that he’s distracted by personal matters and Serena asks what’s up. He tells her that she wouldn’t understand as she’s just a kid and she takes great offence, saying that she’s been through a lot since Paul Robinson showed up. He asks if she wants to talk about it, and she says that she wouldn’t want to, even if Connor were the last person on earth.


At number 22, Dylan is helping Paul get settled in and says that it’ll be great having him around. Once Dylan is gone, Paul tells Lou that the rest of his stuff will be delivered tomorrow. Lou offers to stay and help him unpack, but Paul decides to get everything clear from the start – Paul is just a housemate and shouldn’t be treated like the landlord. Lou uneasily smiles as he agrees to this.
At number 26, Stingray is still complaining about Go-Go as Dylan and Janae take the mickey. Janelle agrees with them that Stingray should just put up with it and he might get more shifts, but Bree tells them to be quiet and she tries to help Stingray sort the mess out. As the others prepare for dinner, Bree advises Stingray to talk to Toadie. He tells her that that’s what Susan said too. She asks him why he’s still waiting then.


At the bar, Sindi asks Joe is he wants another beer, but he doesn’t have the money and they don’t take credit. Doug and Phil then come in and Joe starts complaining about Harold ‘stick it up your tuba’ Bishop. Doug offers to buy Joe a drink. On the other side of the bar, Lance, Stu and Toadie are having a secret meeting about Stu’s bucks’ night, as he doesn’t want Sindi to find out. Toadie wonders where Connor has got to…
At the bikini shop, Connor is in the process of locking up when he calls for Serena and she doesn’t answer. He finds her in tears on the other side of the counter and asks her what’s wrong. She tells him that her life’s a mess and he gives her a hug.


Back at the bar, the Timmins family are sitting down for their meal and Janelle shouts for Sindi, calling her Wendy, and gives her coupons for almost all of the meal. Sindi looks annoyed as she walks away. Harold then walks in, looking for Joe, but Doug and Phil stop him. They ask why he won’t let Lou go on the fishing trip, but Harold knows nothing about this, saying that he tried to talk Lou into going. He then approaches Joe, who rants at him about having nowhere to stay. Harold tells a delighted Joe that he can stay on indefinitely.
At the bikini shop, Serena admits that she’s worried about her parents. She says that she’d hoped it would all go back to normal, but now Paul’s living next-door, she isn’t sure what will happen. He makes a joke about parents and Serena finally smiles. As he helps her up, their faces get pretty close and they both feel awkward for a moment. He offers to walk her home, before realising that he’s going to the bar, so they lock up and quickly leave in opposite directions.



At the bar, Lou admits to Phil and Doug that he’s feeling old and didn’t want to admit it, but that’s the reason he backed out of the fishing trip. They both reassure him, before saying their goodbyes. Meanwhile, Connor walks in and starts asking about the bucks’ night, but Stu quickly shuts him up, Lance then comes over and says that Allana’s having problems with the Klingons and needs to go home. He hugs Toadie, assuring him that he’ll stay in touch before glaring at a smug Connor and leaving. Sindi approaches Janelle and tells her that she can only use one voucher at once. Janelle tells her that they can’t do anything about that now, unless she wants the food back. As a furious Sindi walks away, the family does a runner. As they’re going, Bree advises Stingray to talk to Toadie, so he approaches him…
The next morning, at number 30, Sindi asks the boys about their ideas for the bucks’ night. They say that it’ll probably be a quiet one, so Sindi suggests that they combine it with her hens’ night. As she leaves for shower, the boys are shocked and Stu quickly races to talk some sense into her. Connor is deep in thought, meanwhile, and then admits to Toadie that he was “thinking” about Serena. Toadie is quite disturbed by this new development.

At number 24, Sky is finishing up a chat with Celia, which Harold has been listening to, and they’re both annoyed with Joe. As Joe appears from the bathroom, having apparently left quite a smell in there, they glare at him. Sky explains that she’s spoken to Celia and it’s about time that Joe told them the truth…

At Go Go Boys, Bree accompanies Stingray to the door as he prepares to confront Go-Go. He tells his boss that he’s spoken to a lawyer and he wants his regular shifts back, or he’ll have to take further action. Go-Go simply laughs at him and tells him he’s made a mistake and she’s going to squash him like a bug.
by Steve