Magic Moments
> 2005
> Stuart and Sindi's Wedding
Episode 4782
by Katrina Foster, Directed
by Jet Wilkinson
Title: For Better Or For Worse
Stuart tells Toadie and Connor that he wants both of his best mates with him at the church tomorrow. Steph, Max and Boyd give baby Ashley back to Kayla and Anthony. Paul tells Lil that they’re meant to be together and she almost kisses him.
At number 30, on the morning of the wedding, Toadie and Connor are playing video games as Stuart panics that nobody is ready. In the end, they convince him that they have plenty of time and he joins in with the game.

At the salon, Sindi is beginning to get very nervous as Janelle does her hair. As Sindi begins to take her anger out on Janelle, Janelle points out a very relaxed Susan and Kelly on the other side of the room. Sindi points out that nobody will be looking at the bridesmaids – only the bride!
Back at number 30, Stu is still playing video games when Connor points out that they should probably get dressed now, as they’re still sitting around in their underwear. Toadie then produces a bottle of vintage whisky to calm Stuart down before the big day begins.

Back at the salon, Janelle is finished styling Sindi’s hair. Kelly comes over and remarks that she can’t wait to see Sindi’s family again. Sindi explains that they won’t be coming as there’ve been problems at the airport, in Finland. Susan then brings over a bottle of champagne, but Sindi decides against it, as she’s worried that she could end up making a fool of herself.
Back at number 30, the men raise a toast and drink their whisky.
At the salon, Sindi is on the verge of tears as she worries about her make up being wrong or something else going wrong on the day. Susan and Janelle quickly remind her that if she cries, she’ll ruin her make up and that does the trick.
At number 32, Max is lounging around as Steph brings out some clothes to iron and tells him to get a move on or they’ll be late for the wedding. He decides that he’s not going to go, as he doesn’t want to socialise and it’s been ages since they’ve had the house to themselves. As he tries to talk her into staying at home, they sit on the couch and Steph mentions that they can talk about the failed adoption. Max isn’t sure what’s left to talk about, but Steph tells him that now she’s exhausted all of the options, she somehow feels more settled with things.

Connor and Stuart are waiting outside number 30, next to the car, when Toadie appears, still in his underwear and on the phone. He explains that a client has gotten himself arrested, so he’s going to have to hang around a bit longer and sort things out. Stuart is annoyed but leaves anyway, telling Toadie to be quick and not to forget Bob. As he’s getting in, Stu notices Paul waiting for a taxi across the street and suggests that he take Toadie’s spare seat in the car. As they drive away, Paul watches the Bishops coming down the driveway and notices how affectionate Lil is being towards David.
At the salon, Janelle is doing Susan’s hair and Susan mentions Janelle’s novel. Janelle mentions that it’s just about stuff and is all fictitious. Susan mentions that she also writes in a journal everyday. Meanwhile, Sindi has finished decorating Kelly’s wheelchair, but Kelly is feeling a little sorry for herself, wondering why Sindi would want her bridesmaid to be wheeled up the aisle. Sindi assures her that her attendance is the most important thing and she begins to feel guilty over the accident that put her in the chair. Janelle overhears and suddenly becomes interested, as Kelly reminds Sindi that it was all just an accident and she has no reason to feel bad. Sindi then starts to panic as she’s left the handkerchief at home, which was going to be her ‘something old’. She wants to go home for it, but Susan stops her, offering her another hankie. Sindi says that it isn’t old, but quickly grabs it back from Janelle as she offers to blow her nose on it.


At number 30, Toadie is fixing his tie in the mirror, when he suddenly has a brainwave about the photos of Sindi in the club. He goes to the computer and enhances the picture’s background, which shows the reflection of Sindi, making it certain that it was her. As Toadie presses print, he rushes to get his trousers on and falls and bangs his head, knocking himself out. As Bob sits with an unconscious Toadie, the front door begins to open…
At the church, Stu is worried as Toadie and Bob still aren’t there. Stu then introduces his younger brother, Ned, to Connor. Ned explains that their parents will be along soon, but are still at the hotel. One of the bridal cars arrives and Karl admires Susan as she gets out. Stu rushes over to see how Sindi is and both Susan and Janelle make it clear that she’s a nervous wreck. Susan, Karl and Janelle go into the church as Harold asks Stuart who is going to be giving Sindi away, since her family couldn’t be there. Stu takes the opportunity to ask Harold if he would like to fill in, and Harold is thrilled with the offer.



Back at number 30, Toadie remains unconscious, as the front door closes.
At the church, Connor and Stu are preparing themselves for Sindi’s arrival, as Karl wonders where Toadie could be. David thinks he’s run off with the bride, and Lil laughs, before glancing back over her shoulder at a smug Paul.


Outside, Sindi’s car arrives and Harold helps her out, telling her that she looks wonderful and breaking the news that he’s going to give her away. Sindi is delighted and they head into the church, with Sindi suddenly coming over all nervous again and an exasperated Susan following her.
Inside, Harold walks Sindi up the aisle, as everyone watches and smiles.





At number 30, Toadie wakes up and quickly rushes over to the computer, where he finds the screen blank and a vase of flowers knocked onto the keyboard, ruining it. He then looks for the tape of the bucks’ night, but that is also missing. He quickly rushes to get ready…
Back at the church, Sindi and Stuart are in the middle of saying their vows…


Toadie pulls up outside the church and runs inside…
In the middle of the vows, Toadie bursts in and announces that the wedding has to stop. Everyone looks round at him in shock.





Outside, Stu is telling Toadie that he has to have proof of these allegations. Toadie has nothing, but he points out that he did have a photo, which mysteriously disappeared. Stu is getting more and more annoyed, as Karl, Susan, Ned and Sindi watch on. Stu thinks that Toadie is just jealous, or that he still has issues from his disastrous wedding day with Dee. Toadie tells Stu that he’s marrying an unstable liar, for which he receives a punch in the mouth. Stu stops Connor from checking on Toadie and ushers everyone back into the church to finish the wedding.
Back inside, Father Capitola announces that Stu and Sindi are man and wife – finally! They kiss and everyone begins to clap.




At number 30, Toadie is annoyed that he couldn’t stop Stuart from going through with the wedding, as Susan tries to calm him down. She tells him that Sindi isn’t a bad person and, even if she was at the bucks’ night, is that really so bad? Toadie points out that she still lied and destroyed evidence of her crime. Susan points out that he can’t prove any of this. Toadie gets annoyed and starts listing all of the accidents Sindi was involved in – Trent being run down, Lil slipping off the ladder, Susan being hit in the head by the cupboard, and Janae being knocked off her bike. Susan then begins to wonder if Toadie really is over what happened with Dee. Toadie becomes angry at this, wondering why nobody wants to listen to him.
At the Scarlet Bar, the reception is under way and Kelly remarks that these dramatic and exciting things always seem to happen to Sindi. She doesn’t want to talk about it though and goes over to Stu, as Connor asks Kelly to dance. Sindi tells Stu that Toadie has done them a favour, as it’s proved that he loves her, for better or for worse. Lil is getting very close to David on the dance floor, and keeps exchanging glances with Paul, who is flirting with a couple of attractive girls. Janelle approaches Susan, who’s been chatting to Karl, and mentions that the wedding has provided her with some new material for her novel. Susan doesn’t approve of this, so Janelle accuses her of being uptight and tells her that she should get back with Karl, suggesting that she makes an appointment with him, then makes a move when he asks her to open wide and say ‘aah’. Susan quickly walks away from the conversation. Lil approaches Paul, who asks her why she feels the need to grope David when Paul’s in the room. Lil denies this and mentions that Paul is no better, with all of his women around him. Max, Harold and Steph are sitting down together, when Harold asks Max if he’s heard from Izzy yet. Max says that he’s spent too much time worrying about Izzy and she can take care of herself.




The next morning, in the middle of nowhere, two joggers find Izzy’s car, abandoned. They then find the front door open and spatters of blood on the two front seats…
by Steve