Magic Moments
> 2005
> Rachel's Arrival
Episode 4789
by Drew Tingwell, Directed
by Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Title: Into Temptation
Connor wonders why Serena is so bothered about his social life. Alex tells Susan that he is taking Rachel and Zeke out of Erinsborough High and starting them at Eden Hills Grammar. Steve Chisholm tells Paul that he wants money to keep his mouth shut about the contents of the envelope Izzy left with him…
In the school corridor, a girl is singing – badly – and most of the other kids are staring at her. Bree spots her and starts chatting, asking her if she’s the weird new kid. The girl says that although she’s new, she isn’t weird. Bree isn’t so sure, but is pleased to meet a fellow social outcast. Bree introduces herself and the other girl says that her name is Rachel.


In a nearby classroom, Susan stops by for a chat with Paul. She asks him if the constant drama is going to end soon, as she seems to be spending all of her time defending him to parents. Paul appreciates the support she’s been offering him throughout his time at the school, but Susan stops him, explaining that she’s no longer sure if he deserves it. Paul tells her that Izzy has been found alive and well and the police are no longer questioning him, so the parents can complain about something else, such as sports equipment. Susan isn’t impressed and reminds him that the parents have genuine concerns too, and she’s almost reached the end of her patience.
At the General Store, Liljana places a pie hat on David’s head and he complains that he feels like an idiot. Connor comes in and asks why they have mushrooms on their heads, but Lil points out that they’re pies and she made them to promote the pie of the week promotion. Harold is impressed with the idea until she places one of the hats on his head. They enquire about Sindi, and Connor says that she’ll be spending more time in hospital and Stu is there with her. Serena walks in and asks why everyone’s wearing mushrooms on their heads. Luckily, Lil has also made one for Serena, who removes it as she chats to Connor about the shop being closed for a photo shoot tomorrow. Serena wants to go to the shoot, but Connor reminds her that she has school and she’ll have to discuss it with her mother.

Back at the school, Alex walks in, looking rather lost and tells Susan that Rachel forgot her lunch, as she’s still getting used to packing her bag in the mornings. He tells her that he’ll see her at the parent-teacher evening, and Susan is confused about why he’s attending, if he’s taking the kids out of the school. He explains that it’s their first public school experience and he wants to see how things are progressing. He remarks that he saw Paul’s name on the list of attending teachers and Susan quickly points out that he wasn’t charged, so there is no reason to get rid of him. Alex tells her that one of the things that has attracted him to Eden Hills Grammar is their excellent teacher screening programme. A slightly annoyed Susan replies that Erinsborough High has an excellent teaching staff and he will see that himself that evening. She adds that it would be shame for the kids to have to move schools when they’re settling in so well.
At the General Store, Lil gives Serena some food and tells her daughter that she’s still not going on the photo shoot. Serena points out how much work she’s put in at the store, but Lil reminds her that it’s a very important school year and she should be concentrating on that. Serena tries to claim that it’s a business trip and it’ll be excellent experience for her career in marketing. Lil still says no, and walks off, as Serena spots her dad and decides to try a different approach.
In the school corridor, Rachel is dancing as some other kids play some music. Hamish goes up to her and asks what her problem is, but she says that she hasn’t got one, she’s just dancing. Susan sends the boys outside with their music and asks Rachel if she’s having any trouble settling in. Rachel is grateful but doesn’t see any problem. Bree then approaches and announces that Janae will be pleased that the other kids have someone else to pick on about their dancing. Rachel doesn’t understand what’s wrong with dancing, but Bree tells her that if she’s going to survive at the school, she needs to leave the dancing at home.
At the store, Serena is trying to convince her dad to let her go to the shoot. Lil overhears this and David pleads his daughter’s case, so Lil quite easily gives in. Serena is thrilled and rushes off back to school, whilst Harold points out that Lil changed her mind very easily after being adamant only ten minutes ago. David shrugs it off, but Harold thinks that there might be other issues going on beneath the surface. David points out that Paul moving in next door and trying to win Lil back has only strengthened her resolve to make her marriage work – the harder Paul tries, the more of her feelings for him he kills.

Back at the school, Bree finds Rachel sitting on the steps with a note stuck on her back saying ‘Weirdo’. Bree quickly and quietly removes it as she tells Rachel not to worry and they go and sit in one of the classrooms. Bree thinks the kids are just jealous – which is something her mum always tells her. Rachel then reveals that she’s never been to school before, she was always taught at home by her mum, who was a teacher, until she died, then her dad took over. Bree tells her not to worry, as her family is like a pack of wild animals, and she gets her role models from people on tv. Bree is then astonished as Rachel tells her that they don’t have a tv and has never even seen The OC. She offers to give Rachel a crash course on the show so the other kids will stop picking on her. Rachel thinks that they’ll stop anyway, now that Miss Smith has had a word. Bree tells her that she has a lot to learn.
At number 30, Serena asks Connor what time she should be at the shoot. He’s confused and then tells her that he doesn’t need her to come. He wonders if she has her parents’ permission – even threatening to call them – but she says that she does. Connor warns her that Amelia will be the model, but Serena says she’ll be fine and leaves. Connor then quickly calls Amelia to try and talk her into coming.


At the school, the parent-teacher interviews are underway and the Bishop family arrives. Lil asks Serena who they should see first and Serena suggests anyone but Paul. David sees that Paul is free and goes over there anyway. Paul is surprised but they all sit down. He explains that Serena’s work is good but she has a poor attitude. As they talk, Paul begins to stroke Lil’s leg with his foot as she glares at him. He tells David that Serena’s grades are beginning to slip, just as Lil has finally had enough. She kicks him, sending his prosthetic leg flying across the floor. Everyone stares as David and Serena quickly leave, eventually dragging a horrified Lil with them. Paul attempts to look unperturbed.
At the General Store, Rachel is asking her dad why they can’t have a tv. Alex points out the amount of rubbish that’s on it, but Rachel tells him that they have some good documentaries. As they prepare to leave for the school, Bree comes in and introduces herself to Alex. Bree says that her mum’s gone monster truck racing with the boys, so she won’t be going to the parent-teacher evening. She then gives Rachel a piece of paper which has all of the details of the past five episodes of The OC, which will hopefully get the other kids off her back – and if that doesn’t work, she can just say that she knows Dylan. Alex asks Rachel if she’s being bullied, but Rachel insists that she’s fine and doesn’t want her dad to talk to the teachers about it. Bree agrees, saying that that will only make things worse. Meanwhile, Connor is trying to talk Harold into getting Liljana and David to ban Serena from the photo shoot. Harold asks why it’s such a bad idea and Connor makes the excuse that she has school and he doesn’t want to be responsible for her failing.

Back at the school, Susan assures Alex that although Rachel is doing very well academically, there are some other concerns she has. Alex asks if it’s about the bullying, but Susan thinks that addressing Rachel’s own behaviour might also help. Susan mentions Rachel’s lack of inhibition, agreeing with Alex that it’s a wonderful quality, but explaining that the other kids at the school are quite guarded so Rachel leaves herself open to teasing. Rachel is embarrassed about her singing and dancing in the corridor, but Susan says that it’s lovely that she’s a free spirit, but the other kids see it as quite unusual. Alex points out that it’s their problem, but Susan explains that she’s only trying to stop the teasing. Paul enters and Alex asks to have a word with him. Susan gets up and Paul takes her place. Paul enquires about how Rachel is settling in, and she says that her highlight so far was Paul’s lesson on globalisation. Paul tells her that her contribution was good and that it was nice to hear something that wasn’t straight out of a Michael Moore documentary. Rachel asks who Michael Moore is.
At the General Store, Harold is talking to David about his conversation with Connor earlier, which made it seem like Connor was trying to avoid Serena. David realises what his father is thinking and goes to approach Connor, who’s reading a bikini magazine as “research”. David asks straight out if Connor fancies Serena and he assures him that he doesn’t. David points out that they’re both fathers and that Serena must be treated with the utmost respect.

At the resort the next morning, Connor is on the phone, attempting to find a model, but not having much luck. Serena isn’t impressed with his organisational skills and he tells her that he doesn’t appreciate being told off by his own staff. He wonders what they’re going to do now, and she tells him to work it out himself.
At the school, Paul is on the phone to Steve Chisholm, telling him that he’ll get the money to him next week, as they arranged. Susan is standing behind him and hears the entire conversation, before glaring at him and walking away when he spots her.

At the resort, Serena is getting ready to be the model, but Connor is worried that he’ll end up dead for this. Connor wonders if they should reschedule, but Serena tells him that they’re already going to have to spend the night there as they’re so behind and over budget. He starts to take the photos, wondering what her father is going to think. She tells him that her father won’t care as they’re just professional shots and Connor then starts taking photos, quietly telling himself to think unsexy thoughts.

That night in the hotel room, Connor is trying to get the staff to bring up an extra bed, as they only have a double. With no luck, Serena points out that they have a bed and they both need sleep, so he can have the right side, and she can have the left…
by Steve