Magic Moments
> 2005
> Elle's Arrival
Episode 4811
by David Hannam, Directed
by Tony Osicka
Title: Highway To Elle
Steph is concerned about her baby and thinks she should have some more tests. Serena and Toadie strike a deal for her to buy into Bounce. Paul and Izzy share a kiss…
At number 22, Paul suddenly stops kissing Izzy when she tries to take things further. He apologises and says that it’s all moving a little too quickly. Izzy says that it’s fine and suggests that they just hold each other. She very seriously tells him that they just need to take things one step at a time, before realising what she’s said, and they both burst out laughing.

At the Scarlet Bar, Ned is on the phone, trying to contact Paul about some work, when a young woman walks in with some cases and overhears Ned mention Paul’s name. She starts chatting to Ned as Stuart, Lou, Connor, Toadie and Serena arrive to celebrate Serena buying into Bounce. Stu spots Ned with the mystery woman and everyone looks over at them. Ned introduces Elle to everyone and explains that she’s just moved over from Tasmania. Toadie and Lou argue over who should give up their seat, as Connor and Stu make a bet that Toadie will mention his status as a lawyer within five minutes. Elle is being very vague about why she’s in town, whilst Toadie almost immediately mentions that he once had a client in Tasmania. Toadie goes to get drinks and almost knocks Steph over in his rush. Max warns him to take it easy, but Steph insists that she’s fine and tells Max to stop fussing. Steph asks Lou if she can have a word, as Elle mentions that Lassiter’s seems like a lovely hotel. Serena says that it is, if you can ignore the fact that it’s owned by Satan. Elle is intrigued.
Back at number 22, Izzy gives Paul some wine and he jokes with her that she’s just trying to get him drunk. She jokingly wonders if he doesn’t trust her, but suddenly asking him if he does. Paul insists that they understand each other, and they kiss. He says that he loves her, but she doesn’t seem sure as they share a hug.

At the General Store, Lou has opened up so that Steph can get lots of sweets and stuff to make some recipes to satisfy her cravings. Max begins to voice his concerns about the amount of sweets that Steph has been eating, but she says that she wants to enjoy her pregnancy and not restrict herself.
Back at the bar, Elle asks Ned what he does for a profession. The other guys joke that he’s a neurosurgeon, before Ned explains that he’s actually a handyman. Elle is impressed, and she then asks again about Lassiter’s. Stuart is suspicious of the amount of questions she’s asking, but she says that she just loves gossip. Serena says that to own an amazing hotel like Lassiter’s, you have to give away a chunk of your soul. Ned doesn’t think that Paul is that bad. Elle explains that she’ll probably only be in town for a couple of weeks, and suggests that they all check out the penthouse suite at the hotel. Everyone is impressed with the idea, but Serena decides to go home and get an early night. Elle rushes off to pay for all of the drinks, whilst Stu thinks that she seems a bit too good to be true.


In the hotel reception, Elle asks the receptionist, Simon, about staying in the penthouse suite. Simon doesn’t seem to be taking her seriously, and she says that she won’t be paying for it. She then takes him aside for a quick word, after which he completely changes his tune and even offers to bring up some complimentary champagne. The boys are impressed, though Stu is still very suspicious of their new friend. Toadie, meanwhile, has phoned Lou to tell him not to bother returning, as they’re going to finish up their drinks at the bar, then leave.
At number 22, Paul and Izzy come downstairs in their bathrobes, but Paul is convinced that it was different to how it used to be. Izzy says that it was better because they now have real feelings for each other. Paul is pleased and asks Izzy if that means that she loves him. She unconvincingly says that she does.

At number 32, Steph is busy cooking, but Max won’t let her until he’s checked that all of the ingredients are safe. She tells him that his over-protectiveness is sweet, but she just wants to enjoy her pregnancy. Max takes a step back, until Steph tries to get a bowl from the top shelf and he rushes to help, falling over in the process. Steph isn’t impressed and warns him that he’s the only dangerous thing in the kitchen.
In the penthouse suite, Toadie, Stu and Connor and trying to stop Ned from getting up, as Elle talks to Lou. Lou says that the barman at the Scarlet Bar said that they’d all come up there, but Elle tells him that they all went home. Lou isn’t convinced but he goes. The boys are impressed, except for Ned who doesn’t think that it was a very nice thing to do to Lou. Elle is impressed with Ned’s emotional side, so Toadie says that he cried when Ridge was in a coma on The Bold And The Beautiful. Elle says she loves that show and asks if Paul looks like Ridge. Toadie says that he looks more like Joseph Stalin. Stu brings up the fact that Elle came over from Hobart, and she’s awkward until they’re interrupted by a knock at the door. It’s Simon with the champagne and he apologises for the mix-up earlier, as he didn’t realise who she was. As Simon leaves, Stuart wonders who Elle actually is. She insists that she’s nobody special.
The next morning, at number 32, Steph is on the phone to her dad, and trying to avoid questions about why Lyn is always busy recently. She hangs up and admits to Max that she feels terrible about lying to Joe, and he says that she could do without the stress at the moment. She starts planning all of the chocolate recipes she’s going to cook, but Max suggests that she just eat a pound of butter. Steph wonders if he’s concerned about her getting fat, but he insists that he’s just concerned for her health. She says that she should get to the bar for her shift, but Max quickly explains, unconvincingly, that he’s rearranged the shifts, so she hasn’t got one today.
At the General Store, Lou is giving Max advice, telling him that every man with a pregnant partner goes through the same thing – he remembers hearing about it a lot during all of his years as a barman. Max is surprised that he’s forgotten so much since Claire’s pregnancies, and Lou tries to reassure him that he’ll be fine, once he gets past the birth, he’ll have the changing nappies, up all night stage, followed by the terrible twos. Max can hardly wait.

In the penthouse suite, Elle is on the phone, demanding that breakfast be sent up quickly. She isn’t impressed when she’s given a time of forty-five minutes. She then looks up at the smoke alarm and a grin spreads across her face, as the boys also look up and realise what she’s thinking.
Outside the penthouse, Paul and Simon are coming up the stairs, with Paul demanding to know why they allowed a group of practical jokers to stay there. Simon explains that he could hardly turn them down, given the guest’s influence, and he rushes off to stop the fire brigade from turning up, as Paul lets himself into the suite. He’s surprised to see Toadie, Ned, Connor and Stuart standing there looking guilty, and even more surprised to hear “Hi dad” from Elle, standing behind them.


Paul enters the suite and tells the boys that they should leave, as he needs to speak to his daughter. Elle thanks the boys for a great night, and admits that she found it funny when they were insulting her dad. She then explains to Paul that she wanted to surprise him and thought that she’d stay at the hotel as she didn’t know his current address. She says that she’ll probably be staying for a couple of weeks. He explains that he tried calling her over the years, but she never replied. She tells him that she just wanted more than a phone call, and he apologises. Elle says that they now have a chance to get to know each other, if he wants to. He tells her that he would love that.
At the General Store, Lou isn’t happy that everyone abandoned him last night but is surprised to learn that Elle is Paul’s daughter. He says that it’s karma that they only found out after they spent all night slagging off Paul. Toadie wonders if him insulting Paul was the reason why Elle wasn’t interested in him. Stu suspects that she only has eyes for Ned and Toadie agrees, saying that Ned should just back off if he doesn’t intend to close the sale. Ned wonders what they’re talking about.

At number 24, David is wrapping a gift for Serena, to congratulate her on the bikini shop partnership. Lil isn’t very enthusiastic, not even wanting to sign the card, and telling David that she has to stick to her opinion or Serena won’t learn anything. David comments that Serena seems to get her stubbornness from her mother.
At the Scarlet Bar, Steph arrives to help, complaining that she’s tired of daytime tv, but Max still tries to stop her. Their argument is interrupted as Paul introduces Elle, and explains to her that Max is his girlfriend’s brother. Shocked by so many revelations in one conversation, Max and Steph struggle to chat as Paul and Elle sit down at a table. Paul tells Elle that she’s really going to like Izzy and tells his daughter that she’s welcome to stay at his place for as long as she wants.

At number 30, Toadie and Stuart are having a cricket game in the house, as Serena wonders why her mum didn’t sign the card. The boys try to cheer her up before her big party that evening, when Connor suddenly runs in and explains that he has to go to Lorne as Maddy’s sick.

At number 22, Elle and Izzy are introduced to each other. Once Paul leaves the room, they have a chat and Elle is surprised to learn that Izzy already lives there. She tells Izzy that she’s family and so can move in permanently if she wants to. Izzy happily smiles and they both drink their champagne, though they clearly hate each other already.
Notes: This episode saw the second credit update of 2005, to remove Summer and Sindi. Their shots were replaced by new sequences of Toadie and Harold.
by Steve