Magic Moments
> 2005
> The Plane Crash: Part Three
Episode 4838
by Katrina Foster, Directed
by Chris Adshead
Title: God's Will Be Done
The pilot radios to say that they don’t have enough fuel to make it to land. The plane goes quiet and Paul realises that the fuel has run out. Stuart tells Toadie, Janelle, Stingray and Bree that he’s just heard that the plane has gone down in Bass Strait. Connor tells Serena that they need to remove their life jackets so that they can swim out from under the wreckage.
In the water, Connor and Serena have managed to swim out from underneath the wreckage but Serena in particular is struggling to stay afloat. Serena starts asking about her parents again and Connor assures her that they’re alive and well and will soon be coming to rescue them.

At the Scarlet Bar, an irate Karl walks into the office and tells Max that he needs to control his sister, as she’s just left him a rambling message. Max then tells Karl about the plane going down in Bass Strait and Karl immediately thinks of Susan.
Connor and Serena are still holding on to each other and trying to stay awake until help comes. Serena is starting to slip under so Connor tries telling her jokes to keep her alert.

Lou finds Harold, deep in thought, in the kitchen at the General Store and tries to keep him positive as they wait for news. Harold tries to keep himself occupied by cleaning dishes and, although Lou tells him that the store can wait, he eventually gives up and starts drying.
At number 26, Janelle and Bree arrive back in a state of shock, without Stingray, who’s been put on remand. Janelle is ranting about the whole situation when she turns on the light and a solemn looking Joe is sitting on the couch. Janelle and Bree sit down and Janelle eventually breaks down in tears. Joe tries to be positive for her, just as Lyn, Rachel and Zeke return from the movies. Janelle runs out and the kids ask what’s happened. Joe asks for a word with Lyn in the kitchen, as Bree tells Rachel and Zeke that there’s been an accident. Bree then quickly covers, saying that Bouncer 5 peed on the good cushions and Joe blamed Janelle, so that’s why everyone is so upset. Zeke has a go at Joe, telling him that he shouldn’t make Janelle cry. Lyn says that they should all go to bed now, but Rachel and Zeke are confused, as it’s still quite early.

Connor and Serena are now clinging to some wreckage but Serena can barely keep her head above water. She asks him to apologise to her parents because she couldn’t hold on. Connor tells her that she can tell them herself soon. He tells her that he loves her.
At number 26, Lyn explains to Bree that they can tell Rachel and Zeke the truth in the morning, because everyone will have been found by then anyway. She then says that she and Joe are going to Harold’s and Bree asks if she can come too. Lyn says she can, but must check with Janelle, so Bree decides to ask her mum to join them too.

Meanwhile, Dylan is still alone, in the water, in the middle of nowhere. He calls out to God, telling him that things can't get any worse and that he should bring it on.
At number 24, Harold greets various neighbours – Lyn, Joe, Janelle, Bree, Lou, Max and Karl – as they all arrive in order to wait for news together. Harold passes around some tea and biscuits as everyone quietly thinks about what’s happening.
Connor, still clinging to the wreckage, starts to wake but realises that Serena is gone. He calls out her name and looks under the water, but there is no sign of her.
At number 24, everyone is waiting for news, and Lyn is worried that perhaps she should have told Rachel and Zeke the truth, as it was obvious that something serious had happened. Joe assures her that they’ve done the right thing. Lou is on the phone, trying to get information, and he tells everyone that a full scale search is underway in the area where they believe the plane came down. Janelle isn’t reassured by this, especially as it’ll be so cold and they’re not wearing the right clothes to be out all night. Janelle believes that they’re all dead, but Harold suddenly tells her to shut up, before apologising. Janelle then tells everyone that she saw a vision of Dylan in the kitchen and that she’s never going to see him again, as that was his way of saying goodbye.



At daybreak, Connor is sitting on a beach, shivering, alone.
At number 24, Lyn is trying to reassure Joe about Sky, as the news comes on and they all sit down to listen. The report says that the rescue services are struggling through bad weather and the fact that the wreckage is so spread out. They go on to give the name of the one survivor found so far – Paul Robinson. Nobody is particularly pleased to hear that. The report mentions that the police are viewing the crash as suspicious. Janelle immediately concludes that terrorists were involved, but Max and Karl find that to be a ludicrous suggestion. Harold tells them to stop speculating and he asks them all to join him in a prayer. Everyone stands around awkwardly as Harold prays for the safe return of their friends and family.



Connor gets up and starts walking around when he rushes down to the shore and finds Dylan. He pulls him up onto drier land and Dylan wakes up with a cough and immediately asks Connor if he’s seen Sky. Connor starts crying as he explains that he hasn’t seen anyone and that he had Serena in his arms. Dylan and Connor cling on to each other.
At number 24, more news begins to filter through – Elle and Izzy have both been airlifted to hospital, but are fine. Max is hugely relieved, but Karl turns to Harold and angrily asks how God could save Izzy and not Susan. He says that Susan is worth a thousand Izzys. A furious Max tries to punch Karl, but both men are held back and Harold tells Karl that no one person is worth more than another. He tells them all that they should be praying right now.



At number 26, Bree gets back and Rachel asks why everyone was at Mr Bishop’s house last night. She decides to phone her dad, but Bree stops her and explains that he won’t be there. Karl then comes in and tells the kids that Alex is the latest survivor to be announced. Zeke wants to know what his dad has survived, and Bree sheepishly tells them about the plane crash. Zeke asks about Susan and Karl says that she hasn’t been found yet. Rachel wonders her his dad will cope without Susan.
At number 24, everyone is silent, watching footage of the search efforts on the news.



On the beach, Connor makes Dylan stand up and move around, in order to keep warm. Dylan reminds Connor that he might not go to jail for stealing the money, as it was returned, but Connor isn’t worried about that, as his friendship with Toadie is over. He mentions that Serena forgave him, though he isn’t sure if she meant it. Dylan tells him that Serena wouldn’t lie about something like that because she loves him. Just then, Connor hears a noise from the other side of the sand dune and starts to run up it but Dylan grabs him and pulls him back down.
At number 24, Lou is wishing that he’d gone on the plane instead of giving his ticket to Serena. Harold says that they’d still be sitting there, worried, but Lou says that he’s lived his life. Harold angrily says that there’s nothing to say that Serena’s life is over. The news then reports four more survivors, which include Sky. Joe and Harold are thrilled and everyone tries to convince Janelle that if Sky’s ok, Dylan will be too. Janelle starts to cry, and Lyn tells her that maybe Dylan “visited” her to say that he was alright, and not to say goodbye.



Connor asks Dylan why he stopped him. Dylan explains that he can’t go back now as he’ll go straight to prison. He encourages Connor to run to the end of the beach so he can easily be spotted, but tells him not to mention their meeting. Dylan insists that his family will get over him, and asks Connor what reason he has to go back. Connor mentions Maddy, but then realises that, with his life insurance, he’s worth more to her dead than alive. Dylan starts to convince Connor that they’d be better off staying “dead” as their lives are worth nothing without Sky and Serena.
Comment: Neighbours certainly proved that it can do big events this year, with the Lassiter's fire and the Anniversary reunions, and the plane crash didn't disappoint either. From the building tension as the characters boarded the plane, through to the stunt itself and the family and friends waiting for news, it was executed perfectly. We don't normally see big stunts like this in Neighbours, which makes the impact so much bigger when they do happen.
Notes: The haunting music used during much of Episode 4837 replaced the usual recap music at the beginning of today’s episode.
by Steve