By Lassiter’s lake, Kim arrives as Joe’s part-time assistance. Joe thinks that Kim has just found another excuse to do no work, but Kim assures him that he’ll do his share. He explains that he’s out to prove to Janelle that he can bring in the money for the family, because he loves her. Sky brings Joe a cup of tea and asks Kim why he isn’t at the court case. Kim explains that he’s just doing a short job in the morning, then will be there for the start of the trial later on. Kim tells her when the trial’s starting, but Sky acts like she couldn’t care less.

At number 30, Stuart returns from a run and tells Toadie that he’s been speaking to Harold – he knows that he gave away the money for Connor’s wake. Toadie then tries to subtly break the news that, just like Dylan, Connor isn’t actually dead. Toadie then leaves a shocked Stu as he goes to get ready for the court case.
In their holding cell, Stingray isn’t sure that he wants to go along with the plan. Dylan reminds him that one of them needs to go home and be the man of the house, as Kim won’t stick around for long.

At number 26, Janelle’s shaky hand causes her to get mascara all over her face, as Bree comes in. Janelle tells Bree to go and change as she doesn’t look good enough for court. She then calls Bree back and apologises and they share a hug. Janelle realises that it’s 9.30 already and they need to hurry up or they’ll be late. Bree thinks they have plenty of time, but Janelle says that she wants the boys to see them and know that they’re there when they arrive at the court. She then starts trying to fix Bree’s hair and wonders where Janae has got to.
At the bar, Janae is waiting with Boyd, nervous about going to court. She says that she doesn’t really need to go, as she can’t make any difference to the outcome. Max disagrees and says that just being there will be a great help to Dylan and Stingray. Janae is impressed and tells Boyd that he’s very lucky to have a dad like Max. She says that she always imagined having a nice dad like that when she was younger and that Boyd doesn’t realise how lucky he is.

At the General Store, Joe and Kim come in for food and are quickly followed by Paul, who’s looking for Toadie. Kim tells him that Toadie will be at the court and Paul thanks the stranger for the information, before Joe introduces them to each other. Paul forces a conversation with Kim, but isn’t impressed by the man’s presence in Dylan’s life. As he leaves, he asks Joe to tell Toadie that he’s looking for him. Kim isn’t happy with the way Paul treated him, but Joe explains that it’s Paul’s way. Sky comes in and asks Kim to tell Stingray that she’s thinking of him, but she has nothing to say to Dylan. Kim tells her to think about what she’s doing, as she might end up regretting it for the rest of her life.
At number 30, Toadie rushes in to get his mobile and Stu wishes him luck, saying that although they’re on different sides, he does believe that Dylan and Stingray are innocent. Stu then asks Toadie if he knows where Connor is, but Toadie admits that he doesn’t. Paul arrives and asks Toadie if there’s anything he can do to help with the case, but Toadie doesn’t feel that someone like Paul being there would reflect very well on Dylan’s character.


Outside the courthouse, Janelle and Bree arrive, and Janelle is furious that Janae and Kim aren’t there. Toadie greets them, reminding his aunt not to shout at the judge, then Dylan and Stingray are brought past. Janae and Boyd arrive soon afterwards, and Janelle and Bree call out support to the boys. Janelle decides that Bree should go home as she won’t be able to cope with the court case. Kim and Sky then arrive and Stingray and Dylan are surprised to see the pair of them.
Inside, Judge Roy Evans asks for the boys’ pleas. Toadie is shocked when Dylan pleads guilty and says that he must have misheard. Dylan repeats that he’s guilty, so the judge asks for Stingray’s plea. Toadie quickly says “not guilty” which Stingray goes along with, and announces that he was lying to cover for his brother. Janelle wonders what the boys are playing at and the judge tells Toadie to sort his clients out, before leaving.


At the bar, Bree comes in and asks if she can just sit and read there, as she needs to be somewhere familiar. Max agrees to turn a blind eye and Joe asks him for a couple of drinks. He then goes and sits with Bree and tells her that he needs her advice on something.
Back at the courthouse, Kim has to stop Janelle from going over and talking to her sons. Meanwhile, Toadie is furious and wants to know who came up with this new plan, reminding Dylan that he’ll definitely go to prison. Dylan says that he’s doing it to keep Stingray out of prison, but Toadie says that things don’t really look good for either of them, as Stingray could be found guilty of being an accessory now. Dylan suggests that Stingray change his plea back to guilty, but Toadie isn’t sure that it’s going to make any difference now. Toadie asks Stingray if he’s happy going along with this plan, but he says that he’s just doing what he’s told. Toadie is annoyed because he could probably have kept them both out of jail. Judge Evans returns and Toadie confirms that they’re both pleading guilty now, but says that he should consider that Stingray was under-age when the crime took place. Judge Evans agrees to consider this and then wants to hear from Dylan and Stingray.


At the bar, Joe explains that Lyn has proposed to him and Bree and Max are delighted for him. He then explains that the ultimatum is that he marries her or he gets out of her life for good and he isn’t sure that he wants to get married again. Max and Bree tell him that he won’t change Lyn’s mind about getting married and that she doesn’t rush into things either, so this will have taken a lot of thought on her part. Joe remembers his three past marriages and doesn’t think the odds of this one working will be too good, but Bree reminds him that love is a gamble. Max agrees, but Joe says that he loves Lyn and wants to stay with her, but doesn’t need to get married again.
At the court, Dylan’s story isn’t believed by the judge, particularly as it seems to have changed so many times. Dylan sits down and Stingray is told to stand up and give his version of events. Judge Evans asks him if what Dylan said about threatening him was true…



Stingray backs up his brother’s story and says that Dylan threatened him with a drainpipe. He says that Dylan was violent to the whole family, as Janelle, Janae and Sky look confused. Dylan starts threatening Stingray, wishing that he’d killed him when he had the chance. Judge Evans isn’t impressed and leaves to consider a verdict, but Stingray calls out for him to stop. He says that it was all a lie and Janelle screams at them, asking what they’re playing at. Stingray says that what Dylan’s saying about Roo is true, but the rest is made up. Toadie desperately tries to regain control, but Stingray continues and says that he was in the car when the robbery took place. Judge Evans asks why they didn’t report it straight away, confirming with Stu that no report was made. Stingray says that he’d have been killed if Dylan didn’t do the robbery, but Dylan tries to claim that his brother is mentally ill. Judge Evans quietens them all down and announces a 30 minute recess so he can think about his verdict.
Back at the bar, Joe desperately tries to convince himself that a marriage to Lyn wouldn’t last anyway and it’s not worth all the hassle and expense. Joe then realises that she probably needs him more than he needs her, so she’ll have to agree with him. Max and Bree aren’t at all convinced by that argument, but Joe has now decided that Lyn will give in to his every wish.




Judge Evans reappears and says that he’s considered everything and he isn’t impressed with either of the boys’ previous police records. He says that he has no reason to be lenient in this case and sentences Stingray to four years at Warrinor, with a two-year non-parole period, and Dylan to ten years, with a four-year non-parole period. Everyone is stunned as the boys are led away and Janelle breaks down in tears.