Magic Moments
> 2005
> Joe's Departure
Episode 4858
by John Hanlon, Directed
by Chris Adshead
Title: Homeland Security
Stingray and Dylan are taken into prison. Joe and Lyn decide that he should leave.
At number 22, Paul is watching the footage from the various security cameras he’s had installed, when he sees someone moving around outside on the street. He grabs a baseball bat and turns off the lights as he leaves the house.

Outside, Paul is about to take a swing at the person in the street, when he realises that it’s Kim, loading up his van. Paul makes some weak excuses about his behaviour, then goes back inside, as Bree wonders what his problem is. Kim explains to Bree that Janelle’s told him to leave, though he tried to talk her around. He says he’ll only be going to the local caravan park and that they’ll be able to visit all the time. He then suggests that she come with him in the morning to help him to settle in.
At number 24, Joe is packing his things, but Sky is upset that he’s leaving her again. He says that he’ll always be on the end of a phone for her. She asks about his relationship with Lyn and he says that it’s fine, as it was her who convinced him to go. He mentions that he’ll be taking Bouncer 5, as you don’t abandon the people you love, which causes a raised eyebrow or two from Sky.

Bree enters number 26 to find her mum crying over a film, but she quickly switches it off. Bree asks Janelle if she’s heard back from the publishers yet, but Janelle says that the book is still being looked at by ‘the reader’. Bree then mentions a plot for her own book, about two people who love each other, but are both too stubborn to make the first move. Janelle realises that Bree is referring to her and Kim, and tells her that it’s her book so she can work it out for herself.
At the General Store, Susan and Karl are both in getting food – him just a loaf of bread for himself and her several bags of food for the kids. They remember the amount of food that Mal, Libby and Billy used to get through and she tells him how strange it is having teenagers to deal with again. She then notices that he has a slight problem with his back and that he must have got some “exercise” last night from his energetic new girlfriend. Karl says that they’re simply enjoying each other’s company and looks sad as Susan leaves.

At their camp site in the middle of nowhere, Boyd and Janae awake and he opens up the tent. He asks if he should go and make breakfast but Janae tells him that he talks too much and zips the tent up again.
At the prison, the alarm sounds and Stingray says that he only just got to sleep. Dylan tells him that he’s been waiting for it for the last two hours and tells his brother that they have five minutes to get dressed for muster, then they’ll line up for breakfast. Stingray starts barking at the other inmates as they walk past the cell and Dylan tells him to shut up and try to act normal. He then asks Stingray if he got all of the tears out of his system during the night, but Stingray denies crying. Dylan warns Stingray to just keep his mouth shut.

Boyd is cooking breakfast over a campfire and tells Janae that while he’s at medical school, he’ll have to spend some time abroad working for an aid programme, living in the desert. Janae thinks that it sounds awful and reminds him that she grew up living in squalor and wouldn’t choose to go back to it. She says that she’ll just have to have lots of babies whilst Boyd is in medical school, as it’s the only way she’ll pass the time. He tells her that she could do a uni course, but she isn’t convinced. The phone then rings and it’s Bree, who wants to speak to Janae, as she lets down the tyres from Kim’s van to stop him from leaving. Bree tells Janae to come home as quickly as possible.
On Ramsay Street, Bree ends the call and goes over to say goodbye to Joe. She then goes inside and Sky hugs Joe as his taxi arrives. He tells her that he’ll be back soon and the taxi drives away, stopping as Kim walks up. Joe tells Kim not to give up hope with Janelle before leaving. Harold then comes down the driveway with a basket of food and he and Sky spot Paul talking to a man from Barking Dog Security. Sky is glad that Paul is a prisoner in his own home, but Harold says that nobody deserves to be scared like that. He decides to go and offer Paul some food.
Inside number 22, Paul is locking the door behind him as Harold tries to give him some fresh food. Paul doesn’t want it and starts looking at the cameras again, until he realises that it’s just the security guard cleaning them. Harold is surprised by the level of security, but Paul think that it’s necessary given everything that’s happened lately. Paul tells Harold that Izzy will be home later that day and that Elle is over at number 30. Harold wonders if Paul has had much sleep lately, and Paul apologises for the way he spoke to Harold the other day, when he was just trying to help. Harold insists that no apology is needed.
At the prison, Stingray is acting very strangely and Dylan realises that his ADHD is flaring up again, because of the change and the poor diet. Dylan tries to calm his brother down, but it seems that Stingray is really struggling.

At number 26, Janelle is watching Kim change his van tyre and is annoyed that he hasn’t left yet. Boyd and Janae then get back and ask why they had to come back. Janae realises that Bree let the air out of Kim’s tyres and Bree says that she did. Bree then notices the way Janae and Boyd are standing together and realises what went on last night. She asks Janae to help her to find a way to convince their mum to let their dad stay.
At the General Store, Susan is reassuring Sky that everything will be fine and that Joe will be back. Sky mentions that she’s on Dylan’s list of visitors but isn’t sure if she can commit to him for the next ten years and doesn’t know how to break the news to him. Susan reminds her that the appeal might still be successful. Karl walks in and Sky then mentions that Connor staying at number 24 is a bit weird, as he just mopes around all day, sitting on Serena’s bed. Karl isn’t sure that his behaviour is healthy. She mentions that Harold is acting like nothing has happened and Susan and Karl agree that Harold is a saint. Just then, Harold arrives with Paul, assuring him that he’ll be safe in the store.

At number 26, Janelle asks Bree and Janae what they’re gossiping about and Bree tells her that Janae and Boyd spent the night together. Janelle is delighted and checks that they used protection, as Janae goes on about how she and Boyd are soul mates and how great it is to feel that way about someone. She says that it must be the way Janelle feels for Kim. Janelle stops smiling and says that Kim is nothing more than a lazy no-hoper. Janae says that nobody’s perfect and Janelle agrees, remembering the list that Bree drew up. Janae tells her mum that she can take a chance with Kim and be happy, or stay miserable for the rest of her life.
On Ramsay Street, Kim has finished changing one tyre, as Bree lets another one down on the other side of the van. She runs and hides as Janelle comes outside and asks him if he wants a lift to the prison to see the boys. Kim wonders if the boys might get the impression that they’re back together and Janelle smiles and says that yes, they might.

At the prison yard, Stingray unconvincingly tells his parents that everything is alright, but is very jittery and refuses to give his mum a kiss in front of the other prisoners. Dylan, on the quiet, tells Kim to try and get the appeal moving quickly as Stingray is really finding it hard to cope in prison.

At number 22, Paul locks the door as he and Harold enter. Paul answers the phone and it’s the police. Paul becomes very agitated and explains to Harold that the police have been trailing Tony Corbett – who’s now the prime suspect for the bombing and the poison letter, but have lost him and think he’s heading for Erinsborough. He thinks that Tony is going to try and kill him for a third time and, in a panic, tries to track down Elle.

At number 26, Janelle and Kim are in the kitchen, discussing what to do next. Kim realises that they’re going to have to find a way to get the money for an appeal and Janelle wonders if they’ll be happy again. She says that she’s tired of fighting and he calls her ‘cherry bell’ and says that he loves her and would do anything to make her happy. Bree and Janae happily watch on as their parents share a kiss.
by Steve