Magic Moments
> 2005
> Katya's Arrival
Episode 4871
by Piet Collins, Directed
by Tony Osicka
Title: In Sickness And In Health
Rachel tells Bree and Summer that she doesn’t want to talk to them about things. Ned tells Elle that he does have a reading problem, he just couldn’t admit it. Rachel tells Zeke that she knows where Katya is and they’re going to get her, on their own.
At number 28, Karl tells Alex that his health is ok, considering the circumstances, before Rachel and Zeke appear from the bedroom and announce that they’re going to talk things through with Bree. Susan is unhappy as she wanted them all to spend the morning together, but Alex says that they need the chance to talk to their friends, and Susan asks that they’re home for lunch and before the wedding rehearsal. Karl brings up the subject of palliative care, but Alex says that he wants to be at home for as long as possible.

At the General Store, Max posts a present to Bobby, reminding Summer that although the man’s a pain, he’s still his dad. Rachel and Zeke walk in, in a hurry, ignoring Summer, and Rachel asks for two MET tickets, before getting some drinks. Zeke is still unsure about the plan to find Katya, but Rachel says that she’s the only family they have left and she’s been spotted at the Stanning Rehabilitation Clinic, but may have changed her name.
At number 26, Rachel and Zeke explain their plan to Summer and Bree, who want to do something to help, but Rachel says that they need to go alone. She just asks them to cover if Susan asks after them. Rachel walks out and Zeke mentions to Summer and Bree that his sister is acting very oddly and he’s hoping that finding Katya might help things. Bree says that it might also make things worse. Once Zeke has gone, Summer comments that she isn’t comfortable with this.

At number 22, Elle is helping Ned to run through his script and she assures him that his reading really isn’t that bad, and he says that he just needs more confidence. They laugh about Gino’s script and his vision for the whole thing and Ned thanks Elle for all of this help. She says that they’ll need to break for Christmas, as her mum wants all of the kids together with her. Ned admits that he isn’t looking forward to going back to Oakey as his parents are still expecting him to go back and take over the farm. Gino then turns up and asks Elle to stick around and help with the script run-through.
At number 26, Bree sends Summer off to the bedroom as she answers the door to Susan, who’s looking for Rachel and Zeke as they haven’t come home for lunch. Bree lies that they went shopping with Max and Summer and are going to get some lunch while they’re out, but he’ll drop them off home in time for the rehearsal. Once Susan has gone, Summer emerges from hiding and says that they should have told Susan the truth, but Bree doesn’t want to break her promise.


Outside the Stanning Rehabilitation Clinic, nurse Nicole Baxter is telling Rachel and Zeke that she cannot give out any information about patients. Zeke hands the address over and asks her to get in touch if she can help, but Rachel doesn’t want to give up and starts calling out Katya’s name. Nicole calls for some help and one of the nurses, Catherine, comes outside and is shocked. She says that Rachel and Zeke are her little brother and sister.
Susan and Alex are walking by Lassiter’s Lake, discussing where they’re going to put things for the wedding, and he jokes about hiding the ambulance behind the bushes. Susan is amazed at how positive he’s being. Max approaches them and Susan asks if he’s dropped Rachel and Zeke off at number 28. He’s confused and she wonders what the kids are up to, just as Alex has to sit down as he struggles with his breathing. Susan and Max help him up so he can get home.

Katya shows Rachel and Zeke into the clinic and comments on how much they’ve grown, and Zeke says that Katya looks like an adult now. They notice that she’s changed her name to Catherine and is using their mother’s maiden name, Sangmu. They tells Katya about Susan and how Alex is getting married again, and they’d really like it if she would go back with them. Katya says that she has rounds to do and is too busy to go anywhere. They tell her about Alex’s illness, but she says that she’s sorry, but she can’t see him. After she gets up to leave, Rachel says that she won’t give up.
At number 28, Karl has finished assessing Alex and says that it isn’t looking good and he’s going to phone the palliative care unit. Alex says that he hasn’t changed his mind, he wants to stay at home. Alex wishes that he knew where the kids were, but Susan doesn’t want to go so Karl agrees to try and find out for them.
At number 26, Max is trying to find out from Summer and Bree where Rachel and Zeke have gone. He’s not convinced that they were covering without knowing where the kids went. Karl then comes in and says that this is no time for loyalty and that Alex is dying, at which Max looks slightly taken aback. Karl says that there isn’t much time and they need to get home. Summer says that they’re at Stanning Rehab Clinic, but Bree insists that they don’t know why.
At the clinic, Rachel and Zeke are sitting outside when Karl appears and tells them that they have to go home as Alex needs them there. Rachel won’t leave without Katya, who is listening in on the conversation from behind a tree. Zeke tells her that Katya can’t help Alex now and Rachel eventually gives in and agrees to go. As they leave, Karl spots Katya watching them.


At number 28, Susan gets off the phone to Karl and tells Alex that he’s found the kids. Alex is in a lot of pain and she’s upset that he’s slipping away from her like this. He says that he’s happy to be leaving his kids with the best mother they could ask for. He then asks her to call a priest. Susan is concerned, but he says that they still have to get married.
Later, Alex is in his suit and is telling Rachel and Zeke that he will always love them and he’s proud of them. He tells them how much joy they’ve brought him and asks them to always be there for each other. They promise and he says that he’s proud of them, and Katya, wherever she is. He notices the look in their eyes and asks if they’ve found her. Zeke says that she wasn’t there. Karl then decides that he should be going and Susan thanks him for bringing the kids back.


Outside, Karl sees Katya sitting in her car. He goes over and explains that he’s Alex’s doctor and this might be Alex’s last few hours. Katya says that she shouldn’t be there and is about to leave, but Karl tells her that if she goes without saying goodbye to her dad, she’ll regret it for the rest of her life.
Inside, Alex is showing Zeke how to do up his tie, as Susan announces that Father Capitola will be able to come and perform the wedding. Alex knows that she really wanted a celebrant, but she says that it hardly matters now. She says that she needs to go and get the witnesses and ring her kids, but Alex says that there’ll be time for that later. Zeke then shows them his finished tie, which is slightly wonky. Susan then answers the door and it’s Katya. Susan is thrilled that she came and Alex is very surprised to see her.

At number 22, Gino is running through the lines with Ned and Elle and the lines are strongly reflecting Ned and Elle’s real relationship. The characters then have to kiss and as Ned and Elle kiss, Gino is surprised when they don’t stop and he realises that they’re not acting anymore.

At number 28, Zeke is apologising for lying about Katya, as Susan takes him and Rachel out of the room. Alex says that he’s happy to see her and she reminds him that wasn’t what he said to her last time they were together. He apologises and she says that she’s a nurse now and she’s knows about the AIL and what it means. He says that he’s proud of her and calls her Katya, but she tells him that her name is now Catherine Sangmu. He says that her mum would have liked that. He assures her that he hasn’t stopped thinking about her in the last six years, but she says that she can’t forget the fact that he threw her out while she was grieving for her mum and she isn’t about to forgive him.
by Steve