Title: Take My Breath Away
Harold tells Sky that he’s extremely disappointed in her. Elle and Ned kiss in play rehearsals, before Gino realises that they’re kissing for real. Steph tells Max that she’s found another lump – her cancer is back. Harold strangles Paul.
At number 22, Izzy comes down the stairs and calls out to Paul that they should go on a holiday with Elle. As she enters the lounge room, she spots Paul lying on the floor and races over to his body.

Outside, Harold leaves the house and begins to walk slowly down the driveway.
In the backyard of number 24, Sky is sitting by the pool, working on her sketches.

A panicked Izzy calls for an ambulance and says that she doesn’t know what to do.
Sky is working on her sketch of David, when she hears a scream from number 22. She removes her headphones and looks across.


Harold slowly walks up his own driveway, before spotting a dead rose. He picks up the flower head and pulls the petals off with his badly scratched hands. He then places the flower down and walks back up towards the house.
At number 32, Max is trying to tell Steph that the change in her breasts is probably just due to the pregnancy, but she insists that she knows her own body and the cancer is back. Max says that he’s going to call Karl. Steph doesn’t think he’ll be in the surgery on Boxing Day, but Max insists that he will be for them.

Harold walks over to Sky, who’s still sitting by the pool, and has gardening gloves on to cover the scratches. He’s looking for some tools, but Sky mentions the scream she heard earlier. Harold is more worried about getting some gardening done and Sky gives him a concerned look. He insists that he’s fine and he hugs her, telling her that he takes back everything he said earlier that day. She forgives him and he says that everything will be fine now.
At number 30, Elle is visiting Stu, trying to find out when Ned will be back and whether he’s been in touch. Stu explains that he didn’t get home for Christmas, due to his stint in prison, just as Ned comes in the door. He says that he couldn’t stay away from Elle any longer. He then admits that family didn’t take it too well when he said that he wanted a career as a singer, and they all think he should become a cop like his big brother. Stu is happy to see them finally a couple, but they’re stopped when they hear sirens coming into the street and they rush outside.

Outside, Elle is shocked as the ambulance stops outside number 22, and she races over to see if her dad is ok. Harold is outside gardening, and he looks across at the unfolding scene next-door.
A few minutes later, Harold is watching as Paul is brought outside on a stretcher. As they put him into the ambulance, Stu checks that the police have been contacted and Izzy, Ned and Elle run down the driveway. Izzy jumps into the ambulance, as Harold tells himself that David is now at peace.



At the surgery, Karl has finished examining Steph and, while he thinks that Max was right about hormonal changes, he says that there is evidence to suggest that hormone changes during pregnancy can affect chances of cancer returning. He says that he’ll put a rush on the test results and that Steph needs to go for a biopsy and ultrasound. Max asks if Karl thinks that it’s cancer, but Karl says that they won’t know anything for sure until the test results come back.
At the General Store, Lyn and Sky are wondering why Paul was rushed away in an ambulance like that. Sky thinks that it could have been one of his enemies getting their own back, but Lyn says that who else is there, now that Tony Corbett is dead. Meanwhile, Ned is telling Stu that Paul might die, just as Harold brings their coffees and his hands start shaking. They worriedly look at Harold as he walks away, then Stu mentions the investigation into Paul’s attack. Ned wonders if it will give the family more reason to view him as a hero, but Stu thinks that when Ned is a famous singer, the family will feel differently. Elle then phones Ned, as Harold cleans a table behind them. Sky asks him why he isn’t at the soup kitchen, and he explains that he’s needed at the store, as Lou is away visiting Louise. Ned then tells Stu that Paul is going to be fine, causing a listening Harold to drop a tray of dishes. Everyone is concerned about Harold, who says he’s just an old duffer.

At number 22, Paul has discharged himself and he arrives home with Elle and Izzy, just as the police are finishing looking for evidence. Paul asks Stu about the investigation, but he says that they’ve found no clues, but have taken samples. Paul is annoyed that he didn’t get any look at his attacker, but he says that they were strong. Stu tells Paul that they’re increasing patrols in the area, before leaving. Paul reminds Elle to check that all of the locks on the door are bolted and gets Izzy to call the security company and send a guard, plus start up the security cameras again. He says that he’s hoped this was all over when Tony Corbett’s body was found, but the person who is doing this is going to regret it.
At number 32, Lyn is cooking up some leftover turkey, as Max tries to contact Karl about the test results. Steph tries to calm him, but then there’s a knock at the door. As Max goes to answer, Lyn assures her daughter that they’ll beat the cancer again, as a family. Karl then comes into the kitchen and he confirms that the cancer is back.

In the General Store kitchen, Stu and his colleagues are questioning Harold and Sky about whether they heard anything that morning. Sky remembers the scream she heard, but Harold is distracted by flashbacks of the incident. When Stu asks him if he heard anything, Harold blurts out ‘yes’ before correcting himself. Stu tells him not to worry as they’ll catch the person who did this. As the police leave, Harold takes off one of his gloves and Sky notices the scratches on his hand. He says that he did it on some rose thorns in the garden and she goes to get some antiseptic cream.
At number 30, Stu arrives home to find Ned packing. He explains that he’s moving across to number 22 for a while to help Paul protect Izzy and Elle from the stalker. Stu confidentially tells Ned that this attack on Paul seemed different from the other ones – less pre-meditated. He says that they’re looking closer to home than Corbett, even within Paul’s family. Ned still wants to move over and Stu says that it’s a Parker family trait to put yourself on the line for the woman you love.

At number 22, Izzy finishes her call to the security company and says that they’re sending a guard over, but the cameras will have to wait until the next day. Izzy admits that she was very worried when she thought she’d lost Paul and she tells him that she can’t imagine her life without him in it. Elle runs to answer a knock at the door and ignores her father telling her to be careful and check first. Paul thanks Ned for coming over and he says that it’s not a problem – he’ll take care of everything until Paul’s up to it.
At number 32, Karl tells Steph that she’ll be beginning treatment tomorrow and, since the pregnancy is so far on, the risk of harm to the baby is minimal. He also points out that they’ve caught it early and Max and Lyn look pleased, but Steph doesn’t seem at all convinced.

At number 22, Elle and Ned are laughing in the kitchen, as Izzy asks Paul if he’s comfortable with the younger, stronger man coming in and taking over. They all stop as there’s a knock at the door and Ned checks who it is, but they’re all relieved to hear that it’s Harold. Izzy apologises to him as he brings in a casserole, his hands covered with over mitts. Harold says that he was sorry to hear about Paul’s troubles and asks him how he is. Paul admits that he’s ok, but then, when everyone else is out of earshot, he says that he’s never felt quite so helpless. Harold faintly smiles as Paul says that he’s living in a nightmare.

The next morning, at number 32, Max brings Lyn into the kitchen, telling her that they hardly slept last night. Steph then announces that she isn’t going to the hospital, she’s cancelled the appointment. Lyn and Max are shocked, but Steph says that a minimal risk is still too much for her and she won’t do anything to harm her baby.
by Steve