Title: Lights, Cameron, Action!
Elle tells Ned she’s accepted their relationship is over. Sky accuses Jean-Pierre of bullying her. Ned tells Paul that Izzy lied to him, and that the two of them had more than just a one-night-stand.
Paul doesn’t believe Ned and wants him out of his house. Izzy appears and accuses Ned of lying, when Elle walks through the front door. She asks Ned what he thinks he’s doing there and he goes to leave. But before he does, he tells Elle he slept with Izzy and that she deserves to know.


At St. Luke’s Hospice, Robert is asking a doctor to call him if there any changes to his brother who is lying in a coma. The doctor asks if the two have any family or friends to pass the news onto. He says they don’t and that the two of them are pretty much alone now. Robert goes over to Cameron whose hospital placard mysteriously reads ‘Robert Robinson’.
Back at Number 22, Elle is confronting Izzy about her sleeping with Ned. She defends herself saying she only did it in order to stop Elle from leaving, saying that Paul would have suffered had his daughter left. Elle however is still angry at both Paul and Izzy and accuses Paul of trying to protect Izzy rather than his own daughter. Izzy says they didn’t want her to get hurt, but she says it’s too late and they’ve blown their last chance. She then storms out. Izzy says it’s all her fault, but Paul says to just give her time, and despite her unorthodox methods, she will come to forgive her. Izzy says she doesn’t believe she will.

By Lassiter's Lake, Jean-Pierre is watching over his students who are sketching. Sky is bitten by a mosquito but he tells her to ignore the bugs as they are there to understand the landscape.
Meanwhile, Harold and Lou are setting off a remote control boat on the lake. Lou jokes they should smash a champagne bottle over the barrel, or have the Queen cut the ribbon. Harold isn’t impressed and asks Lou to be a little less cynical and get into the spirit of things. He then sets down the boat, which immediately sinks, prompting Lou to make a joke about the Titanic.


Back at the hospital, Robert is talking to Cameron saying that although he knows he didn’t agree with him, he had to do something to wipe the smile of Paul’s face. He says however that his plan didn’t really work as he wasn’t around to see what happened. It then flashes back to reveal that Robert was in fact the bomber of the joy-flight which killed David, Liljana, and Serena some months back. Robert says that his dad and Elle would never welcome him into Erinsborough, but once he shows up as Cam it’ll be much easier to “finish off the job”.
Jean-Pierre is criticising the students’ work. When he gets to Sky, he picks up her sketch and calls it ‘pedestrian superficial’, and boring, saying that there is no heart in her work. She says nothing she does will be good enough for him, but he replies that if what she paints actually meant something to her, then maybe she will end up with something worth looking at.

Harold and Lou are returning from a game of golf. Harold says they now have all the time in the world to practice, but Lou says they won’t be letting Harold back onto the field as it looks like he was digging for oil. Harold sees Elle crying and asks if she’s okay. She says she’s fine and that she’s just had an argument with her dad. Then Robert drives up beside her, saying “G’day Porky!” She immediately thinks he’s Cameron, and runs up to him and hugs him. He asks her what’s wrong, and she says everything, but that she’s so glad he’s there.
Jean-Pierre is packing telling his class to pack away. He looks at Sky’s work and says it’s nowhere near adequate. She says that she therefore doesn’t know what to do and he tells her if she doesn’t come to any more classes, he’ll pass her and she can choose a course more suited to her talents next semester. She finds the idea ludicrous and says she still wants to be an artist. Jean-Pierre calls her a big fish in a small pond and says her art won’t make it into any galleries, just as Dylan appears behind him. Dylan asks who he thinks he is, but JP is unfazed. He says if Sky doesn’t produce anything good by the next morning, there will no longer be a place for her on his course.

In the Scarlet bar, Elle is talking to Robert, still thinking he’s Cameron. She says she wishes she’d never come to Erinborough and that the two of them should go back to Tasmania. He says he will if that’s what she wants. She says that it is, and that she misses her mother, the chooks and Rob. She asks if he’s back yet, and he tells her he is still AWOL in London. Robert says that Izzy shouldn’t cost Elle her boyfriend and her father and that he thinks Paul is at least trying to do the right thing. Elle says he’s trying and failing, but Robert says he thought she told him he was improving at being a dad. She agrees he was a bit, as Dylan walks him. Robert asks who he was, and Elle says he’s their dad’s protégé and that he seems to want him as his own son. Elle then says that maybe they should hang around Erinsborough a bit longer and Rob says he’ll protect her from Izzy.
At Number 22 Paul’s phone rings, but it is just a sales-call. Just as he says Elle will forgive him, she comes through the door smiling. She says she has something to show him...

Elle takes Paul outside, where he is greeted by Robert. Paul exclaims “Rob!”, but he corrects him saying it’s Cameron. Paul asks what he’s doing in Erinsborough and he says he just came to visit him. Izzy remarks what a wonderful surprise it is and the two men go inside. She tells Elle she hasn’t seen Paul this happy in a long time, but Elle says that if she thinks she can forgive her in this happy moment she can forget it, and follows her dad and brother inside.
Inside Paul is watching the surveillance tapes of Ned and Izzy kissing. Izzy runs over and switches it off saying she thought they’d agreed to put that behind them. He asks her if that really was the only time and she says it was. Robert overhears the conversation, saying he was just getting a glass of water. Paul says it’s fine and that they were just going to bed anyway.


At Number 24, Sky is saying that she’s quitting the art class when she hands in her work tomorrow. Dylan says she shouldn’t and that her paintings do make him feel ‘something’. He says he’ll stay with her whilst she works, but he falls asleep... Later, Sky is sketching Dylan sleeping on the sofa when Harold sits next to her calling her work ‘invocative’. She says he’s right and sets her work down... Later still, Harold and Dylan are now both sleeping on the sofa. Sky is sitting at the table reiterating what JP said to her earlier about choosing a new class next semester. Stressed out, she spills her coffee over her work.
Rob catches Elle making herself a midnight snack, saying it’s a bit early for breakfast. Elle says they should make sauce sandwiches with as many condiments as they can find, and whoever finishes first gets the strawberry moose. She asks him how he managed to get time off work seeing as he had just started. Robert tells her he quit. She seems surprised saying that it was always his dream to work for an architect firm to which he replies that there are more important things in life than colour swatches and brown leather shoes. He says he has now begun studying to become a nurse and that he is going for a job as an orderly at the Erinsborough Hospital, and Elle tells him he is full of surprises and that he had an ulterior motive for coming to Erinsborough after all. Robert says it’s good they are back together and that it’s like when they were kids. He says he feels bad for the way they treated Robert and Elle says he was weird. She then goes through some of the nicknames they had for ‘Robert Robinson’, including ‘Rob Rob’, ‘Rob Squared’, and ‘Cat Skinner’. He asks why ‘Cat Skinner’ and she says because he once shaved their cat Molly. Elle then shows Robert the “Freak Files”, a journal her and Cameron used to keep of Robert’s behaviour. He in return shows her her old jewellery box he found. She opens it but the fairy inside is askew. She says “Psycho Rob” must have done it, and that she is glad the two of them have eachother.


Harold and Lou are power-walking by the lake. Lou seems exhausted and Harold tells him he could do with increasing his cardio intensity and muscle tone. They see Sky and wish her luck. Sky says she doesn’t care what JP thinks of her work, and she hands it in telling JP she quits and that he is an arrogant moron. JP however says her work is good and asks her what she calls it, to which she replies “Barbie’s Revenge”. JP tells Sky she may have some talent after all.
At Number 30, Stuart is on the phone to his boss who hangs up on him. He says the sergeant wants to lynch him after asking for three months off without notice, and that he won’t make life easy for him when he gets back, and also his Senior Constable exams are now going to have to wait. Ned doesn’t seem bothered, and Stuart asks him to be a little more sympathetic. Ned says he put his life on hold to help on the farm and it’s now Stuart’s turn. Elle knocks on the front door, and Ned answers. She gives him a box of his things. Ned tells her Izzy is evil and as long as she is living under her roof, things like this are going to keep happening. Elle just says that he told her loved her, and that he is a liar, and then walks away. Stuart tells Ned that just because he’s lost the best thing that’s ever happened to him, he shouldn’t act like a tool. Ned says he always thinks he’s right, but he doesn’t even come close.

Elle walks back into Number 22 to be greeted with a lavish breakfast prepared by Robert. She seems put out however when she realises it is also set out for Paul and Izzy, who appear from upstairs. Rob tells the three of them the reason he came back was because of how fun he had heard it was and that they all cared for one another. He seems embarrassed that he is making a speech, but says he wants to get to know Paul better and asks if he can stay for a while. Paul says he can stay for as long as he wants, and the four of them make a toast to new beginnings…
by Mike