Title: Stu For The Road
Robert puts something in the refrigerator at The General Store. Paul questions Izzy about the sock he found behind the couch cushion and her relationship with Ned. Stuart calls Sindi to let her know that his is moving back to Oakey, and reminds her of a dream they used to have, in a last ditch attempt to save his marriage.
At number 30, Ned asks Stuart if he is still waiting for Sindi to call, he remains convinced that she will, but Ned tells his brother that he would be better off without her. Just then, the phone rings, Stuart answers in the hope that it is Sindi, but he is disappointed to discover it is actually Big Kev. As Stuart passes the phone to Toadie, Angie comes in shouting at the boys for scoffing pies behind her back, but she stops in her tracks when Toadie tells her Big Kev wants to talk to her, she takes the phone and walks off towards the bedrooms. Ned continues to bait his brother about Sindi, and as Stuart reacts, Toadie & Connor quickly break them up, telling Ned to go to work. As he does so, Angie runs in shouting ecstatically that Big Kev is on his way to win her back and tells the boys to hang on to their hats as Big Kev is on the move, dancing as she does so. As Angie goes to get ready, Connor mimics her dance and is pushed to the ground by a revolted Toadie.

Outside of number 22, Ned is writing a ticket for the Jaguar as Izzy storms out and accuses him of planting the sock in the couch; a confused Ned recognises the sock and accuses Izzy of stealing it from his clothesline. As Izzy begins to believe his story, Paul walks out and asks what is going on, Ned tells him that he is issuing him with a ticket, Paul laughs at him, as the car is on the driveway, but Ned tells him that it is encroaching the public footway, which isn’t permitted. Paul throws the ticket away, and Ned says that he will see him in court, and thanks Izzy for the sock, Paul takes the bait, but as Izzy protests their innocence, Ned tells her that he is also missing a pair of boxers, and if she finds them under her bed somewhere, she knows where to find him, and walks off.
At The General Store, Dylan walks in with the specials board, telling Elle that they forgot to do them. Elle suggests using up the leftovers, so they decide on chilli beans. As Dylan thinks and remembers that they pass their sell by date the following day, Sky enters, announcing that it is the first time she has been back since the place was stolen from her grandad and Lou. As Dylan tries to placate her, she tells him to give her a reason to stay; he suggests chilli beans, begging her to have some as they need to get rid of them, she agrees, as Jean-Pierre walks in, but only if he makes it quickly as she has to go. Dylan says that he thought she hated him; however, Sky tells him that she has begun to see a method in his madness, and that he is actually helping her with her artwork, but Dylan struggles to see why she likes him so much, and upon Sky’s request, goes to get her chilli beans. As he goes to fetch them, Elle stops him and tries to calm him down, telling him not to go psycho, as she has her dad and Izzy for that.

Inside number 22, Izzy is in the kitchen, telling Paul that if she was having an affair with Ned, she wouldn’t have to stay with Paul, as she has plenty of money of her own and could drive off into the sunset with him whenever she wanted. As Izzy sits down at the dining table, Paul begins to understand Ned’s scheme, but still wonders whom the sock belongs to, and how it got into their couch. Izzy suggests that it was planted there by Elle, as she has done it before with the pills and tells Paul that Elle called her ‘a malignancy that needs to be cut out of her life’ and it is clear that she is trying to split them up, but Paul still doesn’t know what to believe. Standing on the stairs and overhearing this, a guilty Robert begins to smirk as his plan seems to be working.
At number 30, Toadie & Stuart are in the living room eating ice cream when the phone rings, Stuart answers but it still isn’t Sindi, and hands the phone to Toadie who hangs up as Connor walks in, asking when Angie is going to leave. Toadie tells him that it will be days, weeks at most but she will be good company whilst he is away, Stuart tells Toadie that he doesn’t have to go to Oakey with him, as he won’t be good company on the drive up there, but Toadie says he doesn’t mind. Connor begs him not to go and leave him on his own with them, but Toadie points out that he will have Bob and Ned still, but Connor wonders what will happen if Big Kev decides to stay, as he can’t handle living with two Rebecchi’s, Toadie reminds him that he already is, but Connor says that he isn’t the same as his parents. The phone rings again, but this time, Stuart tells Toadie to get it, he does so, answering “Go ahead caller, you’re on the air!” It’s Sindi.

At the university, Sky is talking to Jean-Pierre when she begins to feel ill, he asks if she is alright and suggests going to get a doctor, she tells him not to, but she’s burning up. He asks her if she ate anything and takes her off to the doctors.
At The General Store, Elle answers the phone as Robert suggests to Paul & Izzy that they all have the chilli beans for breakfast, Paul doesn’t feel like anything spicy, but Izzy thinks that it is an excellent idea. Elle hangs up the phone, and tells Dylan that Jean-Pierre phoned and something is wrong with Sky, Dylan wants to go to her, but Elle tells him they are too busy, and that they think it’s probably food poisoning. Elle wonders if it’s the chilli beans, but Dylan thinks it must’ve been something she ate at the uni café and dismisses it as Ned enters. Dylan tries to get him to leave, but Ned is issuing Paul with another parking ticket, Paul tells Ned that the joke is on him, as the Jag belongs to Elle, and hands her the ticket.

Back at number 30, Stuart is in the hallway talking to Sindi on the phone as Connor and Toadie listen in, he pushes them out and they go into the lounge, wondering if everything will be ok between Sindi & Stu. Connor asks Toadie why he has to go too, and Toadie hurriedly comes up with an answer, saying that they need him to help them through the transition, but Connor continues to beg him to stay, just as Big Kev drives into the street, honking his horn. Angie runs in excitedly telling them that “Big Kev is giving his old lady the horn!” As they answer the door to a weary looking Big Kev, he and Angie almost immediately start arguing, over how they look, and who has to apologise, so Toadie and Connor decide to act as mediators. After a slow start, and Kev having trouble understanding Connor’s “Scotch Lingo”, Angie opens up that she wants to see the world like Big Kev does, so Toadie suggests that she gets her heavy license and join him on the road. The pair decide to go on a camping holiday, once Angie has her license, and the pair finally reunite, just as Stuart enters and announces that he’ll have to start talking a bit slower… he and Sindi are back together too. The founding members of the House of Trouser jump up and down in jubilation.



At number 24, Jean-Pierre is setting up a sketchpad on the dining table for Sky, as she comes out, apologising for being sick in his car. He asks how she is, and then makes her sit down and start drawing, she protests but eventually agrees, on the condition that he does the same. He sits down and the tension between the two seems to fade.
At The General Store, Izzy arrives to meet up with Paul & ‘Cameron’, apologising for being late as she was throwing up, and says it must’ve been the chilli as she hasn’t had anything else, as Elle looks nervous, Paul questions her. After Robert says that he felt sick too, Elle reveals that Sky had been to the doctor and thought it was the chilli. As Paul berates her and Dylan for ignoring the warning, Robert looks increasingly pleased that his plan is working.

At Scarlet Bar, Toadie & Connor are celebrating their good work as Ned walks in and ask Stuart if he needs help with the drinks, Stuart tells him the good news about him and Sindi. As they walk towards where Toadie & Connor are sitting, Ned apologises for his earlier comments, but Stuart says he knew that Ned was just looking out for him. As the four House of Trouser boys hug, Angie & Kev, who are at the next table cook up a plan…
At number 24, Sky shows Jean-Pierre her work, expecting it to be heavily criticised, but instead he compliments her on it, comparing it to his early work. Sky asks to see what he has done, but he doesn’t want to show it to her as he doesn’t think it is good enough. He relents and lets Sky look, and she tries to praise him for it, but feeling uncomfortable, he decides to leave. As Sky tries to convince him to stay, he tells her that his talent has dried up and that he is a fake and his real name is John Peter. Sky tells him to choose something less cliché if he ever decides to use another fake name, and they try to come up with one. Sky suggests J.P. and he agrees.

Back at Scarlet Bar, Toadie has bought another round of drinks, and takes a glass of champagne and a beer over to his mum & dad, but Kev refuses as he has to drive. Toadie is surprised that they are leaving so soon, but they tell him that they never get to spend enough time with him, which is why he is going with them, much to his horror. They shout over to Stuart that they are going to drop him off at Oakey, but as Toadie tries to come up with an excuse, Stuart can’t wait to go for a ride in the Big Rig.
At number 24, J.P. is doing another drawing, but as Sky asks to see it, he refuses and tells her he has to go. As J.P. opens the door to leave, Dylan enters asking Sky how she is, she tells him that she’s fine and not to worry about giving her food poisoning, and asks him what he thinks of her work. Cautiously, Dylan tells Sky that it looks like a nightmare; luckily, that was what she was aiming for and says that J.P. inspired her and she inspired him, leaving Dylan feeling jealous.

Outside Scarlet Bar, Angie & Kev have moved onto the patio, whilst Toadie, Stuart, Ned & Connor are preparing to do a nudie run, the passing of the House of Trouser baton from one Parker brother to another. The four drop their towel and shout “Freedom” as Angie & Kev, and the shocked Scarlet Bar customers laugh.
Outside of number 30, Toadie is loading the bags on the rig as the four prepare to leave, Stuart says he wants to go round and say goodbye to everyone, but Kev tells him to send postcards as the rig is ready to go, and Angie says they have to leave now if they want to make Sydney by sun-up. Toadie hoists Angie into the rig as Stuart says goodbye to his brother and Connor bids a tearful goodbye to his best friend. Toadie & Stuart climb into the rig and as Kev starts the engine, Stuart opens the hatch window and starts the House of Trouser chant, waving as he leaves Ramsay Street for the last time. As the horn on the truck sounds, Connor hugs Ned and they wave goodbye.



At number 22, Paul continues to scold Elle & Dylan over the food poisoning incident and their decision to ignore Sky’s illness. He tells them that if the café & the store survive the health inspection and the press, they might get a second chance, but if they don’t, then than can kiss their jobs goodbye for good. Cameron begins to smirk again, but this time Izzy notices.
by Callum