Title: The Unrighteous Brothers
Max tells Janae he doesn’t want Boyd to get married, but it’s nothing personal, he doesn’t want him to get married to anyone at the moment, but Janae realises she has got Max scared and he thinks she will say yes to Boyd to spite him. Connor tells Ned that Lucia Cammeniti called and told him that Carmella had been missing since Christmas day, and she wanted him to go an find her. Stingray told Rachel that Susan was right and their relationship had to end before things went any further, but she doesn’t agree. Janae tells Max he will be happy with the decision she has made regarding Boyd’s proposal and he thinks she has made the right choice.
At number 26, Stingray finishes setting up his video camera, he says that it is a full moon and everyone is acting strange. He opens the curtains to begin filming what is happening in the street. Looking outside, he sees Janae pacing up and down outside of number 32, wondering if she has made the right decision before going in to see Boyd. As Dylan drives into the street, Stingray focuses on him and points out in his commentary that Dylan didn’t even come home the previous night, before moving onto a weary-looking Sky, who gets out of her car and approaches Dylan and asks him to wait as she just wants to talk to him. As he gets out of his car and makes his way into number 26, he tells her he isn’t interested. In his commentary, Stingray wonders why you have to hate someone you once loved when everything went wrong, as he notices Rachel walking Audrey, and focuses on her. As she turns and notices him at the window, he zooms in erratically and comments that maybe the only way not to get hurt is not to fall in love in the first place. Just then, Dylan enters and scorns him for “perving at school girls.” Stingray tells him it is a Ramsay Street expose, but Dylan berates him, saying that he is still a “dirty perv”. Annoyed at his brother, Stingray points out that at least he treats Rachel with some respect, unlike the way Dylan has been treating Sky, but Dylan angrily tells him that when he stops going after 14 year olds he will begin to care what he thinks, and tells him to stop filming everyone all the time. As Dylan storms off to his room, Stingray turns and looks out of the window at Rachel again, thinking about his brother’s words, he draws the curtains and turns away.


In the kitchen at number 32, Boyd is sorting out the washing and, not realising that Janae has just walked in, holds up one of Charlie’s baby-gros and says that he wished they made them for grown-ups. She says she’d pay a lot of money to see him in one, he asks how long she has been standing there, she tells him not long and asks if he needs a hand with the washing, he accepts he offer and smiles.

At Scarlet Bar, Steph is examining Charlie’s head, when Janelle enters and asks if she is ‘looking for the 666’, Steph laughs and asks her if Charlie’s head looks big to her, as the nurse at the health centre took some measurements of his head as she thought it looked rather large. Just then Max joins them, asking if she’s still talking about the size of Charlie’s head, Steph said she just wanted to ask someone with baby experience, amused by the new mother’s anxiousness, Max asks “Dr. House” to give them the diagnosis. Janelle tells them they have nothing to worry about and says that Charlie’s head is tiny compared to her son, Brandon’s, and says giving birth to him was like “passing a bowling ball through a garden hose.” As Janelle begins to make analogies for the rest of her children, Max quickly interrupts, asking if there is something he can get her, she says that she has come bearing gifts as well as advice and hands them an invite to the “wedding event of the year.” Fearing the worst, Max & Steph think the invite is for Janae & Boyd’s wedding and assume she has changed her mind, but a relieved Steph soon points out that the invite is for Janelle & Kim’s wedding. As Max tries to cover his mistake in front of Janelle, she realises something is up and they are forced to explain. Overjoyed at the thought of Boyd & Janae getting married, Janelle is distraught when Steph tells her that Janae was going to turn him down.
Over at The General Store, Stingray is thinking about ideas for his film when Dylan enters and hits him round the head, they exchange insults and Dylan goes to the counter to order. As he does so, Sky walks in and he accuses her of following him. She informs him that she works there, but he tells her to stop stalking him and tells the waitress he will have his breakfast outside. Sky tells Stingray she isn’t following Dylan, he asks her if she has a shift, she shakes her head and walks off as Rachel enters and walks over to Stingray. She asks him if they can work out a way to have a relationship, or friendship, but he tells her to stop pestering him and storms out.

At number 32, in a bid to avoid the subject of marriage, Boyd asks Janae if she has had much homework lately, she says it is starting to pile up, and that studying is important, but she says she thinks there are other things more important, puzzled by her answer, Boyd half-heartedly agrees. She tells him that she doesn’t want to be one of those people who let work take over their lives at the expense of everything else, especially down the track when she is thinking of having a family and asks if, when he is a doctor, he is going to have time for anything else other than curing people. Boyd says life is too short to give up the things you love just to pay the bills, and that when he has a family he will still want to take time to be with the people he loves, thanks to Bobby as he couldn’t have a relationship with his kids like the one he has with his. Janae kisses him and he asks if that means yes, she said it does and she thinks he is amazing. He smiles and laughs and they hug.
Outside of The General Store, Sky is sitting at a table when she hears Dylan telling Kim to pick up the pace, he suggests stopping off at Scarlet Bar for a drink, but Dylan says that they need to keep an eye on there investment now they are selling in bulk. Kim says he thought that’s what they have staff for, but Dylan says they have to let their workers know who is in charge. Kim tells him he thinks the whole thing is too risky, but Dylan points out he has a wedding to pay for, which is why he started the business in the first place. Kim agrees, but worries what will happen if they are caught. Dylan says they won’t and begins to shout abuse at Sky when he notices her looking over at him. Despite Kim telling him to settle down, Dylan yells to Sky that he is over her so Kim walks over to her to apologise, saying that it isn’t a good time to be following Dylan around, Sky pretends she is just there for lunch, but he sees through her guise and tells her to hang in there. As Dylan waits for his father to return, Boyd & Janae come rushing into the complex, he asks what they are so happy about, Boyd tells him that is no way to talk to his future brother-in-law, clearly ecstatic, Janae tells Dylan that they have the most massive news.

Over at Scarlet Bar, Janelle picks up two drinks from the bar and tells Stingray to put it on the tab as she walks over to where Steph is sitting and presents her with one of them, Steph thanks her. Janelle asks Steph if she is upset that she left her out of the bridal party and explains that it’s not that they don’t get on, but Susan & Izzy are currently ranked number 1 and 2 on her favourite neighbours list. Janelle is surprised at Steph’s reaction to hearing about her list, saying she thought everyone had one. She tells her that it is only because they haven’t had that many adventures together, but there is plenty of time for that to change. Amused by this, Steph says she will make sure she pulls her socks up, leaving Janelle impressed. Just then, Boyd & Janae enter, followed by Rachel. Boyd calls for attention and announces that he and Janae have some really good news, unable to wait any longer; Janae tells them all that they are getting married. Overjoyed, Janelle hugs and kisses them both, whilst Stingray and Steph congratulate them. Still feeling hurt by Stingray & Sky, Rachel & Dylan leave, whilst Max & Kim stand at the bar looking disapprovingly at the party. Kim asks Max how to handle the situation, but Max says he hoped Kim would tell him. As the girls celebrate, Boyd looks at his father for approval, but is hurt when Max shows no signs of budging.
At Saint Clare’s Convent, Connor pulls into the car park and gets out of his ute. As he stops to looks at the sign, he sees someone who he thinks is Carmella. He runs up to her, but is disappointed when the person turns around and it isn’t Carmella. He apologises, but soon hears a voice he recognises call his name, he looks around and is shocked to see Carmella walk up to him dressed as a novice. Shocked, and overwhelmed as she thought Connor to be dead, Carmella runs up and hugs him.


Back at Scarlet Bar, Janelle suggests to Boyd & Janae that they have a double wedding, horrified at the thought; Boyd reluctantly agrees in order to keep the peace, as long as Kim doesn’t mind, but Janelle says he will do as he’s told. Behind the bar, Stingray asks a noticeably mad Max if he is alright as Steph walks up to the excited mother and couple with Charlie. Janelle tells Steph there is a space in her bridal party now that Janae is also tying the knot, but Steph says she isn’t sure how involved she can get now she has Charlie. Just then, Max walks over demanding to talk to Boyd and walks off towards the office, Boyd follows him. In the office, Max tells Boyd that he understands that he loves Janae, but they don’t have to get married to prove it. He tells his son that marrying Janae or anyone at his age will be a huge mistake, but Boyd tells him that he is marrying her, end of story. Reluctantly, Max concedes but tells Boyd to remember the moment as “it has I told you so written all over it”.
At the convent, Connor finishes explaining what happened following the plane crash, whilst Carmella still can’t believe he is there. Carmella apologises for what she did to him and Serena, which leads Connor to ask if that is why she joined the convent, for forgiveness. She says she was ashamed of herself and her actions and wanted to start again and in two weeks, Carmella won’t exist, she will be Sister Mary Catherine. She says that she didn’t tell her parents as they wouldn’t approve, but Connor says that her mum is worried sick. She says he can tell her where she is if he wants, but she isn’t going back to her old life. Just then the bell tolls, calling them to prayer, she asks Connor to wait for her to return.

Back at Scarlet Bar, Janelle asks Boyd what kind of doctor he wants to be, he says he isn’t sure but he likes the cardiology module he is currently doing, but Janelle interrupts him and suggests that he becomes a cosmetic surgeon. He says that they do a lot of good work for burn victims, but Janae points out that Janelle just wants a discount on a boob job. They laugh, but Janelle says even if she did need a boob job, which she doesn’t, Boyd wouldn’t be doing it, but she wouldn’t mind a bit of nip and tuck, gesturing to her face. As she does so, Max, Steph & Charlie return and Boyd asks what the specialist said. Steph tells them that the doctor said that they have nothing to worry about, as Charlie is perfectly healthy. Max says it turns out that the nurse had a dodgy tape measure, and they were the third set of worried parents of babies with big heads that the paediatrician had seen that week. Boyd says it must be a relief, but Steph says it just made her realise how vigilant they were going to have to be about everything, as Max walks back behind the bar, Steph asks Boyd to look after Charlie and runs off after him. Steph apologises for dragging Max to the doctor for no reason, but he tells her that they aren’t going to take any risks with Charlie’s health and the main thing is that he’s ok. As they kiss and hug, Steph slyly says that she just wants him to be happy and healthy, like Boyd. Max sighs, but Steph suggests that it could work out in the end, as they did, but Max says they weren’t a couple of hormonal teenagers. Steph reminds him that they acted like it, he agrees and the kiss again. As Max turns, he sees Stingray wiping the bar and tells him that he can go home. Still acting strangely, Stingray tells him it was a pleasure and begins to waffle. As Max stops him, Stingray says he will see him tomorrow and runs off towards Sky. He asks how her drink was and suggests they leave to do whatever takes their minds off things. She says it sounds good and they leave.
Outside of Grease Monkeys, Kim & Dylan are sitting at a table watching their workforce move the DVD’s from one vehicle to another. Kim says that Boyd is a good kid, but he and Janae are too young, in a bit to point out his father’s hypocrisy, Dylan asks how old he and Janelle were, but Kim says that was different. Kim wonders what is wrong with him, as he didn’t even seem to care about Janae's engagement. He says if she wants to ruin her life, it’s up to her, and quickly points out that a police car has just pulled into the street. Kim begins to panic, saying they should warn the guys but Dylan says they can’t be seen anywhere near them. Kim refuses to listen, saying that they’ll drop them in it if they are caught, but Dylan says they won’t. Just then, the policeman gets a call on his radio and drives off with their sirens on, much to Kim’s relief. Dylan mocks his father, but Kim says they could’ve been arrested. Worried by his son’s involvement, Kim tries to put a stop by the whole scheme, but Dylan informs him that it isn’t his business anymore and he’ll do what he tells him. Kim looks shocked by his son’s behaviour.

At number 24, Stingray is juggling hopelessly in a bit to entertain Sky, but it isn’t working. She says she can’t stop thinking about Dylan and the look of hate in his eyes. Stingray tells her she has to move on, but she ignores him, saying she doesn’t deserve Dylan’s hatred. Stingray asks if she is going to loathe herself for the rest of her life, she tells him that everyone needs a hobby. He asks to join the club and says he couldn’t have stuffed things up with Rachel any more if he tried. Sky says that at least she isn’t the only one in ‘broken hearted crisis mode’. She asks Stingray what is going on with him and Rachel, he tells her that nothing is and it never will as he promised Susan, but the problem is that he really likes her. Sky says that she is a gorgeous looking 14 year old, but he tells her it’s not just that, Rachel understands who he is. Dejected, Stingray says that at least he and Sky still have each other, she agrees.