Title: Run For Your Wife
Dylan tells his father that he’s going to continue with the pirated DVD business, though Kim wants to go straight. Max tells Janae and Boyd that they can live together at number 32. Kim realises that the ring has gone missing.
Outside number 30, Kim, Dylan, Stingray and Toadie are searching the backyard for the ring, when Angie appears on the balcony and yells at them to get in a line and search every inch until they find it. They’re walking by the pool when Kim spots the ring and leans over. The other boys also go to look and the four of them end up falling in. Kim comes to the surface shouting that he’s got the ring, while Angie comments that if she had one more bloke in there, she might have enough for a half-wit.


Rachel is sitting outside number 28, on the phone to Garrett, asking him to come to the wedding. Zeke joins her and takes the phone, telling Garrett that it’s invitation only. He hangs up and Rachel accuses him of being out of line, but Zeke points out that it was wrong to invite him to the Timmins wedding in the first place. He asks why she’s so dressed up, and she says that she wanted to look nice for Garrett, but Zeke quickly realises that it’s all for Stingray’s benefit. Rachel insists that it has nothing to do with Stingray and that Zeke is deluded. He says that he’s thinking of Kim and Janelle, unlike her, as she’s just thinking about herself.
At number 32, Steph and Max are preparing all of Charlie’s stuff to take with them and Max says that he won’t leave without the dummy, as Charlie will disrupt things and everyone will complain. Boyd says that nobody would complain about a baby crying, but Max says that, if it wasn’t his baby, he would. Steph brings Janae in and she hands Boyd a rose from Harold’s garden for his button hole. He hands her the same flower and Steph smiles as she watches them. The scowl on Max’s face almost turns into a smile, but when Steph looks at him, he looks unhappy again and walks off.


Outside, a horse and cart is waiting, with Janelle, Susan, Janae and Lyn already inside. Angie runs out and joins them, and Janelle is convinced that something has gone wrong, as the boys’ limo hasn’t left yet. Angie lies that she was removing a beetroot stain from Toadie’s shirt and says that they should get going. Janelle doesn’t want to leave before Kim, but Angie says that they can take the scenic route. She insists that Janelle has nothing to worry about – and swears on Colac footy club honour.
At number 30, the boys are trying to dry their clothes, and complaining that they smell of chlorine, so Toadie grabs a can of air freshener and starts to spray everything in sight. They complain that it’s making things worse – and they smell like they’re in the dunny – and they try to wake Kev, who has well and truly passed out on the table. Toadie is worried as he realises that his dad will miss the ceremony and his mum will not be pleased. They finish putting their clothes back on and start to race for the door, with Kim insisting that they’re going to make it on time.


Outside, the four of them race towards the limo with no trousers on, still complaining about the smell from the air freshener. As they get in, they hang their trousers from the window to dry, while Rachel and Zeke, standing outside number 28, watch, bemused. They wonder if it’s some kind of Colac tradition. As the limo leaves the street, a police car races in and Zeke wonders if there’s been an accident. Sergeant Steiger gets out and Rachel asks him if there’s some kind of problem. He says that there isn’t, unless she’s related to Mr Timmins. She says that they’re not, and he asks the kids to wait, as he needs to ask them some questions.
At the venue at Lassiter’s, Max is wondering out loud to Steph and Boyd whether they should call the police for a search party, as Kim is ten minutes late now. Boyd reminds him that they’re running on Timmins time. Kim, Dylan, Stingray and Toadie then burst in and Kim sends Bree off to find Janelle, before apologising to Doreen, the celebrant, for the late arrival. Outside in the hallway, Bree finds Janelle, Angie, Susan, Lyn and Janae running in and asks what took them so long. Janelle says that it doesn’t matter, before she and Angie both poke their noses in the door to check that the men are there. Janelle is relieved to see Kim, but Angie is furious that Kev isn’t in the room. Janelle then starts walking up the aisle, as Kim is still engrossed in conversation with Doreen and almost doesn’t notice. Kim and Janelle then stand and look at each other, and smile.



On Ramsay Street, Zeke and Rachel are confused about the police keeping them there for so long. Rachel is worried that Steiger has worked out that she’s lying and reminds Zeke to keep quiet, as his inability to lie could cost them. Steiger returns and says that there’s nobody at number 26, but the cars are still there. Rachel insists that she knows nothing, so Steiger turns to Zeke, who manages to stay silent. Rachel says that the police can’t keep them there like this, and Steiger remembers that they were on their way to their great aunt’s 80th birthday. Rachel nods, and Steiger says that, a moment ago, it was their uncle. Steiger asks again where the Timminses are, and Zeke finally blurts out everything about the wedding. He says that they can’t ruin the wedding, but Steiger says that Kim should have thought about that before breaking the law. As Steiger goes off to arrange back-up, Rachel desperately tries to call Stingray to warn him.
Back at the wedding, his phone rings and he turns it off and apologises to everyone. Doreen continues the ceremony and Kim and Janelle say their vows:
Kim: Twenty-three years ago, I said I would love you for the rest of my life. That vow’s been tested over the years but now we stand on the other side of the mountain. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life by your side. Janelle, my love for you is endless and eternal.
Janelle: Because of you I laugh, I smile, I dare to dream again. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you, caring for you, cherishing you, just being there with you through all the good times and the bad. Oh, Kimbo, my love for you is eternal and endless.
As Dylan hands the rings over and the ceremony continues, the police arrive, and several of the wedding guests look shocked. Dylan and Stingray look behind them, before Stingray tells his dad. Kim and Janelle look stunned.




A few moments later, Toadie approaches Steiger to try and work things out, as Kim tells Doreen to carry on. He asks Dylan and Stingray to stall the police officers so that they can finish up. Kim mentions quietly to Dylan that the whole thing was his idea, Dylan had nothing to do with it. As Stingray and Dylan start taunting the police and stealing their hats, Kim asks Doreen to skip to the end of the vows. They are declared man and wife and share a kiss, before Kim says that Janelle knows what has to happen now. Kim tells Janae and Bree that he loves them, but he has to do this, and asks them to look after their mother. He tells Janelle that he meant every word of his vows and he kisses her before running out of the back door. As the police run in, Angie trips them up, and acts innocently. Steiger lies on the floor, telling the other officers to catch Kim.
At number 32, Max, Lyn, Steph and Boyd return from the ceremony and Max seems pleased that the Timminses have once again proved themselves to be a bad lot. He thinks that Dylan had something to do with it, and Steph accuses him of lumping all the family in together. Boyd goes to see Janae, as he’s technically part of that family now, as Max says ‘more’s the pity’. Boyd and Max then argue about the Timmins family, with Max saying that they’re all criminals, and Boyd asking why he employs Dylan and Stingray if that’s the case. Max explains that’s different, as he can fire them whenever he wants to, but marriage – and divorce – are different. Boyd insists that there won’t be a divorce and they’re going to prove him wrong, before leaving.


At number 26, the police are taking away the computer as evidence, with Bree complaining that all of her homework is on it. Steiger says that with the computer, the witnesses and the bank statements, they’ll have enough evidence to put Kim in prison. He also mentions that if any other members of the family are connected, they’ll be in the same boat. As the police leave, Angie complains about the harassment and says that Toadie should help them to sue. Toadie points out that they were lucky not to be charged with assault. As Angie sits down, Kev tries to hug her, but she says that she’s not speaking to him. Janae is about to leave to see Boyd, when Dylan stops her and says that the family is more important right now. Janelle, however, says that she can understand Janae wanting to be with her man at a time like this.