Title: Shot! In The Name Of Love
Boyd tells Janae that they won’t be able to rent the house because Janae is 16 – Max dobbed on them. Susan gets a call from the hospital to say that Katya hasn’t turned up for work. In the caravan, Robert finds the credit card receipt with ‘HELP’ written on it and isn’t impressed with Katya betraying him.
Katya starts to come round, slumped over the table in the caravan and sees Robert looking down at her. He says that the time has finally come and Katya spots a gun in his bag. He tells her that he wishes she could come with him, before leaving, locking a terrified Katya inside.

At number 28, Susan admits to Toadie that the police are concentrating their efforts on finding Robert rather than Katya. She wonders about contacting Zeke, but Toadie thinks that it would just worry him and they don’t know for certain what’s happening. He suggests leaving for the wedding, but Susan isn’t sure that the police will want that many people there. He says that he’d rather be there than sitting around, waiting…
At the wedding venue in Lassiter’s, Senior Sergeant Steiger tells Susan and Toadie that they can’t attend the wedding, as it would jeopardise the entire operation. Susan then asks if there’s been any news about Katya, and Steiger tells her that her credit card was used nearby a few hours ago, so it confirms their belief that Robert is still around. His phone then rings and, as he takes the call, Elle and Izzy quickly run in. Paul and Gail are surprised to see the two of them in there, and Gail tells Elle that it’s too dangerous for her to be around. Elle insists that, if they’re risking their lives, so is she, and she points out that Izzy shouldn’t be involved either. Paul insists that Izzy isn’t staying, and Steiger comes over and agrees with that, and says that Elle has to leave too. Elle points out that it would look strange to Robert if Paul and Gail’s own daughter wasn’t at their wedding, so Steiger agrees to her staying but still wants Izzy to go. Izzy is desperate to stay, even in disguise, so Steiger says that he has something…

At the bar, Boyd turns up and Max is surprised to see him, as the complex is meant to be shut down and under police guard. Boyd explains that he told them he had to speak to his father and asks Max why he sabotaged their rental application. Max says that it just slipped out, but Boyd doesn’t believe that it was an accident, and thinks Max did it on purpose as he doesn’t approve of them getting their own place. Max insists that he was just trying to help, and Boyd wonders where they’re going to live now – they can’t stay with Toadie forever. Max suggests that they move back to number 32, but Boyd doesn’t think that would work out and he goes to leave, but Max says that, with Robert on the loose, he’ll have to stay there for now.
Back at the wedding venue, Izzy isn’t happy to be dressed in overalls as the gardener. Paul finds it all very amusing and wonders why Izzy is desperate to be there to see her boyfriend’s fake wedding to his ex-wife. She takes a look at the vows he’s written, but Paul takes them back from her and reminds her that it needs to be real enough to convince Robert if he’s watching. Meanwhile, Elle is helping her mum put the final touches to her outfit and mentions that she seems nervous, but all brides get nervous on their wedding day. Gail reminds Elle that it’s all fake, but Elle isn’t convinced, as the wedding vows seem to be from the heart. Gail insists that it’s all just clichés for Robert’s benefit, so Elle wonders why she wrote them specifically for the event. Gail says that it’s what Robert would expect, as Steiger tells them that the celebrant is ready and the girls get ready to leave, with Elle insisting that, even if it is all fake, it still means something to her.

Back at the bar, Boyd tells Max that they didn’t tell him about the rental property, because they knew he’d try to mess it up for them. Max insists that none of it was deliberate, but Boyd doesn’t believe him. Janae then turns up, and Max is confused at yet another person turning up at the bar. She says that there’s nobody guarding the delivery bay, and Max pretends to be delighted, as that’s how Robert can get in. He tells Boyd and Janae that they shouldn’t just be wandering around the complex when there’s a madman on the loose, just as Steph bursts in and says that she needs to contact the police, as the delivery bay is unguarded. Boyd and Janae are amused.
Susan and Toadie are out in the carpark, having left the wedding venue, but Toadie is still determined to find Katya. Susan reminds him that the police know what they’re doing, but he says that he promised to protect Katya, so he will. He thinks that it must be something really obvious that they’re missing and thinks she could even be in the big caravan right in front of them. Katya is inside and hears their voices but can hardly move. Susan tells Toadie that he’s being irrational, and she could just as easily be in any of the cars or buildings in the area.

At the bar, Max is hiding out in the office, with Steph asking him why it’s suddenly so important to clean the blinds in there. In the bar, Boyd and Janae are playing pool and Janae is trying to convince her husband to stop being stubborn. Max asks Steph to tell Boyd that it wasn’t deliberate when he let Janae’s age slip to the real estate agent, but she tells him to do his own dirty work. Janae tells Boyd that they need to act like grown ups if they want Max to treat them that way. Boyd takes her advice and goes into the office to talk to his father.
In the ground of Lassiter’s, Paul and Gail are standing before the celebrant, Deborah. Izzy lingers in the bushes, looking unhappy about the whole thing. Gail then says her vows:
“Few people have the chance even once in their lives to find the happiness you and I had together, but we made mistakes and we let that happiness slip away. To have the chance to find it again, I feel blessed. I’ll never let you go, I promise.”
Paul looks moved by her words, and then it’s his turn to say his vows. He opens up the piece of paper, but then changes his mind:
“Gail, I felt blessed the first time we were together and this time it’s simply a miracle. Nothing in the world is going to let me risk losing you again. This time it’s forever.”
Paul and Gail smile happily at each other, as a furious Izzy watches them.



At the bar, Steph and Janae wait outside the office, wondering whether Boyd and Max are discussing serious issues, or the footy. Janae thinks they’re sulking and not talking at all, and she bursts into the office, telling them that this all needs to stop – Boyd is lucky to have a dad around who cares so much, and Max is lucky to have such a great son and should respect his choices. She walks out and Max admits that she’s hard to dislike.
Susan and Toadie are in the car when he suddenly stops and remembers seeing one of Katya’s shawls in the caravan window. He realises that she was in that caravan and quickly heads back there. Katya is still slumped over the table as Toadie breaks into the van and finds her. As he unties the ropes, Susan calls for an ambulance. Toadie takes Katya in his arms and tries to wake her up.