Magic Moments
> 2006
> Izzy's Departure
Episode 5057
by Sarah Mayberry, Directed
by Jet Wilkinson
Title: A Ticket To Hide
Paul asks Lyn to move in to number 22 with him. Toadie tells Ned that Izzy is dying. Lyn confronts Izzy as to whether Paul had anything to do with Gus Cleary’s death.
Laughing, Izzy begins to cover Paul’s secret by asking Lyn if she honestly thinks she would let a murderer roam free. She tells Lyn that the only reason she said it to begin with was because she hated Paul hooking up with the “dullest suburban cabbage on the street”. She asks if Lyn believes her now, and Lyn smiles in agreement. Izzy tells her she has to get back to boiling some cabbage.

In the street, Elle arrives in a Lassiter’s company car, as Boyd and Max arrive jogging into the street passing a footy. They nearly run into Paul, standing in the dark street, and Paul hands them back their dropped ball. He jokes that if he kicked it they might be fetching his leg as well. Everyone looks a bit uncomfortable, and they say goodnight as Paul goes over to Elle. As she drives into the driveway, Elle looks back over to number 32.
In the morning, Lyn has come to tell Paul that she’s taken him up on his offer for her to move in. She lays down some ground rules, which are separate rooms between them, and that she wants the same consideration from him that she will give. Paul agrees and then gives her his rules. He will not want her there if she doesn’t believe him about Gus, and apologises for believing the lie, but he says it is OK as Izzy is a master of deception.

At the bar, Elle arrives to collect Max’s rent. As he goes to get his chequebook, Steph arrives with Charlie and Max runs over to greet them. Steph comments that Charlie loves his bear, and Max tells Elle he won it at Luna Park, but she clearly could not care less. Steph asks Max if he wants to go on a picnic later and he agrees. Elle storms out and tells Max to mail the cheque, saying she’ll be there later for Izzy’s farewell drinks.
Lyn is leaving Paul’s house to go get Oscar as Elle arrives, and dashes out apologising for the mess. Questioning Paul on what’s going on, he tells her Lyn has moved in. Elle doesn’t believe in any of his relationships but he tells her it’s only as friends, also mentioning that even if they weren’t, it’s none of her business. She wonders how Paul can be in the same room as Cam’s killer’s mother-in-law, or had he forgotten? A furious Paul tells her not the speak to him like that again, as he will carry Cam’s loss with him until he dies, but he made a promise to Cam and needs Lyn’s help. Lyn will stay whether Elle likes it or not.

Max arrives at the bar after the picnic with Steph and Charlie. Izzy says she’s been left in the lurch at the bar while he was gone, and the two banter whilst throwing a tea towel between them. Max says he’ll miss her and their sibling fights, and Izzy tells him he’s always so serious. She thinks her leaving will be good as he will get quality time with Steph, and that she cannot wait to see their mum. Max tells her to save the speech until the night’s gathering, but Izzy wonders if anyone will even turn up. Over at another table, Susan and Lyn chat about Paul and how he’s agreed to be ‘just friends’ with Lyn. Susan asks how Steph has taken it, but Lyn admits she hasn’t even told her yet. Toadie arrives and tells her that the money for number 26 will be in by the end of the week, and wonder who the new owner will be. Toadie hopes she’s hot, single and datable. Max pops over to invite them all to Izzy’s farewell gathering. Susan and Lyn quite obviously lie their way out of coming, and when Max walks off, Toadie says they should turn up to show their respects. The women comment that it’s hardly like she is dying. Toadie gives a vague answer – that as her lawyer he can’t say anything, but that she has been ‘putting her affairs in order’. The pair are shocked to realise Izzy is dying. Toadie tells them that Max doesn’t know, and she’s leaving so as not to be a burden.
At Lassiter’s, Paul thanks Izzy for her lying to Lyn, and that he’ll keep his end of the deal. Izzy says she’s happy for him and asks if Lyn is important to him, and he says they’ll see. Paul leaves, and Susan catches up with Izzy, and says she knows what’s going on. She tells Izzy to tell her family before she leaves, and not to run away, as that would be a terrible mistake and would cause them more pain. She references Alex and tells Izzy it broke her heart how he lied to her. Izzy comments that this conversation is getting really weird, and Susan blurts out that she knows Izzy is dying.

At the Scarlet Bar, Paul tells Elle he won’t apologise for Lyn moving in, and she wonders why he isn’t going on a war of rampage against Max, because she wants to. He says that he has done that before and it isn’t worth it. Elle can’t get used to Cam not being around, and Paul comforts her saying that they are going to have to hang in there until things get better. Max comes in with two tickets to show to Steph for the finals. Paul casually asks Max if he’s willing to put a wager on the result, and Max replies that it depends how much they’re talking about. Elle glares at Max as she watches.
Susan is relieved to hear that Izzy isn’t dying, but rather embarrassed as well. Izzy tells her that, if it were any consolation to her, what she said would have made her change her mind. Izzy looks at Susan for a while and then tells her that she’s sorry for everything – for making her unhappy and for being a *****. She regrets that she can never be friends with Susan, and Susan jokes that her having an affair with Karl probably prohibited that. They both think aloud about how long ago it all seems. Izzy asks if Susan will be coming tonight, and Susan replied that of course she will, as she’s been waiting to see the back of Izzy for a long time. Izzy assures Susan that her dirty looks will give her extra incentive to leave.

In the back at the Scarlet Bar, Steph and Max offer Lyn a place to stay at number 32. Lyn refuses the offer and tells them she’s actually moving into Paul’s. Steph doesn’t seem to keen about the idea, but Max says as long as Lyn’s happy, then they are as well. Lyn says they wouldn’t want her hanging around getting in their way, but Steph wishes that Lyn had at least spoken to her about it first. As Lyn walks off and says everything is settled and OK, Steph doesn’t look very pleased.
Elle goes in to the office once they leave, and starts searching around. She hides as Boyd goes in to get a calculator, and once he leaves she resumes her search. She finds the envelope with the football tickets in a briefcase of Max’s, and removes the tickets and replaces them with two sticks of cardboard.

Susan, Toadie, Steph, Elle, Paul, Boyd and Izzy gather around at the Scarlet Bar as Max makes a farewell speech for Izzy. Max comments that it is typical for “Cyclone Izzy” to blow in, drive everyone crazy, and then blow on right out. He tells her that he knows she’s made some mistakes and has her regrets, but that she has a big heart and loves her family very much. He says she will be missed, and as the gathered raise their glasses for her, Boyd brings in a cake. Max jokes that Izzy is the only woman he’s known who has turned 29 twice, so for the interests of ‘historical accuracy’, Izzy adds another candle to the cake. Toadie welcomes her to ‘Club 30’ as Max starts the crowd into singing ‘For She’s a Jolly Good Lassie”…

As Izzy dances on the floor at the Bar, Susan comments to Toadie how well she seems to be for someone who’s dying. Toadie is embarrassed to learn that Susan found out Izzy is not actually dying, straight from Izzy herself. Moving across, Lyn tells Elle she’s thankful that she is so accepting of her and Oscar moving in with her and Paul. Meanwhile, Max shows Boyd the envelope with the two tickets for the corporate box at the finals. Boys is extremely hyped, until he realises there is only two cardboard pieces in the envelope. Max fires up immediately, wondering where the tickets are, while Boyd tells him it was a good joke but it’s over now. Max assures Boyd that it is no joke, that someone has stolen his tickets and he is not letting anyone out until they find them. As Toadie takes them to check in the office for the tickets, Elle sneakily smiles to herself.

At the Hoyland house, Susan tells Izzy that she hopes everything works out for her. Susan offers her hand, but Izzy refuses and instead opts to hug her, saying she hopes the same for her. They laugh, and Izzy walks out as Susan goes to the kitchen. The phone rings as Lyn is leaving the kitchen, so Susan answers it. It is Dr Olenski, who asks for Ms. Hoyland. Susan says Steph isn’t there at the moment, but the doctor tells her it’s actually for Isabelle Hoyland. Susan smiles and mentions that Izzy doesn’t live there anymore, but she can pass on a message. Dr. Olenski tells Susan to tell Izzy that her first ultrasound appointment needs to be rescheduled. Susan is shocked and tells her that she’ll pass it on, and hangs up. Lyn comes back in and asks if Susan is OK, but Susan runs out saying she has to go.
At the bus stop, Izzy says goodbye to Max, Steph and Boyd. She thanks them for all they’ve done for her and apologises for everything she’s done. Max tells Izzy that that is what little sisters are for. She tells Boyd to be the best doctor ever. She wants them all to leave before it gets too messy, and as Max stays behind to give her one last hug she tells him to look after himself. As she gets on the bus, and the others leave, Susan drives up and parks in front of the bus before it can leave. Izzy sees it’s her and gets off asking what she’s doing, and Susan frankly says that she knows that she’s pregnant. She asks if the baby is Karl’s, and Izzy is unable to speak from shock. She tells Susan it isn’t Karl’s, but Susan doesn’t believe her and says this is something too important to lie about. Izzy tells Susan that she wouldn’t give about it not being Karl’s because she wouldn’t pass up the chances of child support. She suggests Susan go speak to Paul about it, before telling her goodbye and getting back on the bus.




Susan rushes into number 22 and tells Paul to tell her all about Izzy’s baby. Paul laughs how she’s barely left the street yet and still causing trouble. He casually tells Susan that the father was some loser from Lassiter’s who had ‘biceps bigger than his brain’. He also mentions that Izzy had at first tried to con him into believing the baby was his. Susan questions Paul if he’s sure, and he asks if she wants video evidence. Susan thanks Paul.


On the bus, Izzy gets a call from Paul, and she immediately asks what happened. He tells her that Susan believed every word of their story. Paul tells Izzy that this is a fantastic second chance for her, and that she will be a great mother. She starts crying and asks if he really thinks so, and he says he knows so. She tells him to keep his nose clean, and that she’ll “See you around, Robinson.” “Not if I see you first”, he replied before hanging up. A teary Izzy looks down into her lap at a photo of her and Karl, and rubs her belly. “I guess it’s just you and me, kid. All the way” she says, as she looks again to the photo of her and Karl, and smiles…
by Joe