Magic Moments
> 2006
> Kerry's Birth: Part One
Episode 5087
by Katrina Foster, Directed
by Aarne Neeme
Title: Baptism Through Fire
Will kisses Carmella, but she pulls back. Stingray stealing the house keys and leaving, as Janelle says that he’s hopefully turned a corner now. Rosie shows Will how to make cannelloni but gets quite flustered around him and has to leave. Teresa screaming at Sky that she’s put the baby at risk and she doesn’t deserve to be a mother.
At the hospital, Sky is panicking that the baby’s coming too soon, when Karl comes in, with Dr Olenski. Harold is surprised when they explain that they’re going to give Sky medication to stop the labour. Karl tells Sky that she needs to remain relaxed so that the medication can take effect. Outside Sky’s room, Dr Olenski tells Karl that the maternity ward is full, so Sky will need to stay where she is, but he should have paediatric ICU contacted just in case.

Stingray is wandering around the park with a bottle of alcohol in a brown bag. He finally sits down next to the swings and listens to a voicemail message from Sky, telling him that he’s going to make a great dad. He picks up the bottle, but stops before he drinks any.
Back at the hospital, Loris arrives, telling Janelle that she can’t find Stingray. Janelle says that he’s just like his father – weak. Harold comes out of the side room and explains to them that the drugs are having the desired effect and slowly down the labour. Karl then asks them to keep an eye on Sky while he pops home.

At number 30, Rosie is updating her diary, thinking about how hard she’s finding it to resist Will, when he returns home with Carmella. Carmella spots a romance novel on the table, which Rosie quickly claims belongs to Pepper, and starts reading from it, as Rosie tries to act cynical. Will then leaves to walk Bob, telling Carmella that she should start planning their date for that evening. Carmella then starts begging Rosie for help, as she has no idea what to do.
At the hospital, Karl tells Sky that she’s doing fine. He runs into Harold outside and admits that Sky is still having some small, but regular, contractions so the drugs may not be working all that well. He also adds that the baby’s heartbeat is a little fast. Harold goes in to speak to Sky and she suddenly has pains from a contraction. She admits that she wishes her mum was there, but Harold says that she’ll just have to put up with the next best thing. He tells Sky that if Kerry were there, she’d be very proud of Sky and the choices she’s made. Sky suddenly realises that her waters have broken and Harold rushes out to get Karl, who is outside with Loris and Janelle, who are back from the canteen. Karl tells a nurse to page Dr Olenski and tell paediatric ICU that the Mangel prem-birth is happening. He goes in and tells Sky that they can’t delay it any more, the baby is coming.

At number 30, Carmella is coming up with ideas for the date, which Rosie isn’t impressed with, when she suddenly decides that she should take him to Italy. Rosie takes this literally and asks who’s paying, but Carmella explains that she’s going to cook for him, as he loved the cannelloni. Rosie reminds her sister that she can’t cook, as she didn’t listen to a word when Nonna tried to teach them. After much pleading, Carmella gets Rosie to help her out with a menu and some instructions.
At the hospital, Harold is leaving Sky’s room to get something and looks embarrassed as her screams can be heard outside by Loris and Janelle. They both remember their pregnancies and are amused when Harold returns with a wheat bag, telling him that it’ll do no good. Harold insists that Sky wants a natural birth and goes back into the room. As he opens the door, Sky can be heard screaming again. Loris quickly leaves to check that Janae is alright in the canteen on her own. In the room, Dr Olenski tells Sky that she’s doing fine and Karl insists that the baby is small but strong. Harold offers Sky the wheat bag as another contraction begins, but she tosses it across the room, and it flies over Janelle’s hide as she checks that everything’s ok.

At number 30, Rosetta looks very awkward as she returns home and finds a shirtless Will in the kitchen, choosing something to wear for the date. Rosie explains that she just has to put some water on, for the polenta for Carmella’s meal. As she does this, we hear her thoughts about how she wishes she could kiss her but she’d feel awful if he rejected her, then she starts to wonder how she ended up in her 20s and never been… but Will interrupts and, as he puts a shirt on, asks her to tell him about herself. She insists that there’s nothing to tell, and quickly tries to leaves as Will tries to flatter her. She tells him that Carmella was always the wild one, but he says that she must have had a few boyfriends of her own and wild stories to tell. She quickly leaves, as Will seems puzzled.
At the hospital, Sky has been given some pain relief and is busy telling Harold what a legend he is, and Dr Olenski, and Karl, that they’re both super docs. As Dr Olenski leaves, she tells Karl to contact her when Sky is 8cm dilated, and Sky then invites Loris and Janelle in “to join the party”. Janelle gives the wheat bag back to Sky and asks if she was aiming for her because she’s been so cruel to her lately. Sky insists that she would never do that to her chief babysitter and Janelle apologises on Stingray’s behalf. Sky insists that it’s all fine, before suddenly doubling up in pain at another contraction.

Outside number 30, Rosie is trying to explain how to cook the meal to Carmella, who doesn’t understand anything she’s talking about. Will comes outside and asks Rosie for a lift to the Scarlet Bar. He goes back to shut the front door, but Carmella says that she’ll do it, so Will gets in the car and leaves. Carmella then spots Teresa lurking in the driveway of number 24, wearing her orderly uniform. When Carmella runs across to confront her cousin, Teresa panics and runs into number 30.
Inside number 30, Teresa runs into the kitchen but finds the back door locked. Teresa explains that she stole the uniform so that she can get back into the hospital to get her baby back. Carmella says that she doesn’t have a baby, before realising that Teresa is planning to steal Sky’s. Carmella says that she can’t let Teresa do that, but Teresa looks from her cousin to the pan of boiling water on the stove…

Outside number 30, a scream is heard, as Teresa runs down the front steps and out onto Ramsay Street.
Back at the hospital, Karl is on the phone telling Susan what’s happening, when he spots Stingray, who walks in with a teddy bear. Karl stops him and asks the nurse to call security. Stingray insists that he has to see Sky and starts calling out to her, but two security men then stop him and take him away. He stops them and says that it’s his right to see his baby, but Karl tells him to sober up first. Harold then appears and tells Karl that Sky is ready to push. As they walk into Sky’s room, Teresa appears and spots a lighter sitting on the nurse’s station…


In Sky’s room, Dr Olenski is assuring her that she can do this, but Sky doesn’t think she has the energy. Janelle tells Sky that she’s almost there now, and then she’ll be experiencing the best feeling in the world – holding her child. This spurs Sky on and she starts pushing. Dr Olenski mentions that only the people on Sky’s consent form should be present at the birth, which is Loris and Janelle’s cue to leave. As they go, Sky suddenly blurts out that Stingray should be there.
Teresa then sneaks into one of the offices and starts balling up pieces of paper in a pile.

Will starts knocking on the door at number 24, and starts calling out to Carmella, thinking it’s a joke. He’s disappointed when she doesn’t answer, mumbling ‘some surprise’ to himself as he walks down the stairs.
Teresa continues balling up the paper, before just piling lots of files on top of each other.

At number 30, Will walks in to find Bob sitting by Carmella, who’s lying on the floor in agony, with the saucepan and a pool of water on the ground next to her.
Back at the hospital, Dr Olenski tells Sky that the baby is crowning. The fire alarm suddenly starts ringing and everyone looks concerned. Karl thinks it’s just a drill or a false alarm but the room suddenly goes dark and Harold says that he can smell smoke. Sky is starting to get really worried, but Dr Olenski says that they don’t have time to move her as the baby is almost there. Karl goes outside to try and find out what’s going on.

Back at number 30, Will helps Carmella up and is shocked when he sees the burns on her face. All she can do is say Teresa’s name.
Karl goes out into the corridor where everyone is panicking and Janelle says that there’s a fire. The speaker system announces that the building must be evacuated and that it’s not a drill. Karl tells Janelle and Loris to get out and goes back into Sky’s room. He insists that there’s nothing to worry about, before signalling to Dr Olenski that they need to be quick. Dr Olenski starts telling Sky that she’s almost there and it should be just one more push…

Outside, the building is on fire with flames pouring out of the roof, and fire engines start pulling up.
Inside, Sky is busy giving her final push and starts screaming, unaware that the hospital is burning down around her. Karl says that it just needs one more push…


Outside the hospital, the emergency services are arriving as Janelle, Janae and Loris appear. They’re shocked by the scale of the fire and Janelle suddenly breaks away and runs towards the hospital to get Sky. Janae and Loris tell her to stop, and they’re all distracted as Will suddenly turns up, screaming for help and carrying Carmella. They ask what happened, as Carmella screams in pain with half her face covered by a damp cloth. Janelle and Loris help Will find a doctor, as Janae spots Stingray running into the hospital and calls after him.
Inside, Sky has finally given birth – to a baby girl. Harold congratulates her, as she insists that she knew it would be a girl. The baby starts to cry and Karl lifts her up to show Sky, before handing her to Dr Olenski to be placed in an incubator. Harold then spots smoke coming in under the door and they realise that they need to get out now. Sky is wheeled away into the corridor, screaming for Kerry, but Harold tells her that she’s fine and with Dr Olenski.


As Karl pushes Sky in a wheelchair to her new room in another wing of the hospital, he tells her not to worry as the fire’s been contained and she’ll be perfectly safe. He also explains that the baby has been checked and is fine and waiting for her. Sky then gets out of the chair and walks into the room, only to find the crib is empty. She starts getting worked up and asks Karl what’s happened to Kerry?
Notes: As well as the debut of a new hospital set in the final scene, this episode saw the immediate addition of Claudine Henningsen, as Kerry Mangel, to the regular cast list.
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by Steve