Magic Moments
> 2006
> The 2006 Season Finale
Episode 5120
by Linda Stainton, Directed
by Tony Osicka
Title: Siege The Day
Steph says she is not ready for a new relationship just yet, Toadie reassures her that things will get easier in time and they hug. Carmella questions Will about his parents, and asking why he is being so secretive. Guy talks on his mobile saying that there are too many witnesses and the right time will come, he produces a gun from the glove compartment, all the while, watching Katya through binoculars ...
As the Street party continues outside, Toadie arrives at number 32, dripping in blue paint. Steph says it looks like the work of a Timmins, as Toadie claims that Stingray has started the annual Timmins/Rebecchi Smackdown a day early and that Big Kev drew the short straw this year, not him. Steph offers him a shower but before that, he pulls out a present for Charlie. Steph goes to the sitting room and shows it to Charlie, as Toadie stands nervously behind her, holding a beautiful silver necklace. He quickly loses his nerve and hides it in his bag. Steph turns her attention back to Toadie and says that she can't wait for the day to be over, as Toadie mentions it must be weird, her first Christmas without Max. When Katya appears round the doorway looking for Ned, Steph states that he is still working his shift at Lassiters, an out-of-place Katya attempts to leave but Toadie insists she wait for Ned in a bid to break the ice between the pair. Both sheepishly agree. Katya tries to make coversation but Steph smiles weakly, busying herself with Charlie.

Over at number 30, Rosie finds a note from Pepper in her diary saying that Christmas is meant to be fun. Frazer appears around the corner, saying he quit the races while he was ahead and reveals a box from behind his back. Rosie opens it and finds a leather-bound journal. She is delighted but apologises that she didn't get him anything. A brief kiss between the pair quickly becomes something more passionate, as Carmella and Will interrupt. They are backing into the lounge whilst kissing. Rosie and Frazer pull away and Rosie questions why her sister wasn't at the family lunch. Carmella tells her that their mother was driving her crazy and spent her time telling Carmella that she knew all along that Carmella wasn't right to be a nun and mentioned Rosie's inability to find husband. Carmella, realising that she was interrupting something, says to Will that they should see if anyone is home at number 24. Will apologises as they set off. Frazer offers Rosie a coffee and as he goes to the kitchen, she sighs.
Moments later at number 24, Carmella and Will are kissing in the sitting room, by the windows. Carmella worries that everyone will see them and suggest they talk, as there is a lot she doesn't know about him. Once again, she mentions his parents, asking how lunch went. Will trying to brush her off says it was boring. She asks Will, if he is ashamed of them, or if they are poor? She promises that whatever he is keeping from her, her opinion of him will never change. But Will says that their relationship and the fact that they love each is other is all that matters, as they kiss. Carmella pulls away, asking him to come to her room. Will follows but before entering tells her that if she does this, theres no going back. She contemplates and smiles.

Meanwhile, at number 28, Karl calls for Zeke and Audrey, as he leaves his bedroom, bags packed for Shepparton and are goping to picu p Karl's father on the way. Zeke asks about Katya. Karl thought she had already left with Susan but Zeke remimds him that she went to give Ned his present. Zeke leaves to fetch her as Karl ties the lead to Audrey's collar, anticipating the trip to 'Shep'.
Back at number 32, Katya is still trying in vain to make conversation. No longer able to handle the lukewarm atmosphere, Steph asks why Katya isn't in prison. Katya tells her that Karl and Susan paid her bail. Steph seems shocked and annoyed that it was granted. Katya, deciding to leave gets up but Steph stops her, saying she is lucky she has a family and that this is Charlie's first Christmas and he doesn't have Max to share it with. Katya tries to apologise to her, as a figure emerges from the kitchen area. Guy greets 'Kathy' with a smile, before showing a gun, hidden in his jacket. At that moment, Zeke bursts in but is unable to hear Katya's warning to leave, as Guy grabs him around the neck before throwing him over to her. Guy wants his $100,000, that Katya shouts she doesn't have. "Wrong Answer," Guy replies.

At the Lassiters Complex, Ned shows a group of people around the area before making a dig at Paul who is passing-by, about his ill-fated marriage to Lyn. Paul is clearly annoyed and asks about Ned's job as "tour guide". Ned corrects him and smugly replies he is "Activities Officer" and the job was given to him by Janelle, and he doesn't care what Paul thinks. Paul tells him that if he ever speaks to him like that again that he'll be out on his ear. Not without the Timmins vote, says Ned, who then points out how sad Paul is, that he is alone and his only friend, a dog. He reassures Harvey that Steph will rescue him soon before walking off, as Detective Skinner appears. Skinner attempts some small talk but Paul just wants the information. He hands Paul an envelope who smiles claiming if he had known that it was right under his nose all along, he wouldn't have had to waste his money.
Back at number 24, Will exits Carmella's bedroom while she makes a drink in the kitchen. He says he will always remember Carmella, standing like she is. Gagging on the drink, Carmella promises that it will be an image she'll never forget before asking him to remove her bandage. She has two days left but says if Will wants to remember everything about this day, he should see her, as she is. Despite his reluctance, he slowly removes her bandage to reveal a red but barely noticable scar. Calling her beautiful, they kiss but are interrupted by Will's mobile. Will answers before apologising to Carmella, saying that he has to go to work.

As Will arrives at Scarlet Bar, Paul sitting at a table calls him over, using his real name 'Sebastian Barnes'. Paul states that he had a lot to do with the Barnes family and Will's parents before they died. Will asks why he never said that he figured it out. Paul says he didn't care until he found out that the Barnes owned 2% of Lassiters. Will notes that his father always liked to have a stake in his rival's businesses. Will says that he has no interest in Lassiters and his arrival here has nothing to do with business. Paul asks, what is his game?
Over at number 30, Frazer brings in the coffee before noticing Rosie behind him, wearing black lingerie. He asks if it was a present and she replies, its his present and would he like to "unwrap" her. He laughs nervously and a dejected Rosie says that it was a joke. He comforts her, saying that she doesn't need this and she could get any guy she wanted. They kiss. Rosie pulls away saying that she is glad it's him and that she trusts him. They kiss. Frazer then pulls away and says he has an appointment before walking off, leaving her standing.

Back at number 32, Katya tries to convince Guy that there is no money and that she lied about it. Steph tries to go into the next room to check on Charlie, saying that the situation has nothing to do with her or Zeke. Then there is a knock at the door and Guy forces Steph to answer, telling her to lie. She opens the door to Karl, who is asking about Katya and Zeke. Steph says that they've already left and went to the shops. She tries to remain calm and get rid of him, turning down his offer of coming up to Shepparton with the family. As she closes the door, Toadie emerges from the bathroom, silently creeping up the corridor. Picking up a nearby ornament, he edges closer to Guy who instantly turns round and knocks him to the floor. Steph crouches down beside him as he battles unconsciousness.
In Scarlet Bar, Will talks to Paul about his upbringing. The only reason he was so popular in kindergarten was because he had all the best toys, a problem shared by Elle. He wants a woman who loves him for who he his. Paul says women like that are one in a million and even if he met her, he'd blow it. Will claims that he already has met her and won't be messing it up. She thinks he's a barman and still wants to be with him. At that, Karl enters the bar and asks the pair if they have seen Katya or Zeke. They both reply no, as he hurries off, answering a call from Susan on his mobile. Back to conversation, Paul reminds Will that once Carmella finds out he has been lying, he'll have lost her. Will panics and asks would Paul tell her? Of course he would, unless Will sells his 2% making Paul - the majority shareholder. Will however can't, due to the set-up of the Family Trust. Paul then asks for his vote on any board meeting matter. As long as he controls Will's 2%, he'll be happy and if he's happy, then Will have a girlfriend. They make an agreement as Ned walks to the bar. Pauls informs him that he is fired, the Timmins support no longer matters as Paul owns 51%, so next board meeting, Ned's out.

Over at number 24, Rosie remarks that the specialist has done an amazing job on Carmella's surgery. With make-up, her scar is barely noticeable. Carmella isn't bothered either way, as Will loves her no matter what. They share a connection that she's never felt before. Rosie, still disappointed, admits that Frazer "ran screaming" after she threw herself at him. Carmella says that he has had a thing for Rosie for ages. Rosie thinks her inexperience chases them away, like she doesn't know what she is doing. Before she gets up, she notes that when she works in the office, she gets results and this is the end of her quest for romance.
Back at number 32, the phone rings. Guy leaves the sitting room to hang up as Katya, Zeke, Toadie and Steph sit in silence. An irritated Steph urges Katya to lie about the money. Katya is "good at that" after all. Guy returns and sits on the sofa pulling Zeke by the neck, over to him. Zeke looks at his sister with tears in her eyes as Katya reveals that the money is buried at the allotment, under a Lillipilli tree on the other side of the fence,and that Guy wouldn't have searched there. Guy informs that he has a friend nearby and Katya can give him directions but she states that she would have to show him in person. Guy tells her she is stupid for stuffing around a person with a gun and that no one is leaving until he gets cash. A knock at the door brings in an unannounced Rosie who apologises for interrupting. She tells Katya that her sentence can be reduced if she pleads guilty and provides information on the car stealing ring. Katya replies that she will think about it as Toadie tries to convince Rosie to leave. Rosie asks what she has to think about, when Toadie shouts "Not now!" Rosie awkwardly leaves. Guy on the other hand, refuses to leave, especially know he knows that Katya will inform the police. He threatens that if he doesn't see some cash, Katya will decide who gets shot first.

Will and Frazer leave the number 30 kitchen, debating the fact that Frazer knocked Rosetta back. Frazer mentions that he hasn't been entirely honest with her about his past. Will replies that the past doesn't matter, if he loves her. Frazer says that he doesn't want to base his relationship on a lie. Will tells him that there is plenty that Carmella doesn't know about him. They are both liars. Will tells him that he has two options: tell her and risk losing her forever or keep things in the closet and hate himself. He tells Frazer not to expect his sympathy if he plans on being a martyr.
Rosie answers the door at the law office, it's Paul. He knew that the only person crazy enough to be working tonight would be Rosie. Paul apologises for his behaviour the last time they met. Rosie says he would be better saving his apologies for Lyn. He says that in the end, he saved Lyn the greater pain. How could he even wait until the honeymoon was over when all he could see was Rosetta's face. Paul tells her that their moment in the cellar was a beautiful dream as well as a nightmare - being alone with Rosetta but forbidden to be with her. Changing the subject, Paul asks why she is working, should she not be playing with her presents. Rosie tells him that her present to herself was to have been with a man by midnight and that deadline has past. He hands her his watch and wishes her a Merry Christmas. Leaning in close to her face, tells her, "Its only 8 o' clock..."


On Ramsay Street, a worried Karl, still on the phone to Susan, tells her that he doesn't think that Katya would run away with Zeke but no one has seen them. He tells her that he is going to phone the police.


Inside number 32, Guy urges to Katya to choose between "Little Man" or " Blondie": Zeke or Steph. Katya remains silent, he then decides to choose for himself. In the bedroom Charlie wakes, Steph jumps to her feet, begging to be allowed to check on him. While his attention is diverted with Steph, Zeke grabs a book and hits Guy on the back. Guy pushes Zeke back on the sofa as Toadie tackles him to the ground, knocking him out cold. The gun flying out of reach. He tells everyone to grab Charlie and go.


Karl finishes his call to the police as Katya and Zeke run out the doorway, telling him that Guy is inside. Toadie pinning Guy to the ground, frantically searches for the gun. Steph bursts out the front door, giving Charlie to Zeke to take him away to safety. Toadie is still inside. Karl decides to go in after him. As he runs up the path, Toadie emerges through the door and runs down the path to meet him. A gunshot crashes out, shattering glass. Toadie falls to his knees, collapsing into Karl's arms. Steph's cries out his name, as she and Katya run towards them. Katya looks down on the mess that she helped create: as Toadie's body is cradled by Karl...
by Conor