Title: Ned Man Walking
Toadie and Rosie argue about who should be in charge over Max’s trial the next day. Ned admits to Katya that he stole the money from the bar. Max tells the courtroom that he deliberately swerved to hit Cameron.
In court, Janae is assuring Boyd that everything’s going to be alright and Toadie won’t just let Max go to prison. Steph takes Max’s hand, as Rosie whispers to Toadie that Max is going to be lucky if he gets five years, though the prosecution are going to go for more. Toadie is silent, and Rosie begins to wonder if he actually wants Max to go to prison. Toadie looks at her, but then court is back in session and everyone is stunned as Toadie calls his next witness – Robert Robinson. Robert walks in with some prison guards and Elle and Katya both look up at him, not quite believing who they’re seeing as he walks towards the stand.


A little while later, Toadie is questioning Robert about whether he’s a changed man. Robert explains that he’s been making progress with a psychiatrist. He tells Toadie that he loved Katya and would never have hurt her, which makes Cameron’s death so much more tragic, as she was never really in danger. Katya and Max are both unsettled by this, as Toadie asks why it makes Cam’s death so much more tragic. Robert explains that he was never a threat and Max had no reason to fear him. Toadie then cuts Robert off as he’s about to say that if he’d been there, he wouldn’t have been able to stop Max. Paul then suddenly bursts in demanding that the trial be stopped, as Robert isn’t fit to give evidence. Elle stops him and tries to calm him, as Rosie tells Toadie to get Robert off the stand. Toadie then requests a short recess.
Later, following the recess, Robert is on the stand and watches as Toadie and Katya come in together, and she kisses him before sitting down. Robert seems taken aback by this and is distracted as Toadie starts questioning him again about his input into prison life. Robert stares at Katya then back at Toadie, who says that he seems very in control and starts deliberately fiddling with his wedding ring. He says that it’s a very different person to the monster they’ve come to expect of him, the monster Max was trying to save Katya, sorry, Miss Kinski, from. Robert is unsettled by Toadie’s familiarity with Katya and Max asks Rosie what’s going on. Toadie starts mentioning words like psychotic, which have been used to describe Robert, who is watching the lawyer fiddle with his wedding ring, and says that none of Robert’s prison records mention these words now. He asks Robert if this is true, briefly holding up his palms to show that they have writing on them. Robert is growing more and more uncomfortable as Toadie asks him if he is still that monster that Max was trying to stop. Toadie then holds his palms up for longer, so that Robert sees the words ‘SHE NEVER LOVED YOU’ written across them. Robert finally snaps and leaps up, accusing Toadie of being a liar. He is escorted out by the two prison guards, telling Paul that he will pay, and leaving everyone stunned.


At the bar, everyone is celebrating the result of the trail – Max was given eight year, with five suspended and no jail time. They make a toast with champagne – though Steph quickly takes Janae’s glass away – and Susan tells Max and Steph how pleased she is for them both. Toadie goes over to Katya and says that he was impressed with her performance in court. Meanwhile, Karl congratulates Max, telling him that he knew he’d get off, though Max doesn’t think his sentence is that great. Toadie points out that it’s better than the alternative. Rachel is also telling Katya how proud she is of her and Toadie makes a toast to freedom. Rosie, meanwhile, it sitting alone and Toadie joins her and says that it was a good result, but she points out what a big risk he took. He says that it was worth it and realises that she doesn’t like to admit when she’s wrong. He tells her that she’ll be a great lawyer one day if she spends more time watching and less time thinking. As Rosie leaves, the Hoylands join Toadie to thank him for everything. Boyd admits that he had his doubts about Toadie’s intentions but is happy to be proved wrong. Max thanks him for everything he’s done and Toadie says that he has to leave. Toadie looks back from the door, unhappy at the happy family he’s walking away from.

At number 28, Toadie sits with Bob, when Steph knocks on the door. She calls out to thank him for everything, as she knows that it couldn’t have been easy for him. She goes to knock again, then stops herself and leaves. Toadie looks upset and opens out the palms of his hands to read ‘SHE NEVER LOVED YOU’.
At number 32, Ned is standing in the kitchen reading the newspaper and he looks at Charlie’s piggy bank. He’s about to pick it up when Katya comes in and says he’s going too far if he’s robbing from a child. Ned says that he’s found a sure thing and he just needs to borrow some money, which he’ll then be able to pay back ten times over. Katya tells him to stop and listen to himself, but he says that he’s paid back his mum, Stu and Max and he’s getting himself in better financial shape. Katya asks if he’s doing that by robbing from Charlie, but Ned says he’s not evil. Katya agrees, and says that he should join her in Adelaide, where they can make a fresh start together.

At number 28, Karl is showing paint samples to Springsteen, when Susan and Rachel return, somewhat dumbfounded by the scene that greets them. Susan tells him that it’s unhygienic to have the animal near the kitchen bench but Karl announces that he’s found the root of the cockerel’s problem – it’s colour-related, so he’s going to build and paint a dedicated mood room for the chickens. Rachel suspects that this is quite a weird thing for someone to do, but Karl says that it’s going to be painted in ‘Tunisian sunrise’. Susan quickly asks if there’s any lunch ready, but Karl says that he got distracted, so she suggests that there’s plenty of chicken. Rachel interrupts before an argument breaks out, asking Susan if she managed to get a printout of the homepage for the school blogzine. Susan shows her the page which reads ‘B.U.N.S’ and Susan explains that it stands for Borough Uncut News Service – it was Rick’s idea. Rachel isn’t surprised to hear that, but hates the name, though Karl seems to quite like it.
At number 22, Elle has come to visit Paul, and he’s surprised to see her again after they were at the court together. She’s just come to see that he’s ok after Robert’s outburst – he says that he could cope with that, it was the memories of Cameron that were difficult. She admits that, although she’s glad Max didn’t go to jail, she can’t bring herself to celebrate. She then explains that she’s meant to be helping Boyd with a problem – her friend Forrest is coming to stay, and she’s the girl Boyd had a fling with in Tasmania. Paul grins and Elle says that she can’t have Forrest stay with the Timmins family, as it’s a little too close to home for Janae and Boyd. Elle admits that she really needs to get this sorted out before the trip away for Valentine’s Day, so Paul suggests that she stays in Ramsay Street and they spend some time together. He tells her that both she and Forrest are welcome to stay with him. Elle is impressed that he almost sounded like a father, but he can’t resist sticking the knife in, reminding her that she threatened to dob him in to the cops. Elle walks out, announcing that Forrest can stay at Lassiter’s and only flinching briefly when Paul tells her that they’ve just raised the room rates.

At number 28, Ned tells Toadie that he’s decided to go with Katya the next day, and Susan is delighted. Ned says that he’s looking forward to it all, but is interrupted by Karl, asking if anyone knows anything about self-composting toilets. Nobody particularly wants to discuss that topic as they prepare for dinner and Susan asks Karl to stop repulsing the guests and help her to dish up. Katya then comes in and gives Susan a hug, to thank her for everything. Rachel, meanwhile, answers the door – it’s Janae bringing a lame excuse from Stingray that he can’t come over as he’s been held up with an assignment for summer school. Rachel is understanding, which surprises Janae, who says that any time Rachel wants to talk, she’ll be there to listen. Everyone then sits down to eat and Katya asks Rachel is everything’s alright. Rachel says that it is.
At number 32, Boyd comes in to tell Steph and Max about Ned leaving for Adelaide. They’re surprised, but Steph decides that it’s a good excuse to repaint the spare bedroom. Boyd is surprised, since Ned hasn’t even packed yet, but Steph is already talking about colours and she and Max decide to go to the shops and buy some paint. As they leave, Boyd’s phone ring – it’s Glenn. He turns it off, as Janae comes in saying that she feels guilty as she just had to lie to Rachel for Stingray, who wanted to spend some time with Sky. She says that she won’t do it again, as lying sucks, and Boyd looks worried and says that he needs to tell her something – and she’s not going to like it.

At number 22, Paul brings a couple of glasses of wine and sits down with Rosie. She reminds him that she’s just there on business and needs a clear head, but he’s sure that she wouldn’t miss a trick – he was impressed with her in court. She’s sorry that she couldn’t warn him about Robert, but he says that it’s fine and it was a stroke of genius, though Rosie tells him that it was all Toadie’s idea. She admits that she thought he was sabotaging Max’s case when she was wrong and just getting in the way. She blames her family problems for messing with her head and wouldn’t be surprised if she lost her job. Paul reminds her that she’s still on the Lassiter’s pay roll and asks her what’s wrong. She says that it’s her father, but she’s there to work, not discuss her private life. Paul hands her the wine and says that contracts can wait – he’s an excellent listener.
At number 32, Janae is furious to hear that Glenn is coming to Erinsborough and even more annoyed to hear that she’ll be staying at the Timmins house with Elle. She quickly gets up and Boyd says that he tried convincing Elle but it didn’t work. Janae says that he obviously didn’t try hard enough, so she’s going to have a go.

At number 22, Rosie is complaining about how her family drive her insane, but says that she’s more annoyed with herself for allowing her father to get to her. Paul says that blood is thicker than water, and Rosie says that she might have to get a transfusion. Paul realises that she’s given the money away – he can tell these things, and Elle is missing out on his wisdom. Rosie thinks she could do worse, and Paul suddenly wonders why Rosie isn’t confiding in her boyfriend. Rosie suddenly stops enjoying the conversation, realising that he’s just attempting to chat her up again. He says that it was just a test to see how sharp her mind is, and she’s passed, but she’s not at all convinced.
At number 26, Elle is watching TV when Janae suddenly bursts in, telling her to phone Glenn and convince her not to come. Janae continues to rant until Elle explains that Glenn won’t be staying. Janae is relieved, until Elle explains she’ll be at Lassiter’s. Janae says that’s not good enough, but Elle doesn’t know what else she can do. Janae says that Elle is a Timmins now, and there’s a certain code of loyalty, before begging her. Elle says that she’ll call Glenn the next day and ask her not to come.


Outside number 28, Ned is packing up the car, when Paul walks over and starts goading him about being Katya’s little lapdog. He tells Ned that it’s a shame he’ll be missing the big poker game that night. Ned just offers him luck. Rachel and Katya walk out of the house, with Katya promising to email her sister regularly. Susan then quickly follows them and places Springsteen, in an animal carrier, in the back of the car. Katya says that they’ll drop him off at an animal park just before the border and Susan is extremely grateful. Karl then appears and everyone tries to act innocent. Rachel and Katya share a hug, and Susan tells her that everything’s going to work out for her. She tells them to give Zeke her love. Just as Katya and Ned are about to leave, the sound of a cockerel comes from the car and he makes them stop and retrieves Springsteen. Karl isn’t too impressed with Susan, who is disappointed that they came so close to getting rid of him. The three of them wave the car off, as Karl goes back into the house and Rachel rolls her eyes at the entire situation.
At number 32, Steph and Max are sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast, as Boyd and Janae stand at the bench cooking theirs. Janae says that she’ll have two eggs, as her fight with Elle yesterday gave her an appetite. Susan, Karl and Rachel then arrive to see how Max is, but they’re still arguing about Springsteen and his almost-trip to the farm, which everyone else is quite amused by. Karl notices the paint and Steph explains that they’re redecorating the spare room. He asks if they’re completely sold on the colour, before mentioning a shade called Tunisian sunrise. Rachel immediately realises that he’s after their leftovers to paint the chooks’ mood room and Steph and Max stare at Karl in disbelief, as Janae happily puts her head on Boyd’s shoulder.

At the bar, Katya is joined by Ned, and she asks if the tyre is fixed. He says it is, but it wasn’t exactly a great start to their big adventure. She’s just happy that they got all the bad luck out of the way before they left Erinsborough. They go to leave, but Ned spots Katya taking the form guide out of her newspaper and leaving it on the table. She tries to cover, but he realises what she’s doing and why she’s doing it, but insists that he doesn’t have a problem. He then looks inside and realises that he’d have won $45,000 if only he’d bet on Midnight Jellyfish the day before. Katya insists that it doesn’t matter, but Ned thinks they’re just a couple of losers trying to run away. Katya says that he’s more important to her than any windfall and she hopes he feels the same way…

At number 22, Paul finds Ned at the door, asking to be let in on the poker game. Paul is happy to let him, but says there’s a $2000 entry fee. Ned says that he can get the money and Paul agrees to let him come. After closing the door, Paul phones his friend Ari and tells him that the game is on.
Regular Cast Credits
by Steve