Title: Cop Ya
Dr. Marley telling Sky and Dylan that the tests indicate that the transplant has been a success, as they rejoice. Boyd kissing Glenn and telling he that he'll be back soon as Glenn secretly reveals a pregnancy test. Everyone celebrates at Janelle's birthday party as Stingray sits down, watching everyone dancing. Janae and Bree rush over to talk to him, but his body sits unresponsive as slowly everyone at the party notices that something is wrong.
A digital camera is set up in the living room of number 26, as Stingray, full of life, jumps into view and sits on the sofa, removing his hat and smiling before addressing camera:
"Here it is Kerry, 'Uncle Stingray's Must-See Video Diary.' It so you'll know what we were like before we got all old and grey...Actually its so know how we felt on one one of the best day in Timmins family history, the day we found out you beat leukaemia. Yeah...it was a pretty ace day..."
He looks toward camera, quiet and serious, but his face filled with joy...



In the middle of Ramsay Street, paramedics return to the ambulance as coroners follow close behind, with a covered body on a stretcher: Stingray. The partygoers stand in shock, silent as they comfort one another. Glenn exits number 32, and looks on as the body is placed inside the funeral director's van. Everyone stares as it begins to drive out of Ramsay Street, followed by the ambulance. As they watch Stingray leave the Street for the final time, the family solemnly turn toward the house. Janae stands alone, no one to comfort her, as she and Glenn exchange tearful glances. She turns and follows her grieving family back to number 26.
Over at Tim Collins and Associates, Toadie speaks on the phone, discussing a case before a sudden feeling of unease creeps over him and he leans against his desk. Breathless and confused, he says that he will have to call back.

Stingray continues his video diary:
"Okay, what can I tell you about Toadie? I pretty much owe him everything. I mean, when no one else wanted me, he took me in. He's an unreal bloke. But you don't tell him, okay, Kerry. No, I'm serious, you look into my eyes and you promise me. I mean, I guess I look up to him. He's made something of himself, you know? Just by being a top bloke and working his brass off...And I really respect that. And if it wasn't for him letting me stay here, I would never have met your mum.
Where do I start? Your mum is pretty much the best person on this earth. She's funny, intelligent, independent, fiesty - I guess you know that by now! But for her to love a hufter like me, its more than I could ever ask for. She's my best mate and the love of my life, and she's made me happier than I ever thought I could be. I'm not going to cry...Okay, maybe I will, but its our little secret, alright?"
His eyes are tearful as he contemplates how lucky he is, to be able to share his life with Sky, his soulmate...
Sky bursts into Kerry's room at the hospital, where Harold had been sitting at his great-granddaughter's side. She lifts Kerry, holding her close to her chest. Tears roll down her cheeks as an oblivious and worried Harold questions why she isn't at the party. He asks her whats wrong, but she is too distressed to speak.

Rachel and Ringo sit by the pool at number 30, as he talks about how sudden it all was, being there one minute and gone the next. He apologizes, saying it was a stupid thing to say and how he hasn't experienced it before. Rachel sits in silence before muttering that it isn't something you get used to and that she is fine. Ringo asks her if she wants to talk but she reiterates that she is okay. In a bid to cheer her up, he suggests continuing his swimming lessons. She is reluctant but agrees, telling him to take his shoes off, grab onto the edge and start kicking. He follows her instructions as she sits at the edge of the pool. Rachel looks forward in a daze, blocking out the world and becoming lost in thought. Finally, she loses herself, tears welling in her eyes. Noticing, Ringo consoles her, as she explodes into tears over the loss of the first boy she ever loved.
Stingrays continues to smile at camera:
"You'll grow up brainy like Breezer. I mean, sometimes she doesn't feel like she's a real Timmins. I mean, its because she's a billion times smarter than the rest of us! She pretty much holds this family together. That mix-up at the hospital when she was born, best thing that ever happened to us. We would be seriously worse-off without her. I mean, Nana Janelle, she's great for fun and everything but she's more like a teenager than a grandmother. Bree, now she's the one to go to for advice. She's more like a mum and mum is more like a sister. Weird, I know. But we're a weird family, get used to it. I wouldn't have it any other way though."

In the kitchen of number 26, Dylan marches back and forth, saying there must be a reason, young guys don't just die like that. Trying to relax him, Steiger says sometimes there isn't a reason. Believing there has been a mess-up, Dylan tries to leave to found out what really happened, Steiger stops him, telling him not to make this worse for Janelle. Dylan bluntly replies that it can't get worse, it's already as bad as it gets, before leaving. Helpless, Steiger sighs.
In the office of Scarlet Bar, Boyd questions how this could have happened, after Glenn has broken the news. Glenn says that she thinks it was some kind of aneurysm. But Boyd can only think of Janae and wants to go and find her. Glenn says that maybe that isn't a good idea, saying that Janae has been clear about what she does and doesn't want from him, at a time like this - it might make things worse. Boyd says Janae was more than a wife, but a best friend, she's family. Glenn says that she was family and that although she and Boyd barely know each other, she is there for him to lean on.

In the bar, Toadie, in a state of disbelief, says that Stingray was doing so well and the transplant went without a hitch, wondering how this could have happened to him. He decides to leave to be with the family but is stopped by Paul. Paul writes a cheque and tells him to give it to the family but Toadie says that if he really cares, be a man and give it to them himself.
Rachel and Ringo come in the back door of number 30, telling her that she doesn't have to pretend to be alright for his sake. Rachel says that it isn't alright to be crying about your old boyfriend in front of your new one. She continues to cry, saying that she never even got to tell him that she was happy for him and Sky. In vain, Ringo says that Stingray did know how she felt. However Rachel says that she needs to find a way to say goodbye to him, but can't if she is with Ringo. She wants to put their relationship on hold. Ringo agrees, pretending he is okay with her decision.

Lou and Lolly leave Kerry's room at the hospital to get some food for everyone, its the best thing for them, he notes. Inside the room, Sky recalls her visions - the plaque, the photo and how she could have done something to save him. Harold tries to console her, but she mourns the future, they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. Suddenly Dylan bursts through the door, angry and anxious to see Dr. Marley. Both Harold and Sky explain that it wasn't her fault but Dylan doesn't believe them, telling Harold to get out of hs way. Harold throws him to the ground in an effort to stop him doing something stupid. Sky gets to her knees and holds him close to her, as he apologizes, distraught.
Continuing his video diary:
"Well, I guess we're up to your auntie Janae. Everyone writes her off as a lightweight and to tell you the truth, I used to as well. One of those girls thats more interested in how they look than anything else and by the way, totally true. But, she's as tough as they get. I mean, if you're ever in trouble with romance or anything, she's the one you want on your side. I mean, she'll fight for you, and she'll never stop fighting until she finds a way through. Tell you what, she always does. She's an absolute legend."

By Lassiter's lake, Janae sits alone as Boyd appears from behind. Her nervously sits beside her and tells her that both he and Toadie had weird moments before, like the world went blank for a second - they believe it was Stingray. Janae remains silent, and Boyd aplogizes that she has to go through this alone. Glenn appears and sees the pair, as Janae wipes tears from her face and says that she should get back. Boyd holds her hand, and says that if she needs anything, he'll be there but Janae pulls away in tears, saying bye. Boyd sits, upset and unable to help Janae as Glenn looks on, out of place.
Back at number 30, Lolly is asking Ringo about what happened between him and Rachel. He says they are on hold but he doesn't really know what it means. However he says that it's what Rachel needs. They sit at the table and Lolly tells him that maybe it's for the best and Ringo asks if she thinks that they're not right for each other. Lolly says no and that they're great togther but they've only just started going out, should it be so hard, so soon?

Over in the living rom at number 26, Bree cradles Stingray's camera, noting how much he loved it, as Zeke gives her a drink. Zeke tells her although he hated hearing it himself, that it does get better. Upset, Bree doesn't want it to get better, she wants it to be this morning and start over. Zeke asks her if she wants to watch what is on the camera, but Bree says she doesn't know, it might make everyone sadder. But he disagrees, knowing Stingray, there will be something on the camera that will make everyone laugh. Janae emerges, questioning what's on the camera and Bree says that's what they are going to find out. Suddenly Janelle leaves the kitchen, angry, and asks what is wrong with everyone? In denial, she exclaims that Scotty needs them. Refusing to listen to Steiger's reasoning that Scott is indeed, she tells everyone that she won't give up on him, even if they do. Grabbing her keys, she heads for the hospital, Steiger following. An emotional Janae tells him that her mum can't cope with seeing Scott - in this state. But Steiger, mournfully replies, that maybe she has to.
At the hospital, an increasingly delusional Janelle tells everyone that this is just a mistake, and that Scott is okay. Dylan offers to come with her, much to her relief as Sky tries to reason with her. She tells Janelle that Stingray is dead, but Janelle doesn't believe a word. She says the doctors told her that he would be fine, and that he has to be. Remembering Dylan's 'death' - she says that she believed what everyone told her then, and look how that turned out. She won't give up on Scott, she says in a state of distress. Sky tells her that she'll come with her, they'll do this together, as a family.

Not long after, Janelle emerges from a corridor towards the seating area. Slow and weak, her face expressionless, as she sits. Her eyes begin to water and as she closes them, the horrible realisation that her beloved son is dead, finally creeps onto Janelle.
A now ownerless skateboard and helmet is propped against the outside wall of number 26. Inside, Janae asks Janelle if she'll be okay with this, who replies that this is exactly what they need. They are going to watch the tape. Harold and Sky sit down as Toadie, Lou and Lolly arrive carrying food. Dylan stands alone in the kitchen, as Paul enters the back door. He tells Dylan that he isn't here to make trouble and instead offers his help, holding the cheque. Dylan tells him that after all his schemes to bankrupt them, he now offers them money. Paul tells him that if he doesn't want it, don't cash it, before leaving. Bree shouts from the living room asking Dylan to come in, as they watch the tape:
"Dads don't come much better than yours. I mean, he pretty much beat the schizzle out of me for fiften years straight, but thats what brothers are for, right?..."



Tears trickle down the faces of Janae, Sky, Janelle. Harold and Bree, stare upset at the image of Stingray on the tape.
"But the way he looks at you, his little girl, he would lay down his life for you every single day for the rest of his life. That's a fact."
Janelle tells someone to get Dylan, he needs to see this. Sky heads into the kitchen to get him, but there is no one there, Dylan is gone.
Dylan heads in the doors of Scarlet Bar, finding Paul reading a paper in the corner. Paul asks him if he has come to take a few more potshots but Dylan tells him that he was surprised by his offer and thanks him. He tells Paul that he was upset and could use all the support he can get. Paul offers his condolences, Scott was a good kid - for a Timmins and that they used to be good sparring partners, himself and Dylan. And that he'll be there, whenever Dylan needs him. Dylan asks him if he means it, because he has to take care of the funeral arrangements and he can't face it alone. Paul agrees to help him.

Later, Dylan gets into his car, asking if Paul has his seatbelt on, he wouldn't want him to get hurt. In the passenger seat, Paul sits struggling, tied up and gagged, trying to speak. Dylan tells him that he has no idea what he is trying to say before driving off.

Stingray begins to end his diary:
"So thats it Kez, thats your family. You're one of us now. Bit of a curse really, but if you're gonna go through life with anyone, you could do a lot worse. Next entry, I'll give you some more of the fun stuff: Nana Janelle's fake boobs busting out, that kind of thing. Actually, come to think of it, Janelle's stuff-ups is kind of a boxset in itself. But one thing you'll always know about her, is how much she loves ya. She's a pretty ace lady when you think about it. And when you get older, you can start recording your own stuff and we'll all be in it and it'll be cuban: your mum, you, me..."
He smiles before giving a thumbs up to camera...
"Anyway, Cop ya."
He turns the camera off, leaving only a fuzzy screen.
Regular Cast Credits
Notes: The track played over several scenes in this episode was Bedouin Song by Lior.
by Conor