Title: In The Wake Of A Giant
Steiger attempts to get Dylan’s head together but is interrupted by the
reappearance of Kim Timmins. Janae tells Boyd she’s not pregnant but also breaks the news that Glenn also had a test done. Janelle tells Sky that she’s reorganised Stingray’s funeral to fit with his wishes.
Preparations begin as Scott Timmins coffin is brought out in front of rows of empty seats. The aftermath of chaos is revealed in Scarlet Bar and Dylan is seen huddled on the floor breathing heavily. Janelle and Janae lay out the crockery on their dining table; Janelle is trembling. At number 28, Zeke hugs Audrey but Rachel indicates it’s time to go. Toadie appears from the hall putting on his jacket.


In the hospital, Sky dresses Kerry. A large bouquet is placed on the coffin. Kim helps Bree tie her necklace. Sky picks out a hat for Kerry saying it was her uncle’s favourite, but then worries that it may have been a different one. At 26, Janae asks Bree if “the boys” will make it. She says Dwayne maybe, but Brandon won’t get there 'til
tonight. Janae says mum feels really bad about it. Candles are lit by the coffin.
As the Timmins congregate in their living area, Steiger says that Dylan isn’t in his room. Boyd opens the Scarlet Bar and discovers the mess; and Dylan. He slips back out the door and phones Janae. She tells Allan and Kim, and Allan says he’ll go and get him, but Kim asks if he can go, assuring Steiger that he won’t do a runner.



Back in the hospital Harold and Lou reassure Sky which of Kerry’s hats was Scott’s favourite. Lou says he said it made her look like a mushroom and Sky then remembers he called her “my little shiitake”, at which Harold
groans, prompting Lou to interject; “Never failed to get a rise out of old grumble bum”. Harold then explains “well it was the way he pronounced it”.
In the crematorium, Scott’s funeral service is placed on the empty

As Toadie and the Kinskis leave their home, Rachel grabs some tissues and Toadie comments on the irony of Karl and Susan leaving him to look after the children. He then asks if Rachel has some, she says she’ll be fine but he gets some for her too.
Sky, Kerry, Harold and Lou leave the hospital.

A photograph of Scott is placed on the coffin.
26 Ramsay Street; Allan asks Janelle if she’s ready. She shakes her head but he tells her “Come on sweetheart, I’ve got you”.

Boyd and Kim open up Scarlet Bar again and Kim runs over to Dylan where he is still in a ball. Kim picks his son up to his feet but Dylan says he “can’t go like this”. Kim tells him he knows he won’t let his mum and sisters go through it alone; “Come on son, lets go and say goodbye to your brother. Come on.”

Lead by Janelle, the mourners make their way into the crematorium and find their seats. Toadie sees Rachel begin to well up, and offers her a tissue. Dylan, looking shell shocked, sits down and is joined by Kim on his right and Sky and Kerry to his left. Sky asks if he’s going to say “Hi” to his
daughter, but Dylan says he doesn’t want her to know him as he is. Sky pleads for him to look at Kerry because “he’s alive in her”. Dylan looks, and then grabs Sky’s hand.
Boyd is cleaning up the mess at Scarlet. Glenn walks in and asks what happened, to which he replies “Dylan“. She asks if he’s OK and wonders why Boyd isn’t going to the funeral. Boyd says he doesn’t want to talk about it and that he’s finding things hard to deal with. Glenn tells him that
when things like this happen, you’ve got to share them with someone you love. Boyd looks thoughtful for a moment and then exclaims that she’s right. He tells Glenn he’s got to go and he’ll meet her for lunch. Glenn says “sure” but looks disappointed.

At the funeral Janae is giving her tribute to her brother:
“I really hated watching TV with Scotty, and not cos he couldn’t sit still for five seconds. He always ruined the ending. I mean, he was always like “Oh, I bet she’ll end up with him” or “He did it” or “She’s the vampire”.
Boyd slips in at the back of the audience.
“But what’s worse, is watching TV without him. And all of a sudden there’s this big, gaping hole in our family. No one to make sure we don’t go to bed mad at each other. No one to make you really feel good about yourself. You know, maybe if we’d been better prepared for this we would've hugged him tighter or just laughed harder at his jokes; they were lame HA! But what I do know for sure is that we couldn’t have loved him anymore than what we did.”

Inside, Bree is making her speech through tears:
“Everyday was like a wild adventure to Scotty. He always presumed the best in people. That’s the way little kids think of this world; it’s pretty special. It took falling in love with Sky and Kerry for him to realise he was just fine to begin with. They helped him to realise that being different to everybody else, is what made him so wonderful. We love you Scotty.
Dylan is still in an unresponsive daze so Sky stands up, holding Kerry, and starts to speak:
“Yeah, he was amazing. And Kerry’s gonna grow up hearing so many wonderful stories about him. They’re gonna be too good to be true. But you know what?, I’m not going to have to embellish on one single word. Stingray saved her life. He was my best friend, and he’ll never ever be replaced.”

Having left during Sky’s speech, Rachel sits down outside but is soon joined by her brother Zeke. She’s upset and says she doesn’t think she’ll find anyone who compares to Stingray. Zeke agrees “not in a million years” and tells her not to compare them. Rachel then asks “Ready?” and holds up a
piece of paper. Zeke confirms “Ready.” and holds up his piece of paper.


A few minutes later Rachel and Zeke have the audience laughing as they recite their poem for Stingray:
Rachel: “He was loved by all, not only the teens. He hated his veggies and wouldn't eat greens.”
Zeke: “He talked too much and there wasn't a shut-off. He did ace stunts and was a hit on 'Nut Off'.”
Rachel: “He cracked me up and was a shamster. He had a tat on him bum, named after a hamster.”
Zeke: “It took a while to learn his lingo. Hufter, spiggin, massa and cringo.”
Janelle chips in with “don’t forget bum-sled”, then Janae says “or Cuban”, and Sky; “or Clinton”. Lou turns to Harold and says “Yeah I used ‘shonked off’ just last week”. Toadie then claims he doesn’t know anyone else who could inhale a chilli milkshake through their nose. Everyone laughs, except Dylan who looks agitated. Boyd then stands to speak; “You know, if you
measured someone by the size of their heart, Stinger was a giant. Sorry mate, I let you down…” Enraged, Dylan leaps to his feet and turns on Boyd shouting “Don’t call him your mate!”. Kim holds Dyl back and tells him not to let his brother’s funeral be remembered like this. They sit back down.
Boyd gets back to the Scarlet Bar office where Glenn is sitting waiting. He apologises saying he ended up going to the funeral, but from now on it would be all about them. But Glenn disagrees, saying even though it’s bad timing, someone had to end it. Boyd starts to apologise again but Glenn tells him not to. She goes on to say he’s not a bad person so she can’t hate him, and then asks that when he looks back on this, he doesn’t use what happened with his dad as an excuse for how he treated her or Janae. She then says that she hopes Janae won’t take him back right away as he shouldn’t be loved unconditionally right now. As she leaves, she turns and says “Thanks for saving my life”.

A large group of young people have gathered in Ramsay Street; most are skateboarders. The funeral mourners make their way up the street and Janelle asks who the skaters are. Sky says she invited them as they were Stingray’s friends. Janelle is shocked as she’s never met them, but she’s also delighted he had so many mates. Steiger asks Janae and Bree if they’ve seen their dad anywhere. Janae guesses that he’s probably done a runner, but Steiger is more optimistic that he’s with Dylan somewhere. Bree asks why wouldn’t he have run as he knows Steiger’s going to arrest him. Allan confronts her about her theory but says “You don’t get chased unless you run”.
Janelle is thanking some of Scott’s mates for coming when Zeke and Rachel arrive holding a potted tree which they suggest for the backyard; “for Stingray”. Janelle thanks them for their thoughtfulness and the poem. Dylan wanders up the street and Steiger asks him where his dad is; still looking
dazed, Dylan doesn’t respond. Janelle takes Allan’s hands and asks if he’s ready to head out the back. They walk up number 26’s drive followed by the family and Stingray’s skateboarding friends flank the procession whilst knocking their boards on the ground. Janelle nods in recognition of the salute.


In the back garden, Toadie slowly digs a hole for Scott’s tree. Dylan steps in and begins swinging wildly at the ground with a pick. Sky shows Janae her new tattoo of Stingray’s name and asks if he would of liked it. Janae says “yeah, I think he would’ve gone nuts” but then tells her to look out as Harold is approaching, but he’d already seen it and warmly says he thinks he would have loved it. Dylan is becoming increasingly aggressive digging the hole so Lou calms him and takes over the work. Dylan goes over to Steiger and asks for help, saying he’s losing it, and that he needs locking up. Steiger says he doesn’t want to do that and then spots Kim in the background. He tells Dylan to hold tight, helps on the way, and then walks over towards Kim. They go
inside the house together as Janelle begins to speak:
“Excuse me, I’d like to say a few words. Thanks you, all of you for coming. I hope you’ve had a bite to eat and a good chinwag about our Scott. I was surprised so many of you turned up here today, but that was silly of me really. He made friends everywhere he went. His happiness was catching. Now we have to learn, how to keep going without him.”
In the Timmin’s kitchen, Kim explains to Allan that he’s been at the crematorium spending a few minutes alone with Scotty, but he’s now ready to be arrested and puts his hands behind his back to be cuffed. Allan tells him to wait and just tell him how he’s been earning money while he’s been
away. Kim replies he’s been working up north on a tourist boat, Port Douglas way. Allan asks if he’s kept his nose clean and Kim insists he has. Once again Kim puts his hands out for the cuffs and gruffly asks to get on with it, but Steiger says he has other plans for him. Kim looks confused.

A little later, Dylan is standing face to face with Kim and Steiger asks if they’re OK and Kim nods. Steiger pats Dylan on the back and leaves, prompting Dyl to ask what’s going on. Kim says he’s heading back up north and that Dylan’s coming with him. Unimpressed, the son asks his father “Why
would I do that?”. Kim explains he’s got to get his head together. Dylan says he’s not leaving Kerry or Sky, but Kim asks why not, as he’s been avoiding them all week. He goes on to say he knows what will happen if he stays. Dylan says he’s not like Kim, he doesn’t cut and run. Kim agrees and says he’ll get better before he knows it and come back to be a dad to Kerry. Dylan remains unconvinced saying he can’t get better quick as he can’t laugh, cry, share happy stories; he can’t do anything. He’s just so angry every minute of the day. Kim says if he stays, someone will get hurt and Dylan will end up in jail; so Janelle will lose two boys. He asks Dylan, “let me do this one good thing, let me be your dad”.



Back out in the garden, Dylan walks over to his mother and they hug, he then apologises to his sisters for how he’s been. He then goes over to Sky and Kerry and says “Don’t ever hate me”. Sky says that’s not possible, they love him. Dylan kisses Sky’s cheek and places a photo of himself and Scott under Kerry’s hand. Sky looks surprised and Dylan begins to walk away. Bree realises he’s leaving and asks if he has to go. He says he’s sorry and says he’ll be back as soon as he’s better. He kisses her on the forehead and leaves with Kim. Janelle appears with a can and waters the newly planted tree. Everyone gathers around and Bree hugs Janelle.
Regular Cast Credits
by David